Analysis of Factors Correlated to Work Fatigue of Hospital Nurses in Bandar Lampung (original) (raw)

Work Fatigue Determination of Nurses in Hospital of Hasanuddin University

Journal of Asian Multicultural Research for Medical and Health Science Study

This study aims to determine the effect of body mass index (BMI), sleep patterns, working years, physical workload, mental workload, and work time on work fatigue on nurses at Hasanuddin University Hospital Makassar. This research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design with a sample size of 56 people. Sampling using a simple random sampling method. Data collection was carried out by means of a questionnaire. Bodyweight is measured by weight scales, body temperature is measured by microtoice, and physical workload is measured by a pulse oximeter, which is by looking at the pulse of the nurse before and after work. Data analysis in this study used the SPSS program. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence between Body Mass Index (BMI) on work fatigue (p = 0.001), there is an effect of sleep patterns on work fatigue (p = 0.019), there is an effect of tenure on work fatigue (p = 0.017), the relationship between physical workload and work fatigue (p = ...

The Relationship between Shift Work and Occupational Fatigue on Nurses Working on the Pediatrics and Internal Wards of Muhammadiyah Palembang Hospital

Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal, 2021

Shift work is a method of allocating work time to different workgroups. Fatigue is defined as an abnormal sensation of tiredness, sluggishness, or a lack of desire to engage in activities, which results in stress, depression, or other negative emotions. In order to satisfy patients within 24 hours, hospitals must organize nurses by shift. The goal of this study at Muhammadiyah Palembang Hospital was to see if there was a link between shift work and fatigue in pediatric and internal ward nurses. This cross-sectional and analytic study entailed 26 respondents from the total sampling method used. In this study, those who worked shifts included those who worked in the morning (12 respondents (46.2 %), evening (8 respondents (30.8%), and night (6 respondents (23.1 %). Fatigue has been linked to 38% of RSMP's overworked pediatric ward nurses and interna, with a p-value of 0.029. The hospital should provide rest periods for nurses, especially those who work the last shift because they ...

The Relationship between Individual Characteristics, Work Shift and Mental Workload with Work Fatigue in Nurses at Wava Husada Hospital

World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews

Nurses are one of the professions that have a high risk of work fatigue. Almost 80% of nurses in Canada experience work fatigue. Work fatigue occurs due to an imbalance between task demands and work capacity. This study included quantitative research with an analytical observational type of research. The research design used was cross-sectional. The population of this study was all inpatient nurses of Wava Husada Hospital with a sample of 136 respondents. The result showed that 12.5% of nurses experienced low category work fatigue, 69.1% of nurses experienced moderate category work fatigue, 16.9% of nurses experienced high category work fatigue and 1.5% of nurses experienced very high category work fatigue. There was a moderate relationship between age (r=0.509) and work fatigue. There was no relationship between sex (r=-0.055) and work fatigue and no relationship between length of service (r=0.127) and work fatigue. Then there was a moderate relationship between nutritional status ...

Different Effect of Shift Work on Fatigue and Work Related Stress in Emergency Room Nurses at the Hospitals in Badung and Denpasar Regency, Bali, Indonesia

Background: Shift work is a way to maintain proper health care daily at hospital. Shift work may affect fatigue level of nurse and work related stress in Emergency Room (ER) nurses. Generally there are two types of shift work, such as two and three division time a day. The three-division time shift includes 6-6-12 shift and 7-7-10 hours shift, and twodivision time includes 12-12 hours shift. Lack of studies discusses about shift work on fatigue and work related stress in ER nurses. Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the differences of the effects between 6-6-12 shift, 7-7-10 shift, and 12-12 shift on fatigue and work related stress, and determine the dominant indicator influencing fatigue and work related stress in emergency nurses at the hospitals in Badung and Denpasar regency, Bali Indonesia. Methods: This was an observational analytic study with cross sectional approach. Purposive sampling was done to recruit 102 nurses from eight emergency departments at Badung and Denpasar regency. Occupational Fatigue Exhaustion Recovery (OFER) questionnaire was used to measure fatigue, and Expanded Nursing Stress Scale (ENSS) questionnaire was used to measure work related stress. Univariate analysis was used to analyze demographic characteristics of each ER. Kruskall-Wallis test with post hoc Mann Whitney were used to determine the different score of fatigue and work related stress between each group, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to identify contribution of fatigue toward work related stress of ER nurses. Results: There were significant difference of the effect of shift work on fatigue, between 6-6-12 shift and 12-12 shift with p = 0.037, and between 7-7-10 shift and 12-12 shift with p = 0.003; and significant difference of the effect of shift work on work related stress, between 6-6-12 shift and 12-12 shift with p = 0.474, and between 7-7-10 shift and 12-12 shift with p = 0.128. SEM results show that fatigue contributed about 61% to increase work related stress in ER nurses. Conclusion: There was significant difference of the effects on fatigue between two and three-division time of shifts, and there was no difference of the effect on work related stress for each group. Fatigue statistically increased work related stress in ER nurses.

Fatigue and Work Satisfaction of Emergency Nurses in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Belitung Nursing Journal

Background: Emergency nurses are required to always carry out their roles in a variety of situations and conditions. Nursing services in the emergency unit must be done quickly and accurately. Data showed that the number of patient visits in the Emergency Unit of Hasan Sadikin Hospital in August 2017 was 3,059 (73% of patients with category III) with an average visit of 99 people per day. This causes overcrowding in the emergency unit, which lead to fatigue and influence work satisfaction.Aim: The aim of this study was to determine fatigue and job satisfaction of emergency nurses in Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.Methods: This was a quantitative descriptive study, which involved 55 respondents. Fatigue was measured using Individual Strength Checklist Instrument of 20-self-reported questionnaire (CIS20R), and job satisfaction was measured using McCloskey / Mueller Satisfaction Scale (MMSS).Results: The mean value of work fatigue was 3.4 with the highest value...

