Defining the need for and proposing how to transform traditional into digital banks with the support of information and mobile technologies (original) (raw)
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Risk in Contemporary Economy, 2017
The technological evolution has brought about major changes in the behavior and expectations of bank customers. Thus, digital innovation is a "must" for the development of the domestic banking market. To the extent that more and more people are using new technologies, business models also change radically. The study focuses on the successful transformation of the banking organization into the context of the digitization of the economy, which offers extraordinary opportunities, but also on building the image of the future bank on the basis of five fundamental characteristics.
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The Role of Mobile Banking in the New Digital Financial Framework: A Literature Review
Editora Artemis eBooks, 2022
O conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons Atribuição-Não-Comercial NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Editora Artemis pelos autores. Permitido o download da obra e o compartilhamento, desde que sejam atribuídos créditos aos autores, e sem a possibilidade de alterá-la de nenhuma forma ou utilizá-la para fins comerciais. A responsabilidade pelo conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados, em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade é exclusiva dos autores. A Editora Artemis, em seu compromisso de manter e aperfeiçoar a qualidade e confiabilidade dos trabalhos que publica, conduz a avaliação cega pelos pares de todos manuscritos publicados, com base em critérios de neutralidade e imparcialidade acadêmica.
Impact of Digitalization of Banks
EPRA international journal of multidisciplinary research, 2021
Years ago, when people talked about the work of a bank, they would come up with answers such as accepting deposits and providing loans, but today the scenario has changed, nowadays it's more like bankinganytime, banking anywhere. This requires an innovative, robust, secure, optimized and agile platform to meet the expectations of empowered and tech-savvy customers. This is due to digitalization of banks. Change of data into a digital database with appropriate use of technology is called as digitalization. The concept of digitalization is not a mere transformation from traditional methods of banking towards a digital method. It is a crucial change how banks and other financial institutions learn about, interact and satisfy customers. Banks are the backbone of any economy. Banking sector is the largest and vital player in financial sector, it plays a dominant role in the development of the individual as well as the nation. IT (information technology) has given a push new innovations and methods in the product development and their delivery in the banking and finance sector. The focus of banking is shifting from mass banking to class banking. The start of value added and customized products and services leads them to technology enable banking. The main objective of this paper is to understand the impact as well as the pros and cons of digitalization.
Information technology in the banking sector: Review of mobile banking
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Banking in the Internet and mobile era
Electronic Markets, 2012
Large parts of today's banking business are based on the application of information technology (IT). This applies to advisory at the customer frontend to and internal operations in banks to the electronic stock exchanges and transaction networks. To position the five contributions in the special issue on "Banking in the Internet and Mobile Era", this editorial suggests a framework that structures the application areas of IT in the banking industry. It recognizes IT as the enabler for all four tiers of the banking value chain and highlights the specific role of the regulatory environment in this industry. The special issue emphasizes the transformation of the banking industry towards more customer-orientation as well as the role of Internet and mobile technologies to change established channels and banking services.
Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology , 2020
The banking sector plays an imperative role in the country's development. The development of the bankingsector depends upon the services provided by them to the customers in various aspects. New competitors to the market, new business models,and changing customer expectations and disintegration of traditional services are all backing to put traditional banks undertremendous pressure to unveiling new technology for their operations. Most of the banks start pioneering banking with object to create more value-based customers. ATM, NEFT, Internet banking, SMS banking, RTGS, Mobile banking,and cheque truncation system are some ofthe existing innovations. But there are some new innovations used by nonbanking institutionsand a few other foreign banks. These new innovations may be seized by the Indian banks. So, this paper enlightens the knowledge light onnew innovations in the banking and financial sector.The article targets defining digital transformations in banking, outlining how banks are developing and pointing out who the technology itself will be disruptive for the banking sector, but rather how they can deploy the technologies that cause disruptions,.
Digital disruption of the banking industry: Threat or opportunity?
Bankarstvo, 2016
Ako je prošlu deceniju bankarskog poslovanja obeležila prekomerna kreditna ekspanzija, danas govorimo u deceniji njegove digitalne transformacije. Usled uticaja digitalnih medija, velikih tehnoloških i promena u potrebama potrošača, banke su izložene digitalnom narušavanju svog poslovnog modela spolja i iznutra, što dovodi do inovacija u proizvodima, uslugama, distributivnim i prodajnim kanalima, poslovnim modelima i organizacionoj kulturi. Sektorske analize ukazuju da će buduća dobit sektora biti preusmerena ka onim finansijskim organizacijama koje uspešno koriste digitalne tehnologije za automatizaciju svojih procesa i kao analitička oruđa, kreiraju nove usluge i vrednosti za klijente koji žele da im banka bude uvek i svuda dostupna i transformišu organizacionu kulturu u agilnu i orijentisanu ka inovacijama. Uspešne bankarske strategije zasnovane su na razumevanju kako digitalna transformacija poslovanja može da stvori novu vrednost, tržišnim promena, a koje donose fin-teh inovatori, sveobuhvatnom poznavanju navika i očekivanja klijenata i postavljanju prioriteta prema investicijama u digitalno poslovanje.
The Impact of Applying New Technologies to the Development of Modern Banking
EMAN 2019 – Economics & Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, 2019
With the development of new technologies and sort of technological revolution, every business has experienced a transformation, in terms of the need to introduce new technologies, in order to achieve the highest level of competitiveness in the changed conditions of the present time, in the era of globalization. Banking is one of the areas that has experienced significant changes in the way of doing business for the last decade through the digitalization process. New business models with clients have been developed, as well as new products, which modern technology allows. The paper presents differences between the modern and traditional banking, which were created by the introduction of modern technologies in this field, as well as some negative effects of such trends, which are primarily reflected in the reduction of the number of employees in this field.