Syntactic Innovations in the Bulgarian Child Language (original) (raw)


Български език, 2019

Резюме: В статията се поставят на обсъждане проблеми, свързани с овладяването на българския език в ранна и предучилищна възраст. На базата на наблюдения на речевата продукция на пет български деца се прави опит да се покаже значението на "синтактичното начало" за езиковите постижения в онтогенезата. Във фокуса на изследователския интерес попадат синтактичните иновации, чрез които в кон-текста на потенциала на системата се компенсират езиковият и когнитивният де-фицит на детето и се създават условия за разширяването и повишаването на него-вата лингвистична компетенция. Речевите данни се анализират и интерпретират и във "вертикален", и в "хоризонтален" план. Тази двойно ориентирана изследова-телска парадигма създава благоприятни предпоставки за оптималното реализира-не на главната цел на дадената работа, а именно-феноменът синтактична инова-ция да се представи не толкова и не само "вертикално" в качеството му на откло-нение от нормата, но и "хоризонтално"-като помощен езиков механизъм, който осигурява съответната развойна фаза с достъпни за детското разбиране конструк-ции. Ключови думи: детска реч, български език, синтактични иновации Abstract: The article analyses problems related to the mastery of the Bulgarian language at early and preschool age. An attempt has been made to show the significance of the "syntactic beginning" for the linguistic achievements in ontogenesis on the basis of some observations on the speech production of five Bulgarian children. The focus of this research is on syntactic innovations, which, in the context of the system's potential, compensate for the child's linguistic and cognitive deficits and create conditions for expanding and enhancing his/her linguistic competence. Speech data is analyzed and interpreted both "vertically" and "horizontally". This double-oriented research paradigm creates favorable conditions for the optimal realization of the main goal we have set, namely the syntactic innovation phenomenon to be presented not so much and not only "vertically" as a deviation from the norm, but also "horizontally" as a supporting language mechanism that provides the relevant development phase with child-friendly constructions.

A Modern Theory in Bulgarian Syntax at the Turn of the 20TH Century

Journal of Bulgarian Language, 2019

В статията се коментира известната критична студия на Л. Милетич "Синтактични въпроси" от 1899 г., поместена в българското списание за наука и образование "Училищен преглед". Направено е резюме на формално-граматичната теория на немския учен Фр. Керн по Милетич, засегнати са основни проблеми на обучението по роден език в началото на XX век. Установен е фактът, че намесата на академичната мисъл в училищното образование се отразява положително върху усвояването на знанията и тяхното прилагане от учениците. Ключови думи: синтаксис на българския език, формално-граматична теория, обучение по роден език, учебници по български език след Освобождението, Любомир Милетич, Франц Керн

Тенденции и промени в съвременната българска граматика / Trends and changes in the modern Bulgarian Grammar

Български език, LХІІ, 2015, № 3, стр. 7-24. Typical of grammatical change is that for a long time they occur and therefore are assessed as more or less unacceptable deviations from rules and regulations. In grammatical irregularities may nevertheless be seen development trends with important structural importance for Bulgarian language. The article outlines some of the most important grammatical innovations in modern Bulgarian language. Detailed are discussed innovations that are provoked by foreign language influences, but whose expanding use is facilitated by the "permeability" of the individual units of the grammatical system of our modern language.

The Ritual Culinary Lexis Related to the Birth of a Child in the Bulgarian Dialects (Semantics and Motivation)

Ezikov Svyat (Orbis Linguarum)

The paper presents ritual culinary lexis related to the ritual of childbirth from the Bulgarian dialects. In the ethnocultural aspect, the motivational sign of the names that underlie the nomination are studied, and according to which they are classified into separate groups. Ethnographic material is of particular importance in determining the motivational sign of the names, although there are terms in which it would be very difficult to determine the motivating word even in the context of the whole ritual. In each group the culinary terms are presented with their meanings and distribution in the Bulgarian language territory. The material is excerpted from the "Archive for Bulgarian Dialect Dictionary" at the Institute for Bulgarian Language "Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin" - BAS, "Bulgarian etymological dictionary", from field work and other written dialect sources. The semantics of the names is analyzed in the context of the birth rite with which it is dir...

Some cases of linguistic interference in Bulgarian in English-Bulgarian bilingual children and english native speakers learning Bulgarian as a second language

Proglas, 2020

he study examines some linguistic errors in the process of learning Bulgarian by Bulgarian-English bilingual children and by native English speakers who study Bulgarian as a second language. The emphasis is on some typical interference errors which are common (identical) for both the bilingual children’s speech and the speech of native English speakers learning Bulgarian as a second language. Based on the analyzed aberration corpus, the opinion we give is that many of the processes taking place during the acquisition of the Bulgarian language are the same for both bilingual children with English and native English speakers.

Teaching Bulgarian as a Foreign Language from a Morphosyntactic Perspective: Valency and Rection of the Bulgarian Verbs

Ezikov Svyat volume 20 issue 1, 2022

Despite the skepticism of a number of linguists towards the valency theory it should take an important place in foreign language teaching. Valency theory is closely related to the phenomenon of verb rection. The valency of a verb refers to its ability to control the number and type of the arguments that can appear in its environment. Valency is a syntactic (and a semantic) notion. The rection of a verb refers to its ability to determine the morphological form of the words that appear in its environment. Since the verb is in control of the declension of the neighbouring words (nouns, adjectives, pronouns, etc.), that is to say, it requires a word to be modified to express different grammatical categories such as number, case, definiteness, etc., rection could be considered a morphological notion. Due to the interface between this two phenomena, in other words, due to the interaction between syntactic and morphological features of the words a morphosyntactic approach is applicable in ...

Aorist and Imperfect in the Bulgarian Language Today

Journal of Bulgarian Language

Предмет на изследването са грешките в употребата на двете глаголни времена в съвременната българска реч: употреба на форми на аориста вм. на имперфекта (с по-висока честотност в употребата) и обратно -погрешна употреба на имперфект вм. на аорист (с по-ниска честотност според извадките и наблюденията). Зад изложението и анализа на погрешните употреби се откроява основната цел на изследването: да се установи дали грешките имат закономерен характер и дали смесването на формите на двете глаголни времена очертава тенденции в развитието на темпоралната система и нейното сложно взаимодействие с глаголния вид.

Synonym Relations in the New Lexis in Bulgarian and Czech

Journal of Bulgarian Language, 2018

The paper examines synonymous neologisms in Bulgarian and Czech. It discusses some specific features of synonymy as a part of the paradigmatic relations in neology. Moreover, it analyses the ways of creating synonymous neologisms in the two languages. The authors conclude that the tendencies in the emergence of synonymy relations in Bulgarian and Czech are similar to each other.