The Influence of Physical and Mental Workload and Energy Intake on Nurse Work Fatigue in the Inpatient Room of the Dr. Pirngadi Regional General Hospital

Contagion: Scientific Periodical Journal of Public Health and Coastal Health

Fatigue is a mechanism in which the body has to warn that something is disturbing the body, and it can recover after resting. Fatigue is one of the factors causing work accidents which causes as many as 2 million workers to die each year, and as many as 18,828 people (32.8%) out of 58,115 samples experience fatigue at work. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of physical and mental workload as well as energy intake on the work fatigue of nurses in the inpatient room of Dr. Pirngadi Regional General Hospital. This quantitative study uses a cross-sectional design using a proportional random sampling technique. The sample in this study was the nurse in the Inpatient Room at Dr. Pirngadi Regional General Hospital, namely as many as 63 nurses. Work fatigue was measured using a reaction timer, the physical workload was measured using pulse calculations, the mental workload was measured using the NASA-TLX questionnaire, and energy intake was measured using the estimated foo...

Factors that Cause Work Fatigue of Nurses in the Inpatient Installation RSUD Prof. Dr. Soekandar Mojosari

— Work fatigue is a feel of weary body with work activities in a long time indicated by increase the concentration of blood lactic acid the amount range between 1-2 mmol/l of blood. RSUD Prof. Dr. Soekandar Mojosari was one of the hospitals located in Mojokerto, nurses Installation Inpatient in there was susceptible to get work fatigue caused by overload weakness.This research aims to analyze the factors cause to the work nurse fatigue in the RSUD Prof. Dr. Soekandar Mojosari. This research is quantitative research with cross sectional design research obtained by using the technique of sampling means that 28 nurses. Linier regression test results revealed that the work load (p=0,001) has a relationship with the work fatigue at the time of 4 hours after the work and age (p=0,005) has a relationship with the work fatigue at the time of 8 hours after the work.

The Relationship between Work Shifts and Work Environment with Nurse Fatigue in the Emergency Department

The Indonesian Journal of Occupational Safety and Health

Introduction: Work fatigue is one of the common health problems faced by nurses. Work shifts and work environment are factors that cause work fatigue for nurses. Nurse fatigue can cause work accidents and decreased work productivity. It was reported that 47% of employees experienced decreased productivity, and 32% of employees experienced injuries and near misses due to work fatigue. This research aimed to figure out whether and to what extent work shifts and work environment were correlated with nurse fatigue at the emergency department of Surabaya Haji General Hospital. Method: This analytic observational study employed a cross-sectional approach with work fatigue as the dependent variable and work shifts and work environment as independent variables. This research used the Spearman’s correlation test with 30 emergency department nurses at Surabaya Haji General Hospital as the samples. The instruments used in this research were work environment questionnaires and work fatigue ques...

Work-Related Fatigue and the Effective Factors in the Iranian Nurses

Archives of Hygiene Sciences

Background & Aims of the Study: Nursing is one of the highly stressful jobs. Nurses have to provide health service, in many cases, to the patients with incurable disease. Working in such environment induces severe and permanent mental pressures, which in long-run can create fatigue and negative effects on performance of the nurses. The main objective of the present study is to survey effects of occupational fatigue and the pertinent factors on the nurses working in Kermanshah hospitals. Materials & Methods: The study is a cross-sectional study conducted on 112 nurses in Kermanshah-based hospitals in 2015. Data gathering was performed using job information and demographics questionnaire and Sweden occupational fatigue inventory (SOFI). The collected data was analyzed in SPSS-16. Results: The results showed that 67.9% of the nurses suffered from low and moderate fatigue, 23.2% suffered from high fatigue, and 8.9% suffered from very high fatigue. The highest mean scores of fatigue symptoms in the nurses were obtained by burnout, inability, drowsiness, yawning, and disinterest. The results showed significant relationship between occupational fatigue and its aspects. Fatigue in men was higher than that of women and it was more evident in married participants comparing with unmarried participants. In addition, nurses with masters' degree, those in evening and overnight shifts, nurses with a second job, and the participants who expressed dissatisfaction with their job and their colleagues showed more occupational fatigue. Conclusions: The results showed that work-related fatigue was moderate to high in the participants. Therefore, it is recommended that nurses can consider some items to manage fatigue like reducing overworking, sleeping enough, using good nutrition and enough rest to improve the work system.

Characteristics and Physical Workload of Nurses on Night Shifts with Work Fatigue


At RSUD Sidoarjo, it was discovered that 44% of nurses experienced fatigue. Fatigue occurs due to several factors, one of which is the physical workload. The objective of this study is to examine the physical workload and characteristics of nurses on night shifts on the fatigue of inpatient tulip nurses at RSUD Sidoarjo in 2022. The number of samples was 30 respondents with the sampling technique encompassing all of population of nurses on night shifts. The results demonstrated that there was no influence between physical workload on work fatigue with a value of 0.717, as well as characteristics incorporating age, length of service and gender which had no effect on work fatigue with a value of 0.636, respectively; 0.747 and 0.235. The result of the study indicates that workload, age, working period, and gender of nurses have no effect on nurses' work fatigue. The conclusion is there was no influence between physical workload and characteristics of nurses on night shifts on the f...