The Assessment of Soil Quality at Paddy Fields in Merauke, Indonesia (original) (raw)

Soil quality assessment in organic and non organic paddy fi elds in Susukan, Indonesia


Supriyadi, Mustikaningrum, I. A., Herawati, A., Purwanto & Sumani (2018). Soil quality assessment in organic and non organic paddy fi elds in Susukan, Indonesia. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 24(5), 777–784 Paddy is the main food crops in Indonesia. Organic farming system especially paddy, is starting to developed because the decreasing of soil quality with non organic farming system. This study aims to fi nd out the comparison of soil quality of organic and non organic paddy fi elds with conventional irrigation system in Susukan, Central Java, Indonesia. This research uses descriptive explorative method with survey approach on 10 points of organic paddy fi eld and 2 points of non organic paddy fi eld. Statistical analysis was performed by correlation analysis and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to determined the indicators affecting soil quality, which are called minimum data set (MDS). Indicators was selected MDS include SOC, total N, C/N ratio, qCO2, CEC, Eh, avai...

Soil Function Analysis in Determining the Soil Quality Index of Paddy Fields in Salassae Village, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

Agricultural Science Digest, Volume 43 Issue 1: 40-45 (February 2023), 2023

Background: The quality of the function of paddy fields in Indonesia is strongly influenced by the high intensity of the level of management. Degradation of soil quality with improper management practice result in the loss of land resources and functions in the long term. Methods: This study uses survey methods and the determination of soil quality index is calculated based on the criteria of Mausbach and Seybold (1998) modified. Result: This research shows that the overall soil quality at the research location is still quite good. Locations 1,2,3 and 4 indicated a soil quality index with reasonable criteria, while location five indicated a decrease in soil quality index by 0.1% with moderate criteria. The decline in soil quality shown at location five was due to the level of management behavior in giving compost using only local knowledge. The results of this study indicate the main limiting level of soil quality at the research site is the availability of nitrogen and C-organic in the soil.

Assessment of Paddy Soil Quality Index Based on Differences in the Productivity of Paddy in Wonogiri Regency

Journal of Agricultural Studies, 2017

Rice or paddy is a staple food in some countries. The need for food is huge as the population growth increase, in Wonogiri regency majority of the land area is used as paddy field and land intensification is done to improve productivity. Land intensification raises the issues of having no definitive measure about the status of soil improvement after the cultivation practices of Paddy (Oryza sativa) has been done, in addition, the diversity of age utilization of paddy field by farmers resulting the differences in productivity that will affect the quality difference of the paddy field soil. The assessment is aimed to determine the soil quality function whether it’s good or bad after doing such land cultivation practices for a certain period. The assessment of soil quality is using data analysis method from the influential indicators based on the nature of at least the Minimum Data Set (MDS) that is obtained based on calculations of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Indicators that a...

The Assessment of Soil Quality Index for Paddy Fields with Indicator Biology in Jatipurno Districts, Wonogirl

Modern Applied Science, 2019

Increased rice needs in an extensive use of paddy fields in the Jatipurno, Wonogiri. Managing rice fields can reduce soil quality. Proper management can improve soil quality, Jatipurno has management such as organic, semi-organic and inorganic paddy field management which have a real effect on soil quality. Assessment of soil quality is measured by physical, chemical and biological indicators, where each factor has a different effect. The chemical indicators are often used as the main indicators for determining soil quality, whereas every parameter has the opportunity to be the main indicator. So, biological indicators can play indicators. The main indicators are obtained from the correlation test (p-values ≤ 0,05 - < 0,01) and Principal Component Analysis with high value, eigenvalues > 1 have the potential to be used as Minimum Data Sets. The result is biological can be able to use as the Minimum Data Set such as microbial carbon biomass, respiration, and total bacterial colo...

Mapping Soil Quality in Various Land Uses as a Basis for Soil Management in Wonogiri, Indonesia


Soil quality is closely related to environment because soil is not only viewed as a growing media for plants but also encompasses various environmental and health functions. It is important to know the quality of soil in order to keep it healthy, productive, and optimally functioning. This research aims to evaluate soil quality status in various land uses and to learn the land factors that are related to soil quality. Soil quality index (SQI) represents the soil quality status. SQI will then be used as the basis for soil management. A descriptive explorative research study was carried out in the Giritontro Sub-district, Wonogiri District, Indonesia. SQI indicators were obtained from 12 existing Land Mapping Units (LMU). SQI was obtained by determining the Minimum Data Set (MDS) with a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) test. Then SQI was mapped and statistically analyzed to determine the influence of land use and the determinant factors of SQI. Results showed that SQI in all area is...

