Canonical formulation for a non-relativistic spinning particle coupled to gravity (original) (raw)

Non-relativistic spinning particle in a Newton-Cartan background

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018

We construct the action of a non-relativistic spinning particle moving in a general torsionless Newton-Cartan background. The particle does not follow the geodesic equations, instead the motion is governed by the non-relativistic analog of Papapetrou equation. The spinning particle is described in terms of Grassmann variables. In the flat case the action is invariant under the non-relativistic analog of space-time vector supersymmetry.

Canonical formulation of a new action for a nonrelativistic particle coupled to gravity

Physical Review D

A detailed canonical treatment of a new action for a nonrelativistic particle coupled to background gravity, recently given by us, is performed both in the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations. The equation of motion is shown to satisfy the geodesic equation in the Newton-Cartan background, thereby clearing certain confusions. The Hamiltonian analysis is done in the gauge independent as well as gauge fixed approaches, following Dirac's analysis of constraints. The physical (canonical) variables are identified and the path to canonical quantisation is outlined by explicitly deriving the Schroedinger equation.

A new action for nonrelativistic particle in curved background

Physics Letters B

We obtain a new form for the action of a nonrelativistic particle coupled to Newtonian gravity. The result is different from that existing in the literature which, as shown here, is riddled with problems and inconsistencies. The present derivation is based on the formalism of galilean gauge theory, introduced by us as an alternative method of analysing nonrelativistic symmetries in gravitational background.

Classical spinning particles interacting with external gravitational fields

Nuclear Physics B, 1977

In this paper we study the coupling between the pseudoclassical spinning particle and an arbitrary gravitational field. The gravitational field is treated as a gauge field in order to deal with possible contributions from the torsion of space-time. We find that the spinning particle cannot be coupled directly to the torsion. We study the classical equations of motion which turn out to be the same as derived by Papapetrou in order to describe the so called pole-dipole singularity in general relativity. We discuss also the structure of the energy-momentum tensor for the spinning particle.

Spinning particles in general relativity

Physics Letters B, 1980

A lagranglan which leads to the standard equations for a spinning particle in a gravitational field (with torsion) is presented. It, leads to the correct grawtational field equations as well. For zero gravatatlonal field, the present approach gives a lagrangian description for any unitary irreducible representation of the connected Poincar~ group.

Covariant hamiltonian spin dynamics in curved space-time

The dynamics of spinning particles in curved space-time is discussed, emphasizing the hamiltonian formulation. Different choices of hamiltonians allow for the description of different gravitating systems. We give full results for the simplest case with minimal hamiltonian, constructing constants of motion including spin. The analysis is illustrated by the example of motion in Schwarzschild space-time. We also discuss a non-minimal extension of the hamiltonian giving rise to a gravitational equivalent of the Stern-Gerlach force. We show that this extension respects a large class of known constants of motion for the minimal case.

Spin in an arbitrary gravitational field

Physical Review D, 2013

We study the quantum mechanics of a Dirac fermion on a curved spacetime manifold. The metric of the spacetime is completely arbitrary, allowing for the discussion of all possible inertial and gravitational field configurations. In this framework, we find the Hermitian Dirac Hamiltonian for an arbitrary classical external field (including the gravitational and electromagnetic ones). In order to discuss the physical content of the quantum-mechanical model, we further apply the Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation, and derive the quantum equations of motion for the spin and position operators. We analyse the semiclassical limit of these equations and compare the results with the dynamics of a classical particle with spin in the framework of the standard Mathisson-Papapetrou theory and in the classical canonical theory. The comparison of the quantum mechanical and classical equations of motion of a spinning particle in an arbitrary gravitational field shows their complete agreement.

Equations of motion of a spinning relativistic particle in external fields

Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 1998

The motion of spinning relativistic particles in external electromagnetic and gravitational fields is considered. Covariant equations for this motion are demonstrated to possess pathological solutions, when treated nonperturbatively in spin. A self-consistent approach to the problem is formulated, based on the noncovariant description of spin and on the usual, "naïve" definition of the coordinate of a relativistic particle. A simple description of the gravitational interaction of first order in spin, is pointed out for a relativistic particle. The approach developed allows one to consider effects of higher order in spin. Explicit expression for the second-order Hamiltonian is presented. We discuss the gravimagnetic moment, which is a special spin effect in general relativity. 1

Spacetime dynamics of spinning particles - exact gravito-electromagnetic analogies

We compare the rigorous equations describing the motion of spinning test particles in gravitational and electromagnetic fields, and show that if the Mathisson-Pirani spin condition holds then exact gravito-electromagnetic analogies emerge. These analogies provide a familiar formalism to treat gravitational problems, as well as a means for a comparison of the two interactions. Fundamental differences are manifest in the symmetries and time projections of the electromagnetic and gravitational tidal tensors. The physical consequences of the symmetries of the tidal tensors are explored comparing the following analogous setups: magnetic dipoles in the field of non-spinning/spinning charges, and gyroscopes in the Schwarzschild, Kerr, and Kerr-de Sitter spacetimes. The implications of the time-projections of the tidal tensors are illustrated by the work done on the particle in various frames; in particular, a reciprocity is found to exist: in a frame comoving with the particle, the electro...