Mapping of Soil Quality Index (SQI) for Paddy Fields Using Sentinel-2 Imagery, Laboratory Analysis, and Principal Component Analysis

Geosfera Indonesia

The use of intensive chemical inputs causes lower availability of nutrients, organic matter, cation exchange capacity, and soil degradation.Therefore, this study aims to assess the soil quality index (SQI) for paddy fields in Jember, East Java, Indonesia. Input data for this study consist of land cover (interpreted from the Sentinel-2 image), soil type, and slope maps. Furthermore, the procedure to calculate soil quality index (SQI) include (1) spatial analysis to create the land unit, (2) preparation of soil sampling, (3) soil chemical analysis, (4) principal component analysis (PCA), and (5) reclassifying soil quality index (SQI). The PCA results showed that three variables i.e., % sand, total- P, and % silt were strongly correlated to SQI, while three classes namely very low, low, and medium of SQI were sufficiently used to describe the spatial variability of the paddy field. Furthermore, approximately 41.14% of the paddy field area were classed as very low while 52.23%, and 6.6...

Soil quality assessment of the rainfed lowland ricefields under organic and conventional farming systems in Kaliwungu (Central Java)

Polish Journal of Soil Science

Rainfed lowland rice is grown in land where the irrigation systems depend on rainwater. The use of chemical fertilizers in large quantities in order to improve production of rice will result in soil quality degradation. In order to improve the condition of the soil, a system of organic farming was provided. The aim of this study was to quantify soil quality in rainfed lowland ricefields using soil quality indexes (SQI) and to compare SQIs of farming system under organic and conventional fertilization. The sample consists of seven sample points on soil fertilized organically and three sample points on soil which is managed in a conventional way, each taken from 5 subpoints at a depth of 0-30 cm and analyzed for 12 soil variables. The best representative soil quality variables forming a minimum data set (MDS) were selected using principal component analysis (PCA), and soil quality scores were obtained using both linear and non-linear scoring functions. The study results indicate that in case of organic farming system, the soil quality was better (SQI = 2.079) when compared to its quality in the conventional farming system (SQI = 1.397). The selected indicators used as the MDS are soil porosity, cation exchange capacity (CEC), soil organic carbon, C/N ratio, soil permeability, available-P (Av-P), and electrical conductivity (EC).

Using Soil Quality Index Plus to assess soil conditions and limiting factors for dryland farming

Sains Tanah: Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology, 2020

Agriculture 3.0 and Agriculture 4.0 requires appropriate agricultural practices, including soil data that are practical, accurate, and easy to understand. Using soil type maps and land suitability class maps for soil information not only challenges users but also does not provide soil quality information such as production potential and plant growth and production inhibitors. Other techniques that can provide more appropriate soil information for agricultural purposes are thus needed. This research suggests the soil assessment system Soil Quality Index Plus, which provides accessible information regarding soil conditions and plant growth and production inhibitors in the context of dryland farming. Field trials were conducted in 36 locations across five regencies in West Java, Indonesia. Soil Quality Index Plus accurately assessed soil quality by using 11 key parameters as a dataset: effective depth, texture class, bulk density, drainage, pH, cation exchange capacity, total organic n...

Assessment of soil quality in organic and non-organic paddy fields with technical irrigation system in Susukan

Polish Journal of Soil Science, 2020

Soil quality is a measure of the condition of soil. The goal of sustainable agriculture is to maintain a non-negative trend in productivity while maintaining soil quality. Susukan is an area in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, which has developed organic farming to increase rice productivity and quality. The main objective was to determine the sustainability of organic rice cropping systems. The organic farming system at the research location has been conducted for 8 years. Appropriate agricultural management can maintain the quality of soil, environment and improve the health of plants, animals and humans. This research aims to know the soil quality and determine the minimum data set (MDS) in organic and non-organic paddy field with a technical irrigation system. Paddy soil samples were analyzed in the laboratory. The parameters are porosity, permeability, hydrogen potential (pH), cation exchange capacity (CEC), soil organic matter (SOC), total-N (nitrogen), carbon/nitrogen (C/N)...

Soil quality index (SQI) as a tool to evaluate crop productivity in semi-arid Deccan plateau, India

Geoderma, 2016

Assessment of soil quality index (SQI) using only the surface soil properties provides an incomplete information as the crop productivity is influenced by both surface and subsurface properties, with the latter being inherently linked to pedogenic processes. Two different SQIs were estimated for soil surface (0-15 cm) and control section (0-100 cm) using soil profile data of six identified soil series in part of semi-arid tropical (SAT) Deccan plateau and correlated with crop yield. Principal component analysis (PCA) and expert opinion (EO) methods were used for selecting minimum soil data set (MDS). Additive and weighted index methods were compared for SQI estimation. SQI obtained showed variation as PCA and EO methods produced different results. In general, weighted index SQIs were better correlated with crop yield than the additive index SQIs for both PCA and EO methods. EO derived weighted index SQI were comparable for both surface and control section except for few cases and consistent in their correlation with the crop yield, indicating its better performance as compared to PCA. Reason is that the PCA is a data dimension reduction technique whereas EO method is primarily conceived by the experts on cause-effect relationship of soil properties (such as hydraulic conductivity, CaCO 3 and exchangeable sodium percentage) that are influenced by regressive pedogenic processes in SAT environments. Results showed that consideration of both surface and control section soil properties helps in establishing a good relationship between soil functions and management goal. In addition, it also satisfies the need to integrate both surface and subsurface soil information for soil quality assessment.