Intenções Empreendedoras: Estudo Com Alunos De Administração Do Centro Universitário Vale Do Ipojuca (Unifavip/Devry) (original) (raw)

Intenção empreendedora na universidade


Abstract: Entrepreneurship may be an occupational alternative for university students, especially in a scenario with high unemployment rates. In the present study, we aimed to verify the differential functioning (DIF) of an entrepreneurial intention scale (EIQBr-b) in students of humanities (n = 50), social sciences (n = 50), health (n = 47) and exact sciences (n = 50). We used Rasch-Rating-Scale-Score Model and analyzed DIF by the Mantel-Haenszel method for polytomous items. We found that students of social sciences presented less difficulty in the items that emphasized the planned proposition of their own company. The items related to self-determination and career did not present DIF between the different areas. For that reason, it is necessary to plan, develop and improve the actions of education and professional orientation for entrepreneurship, considering particularities among the areas of knowledge that differentiate the manifestation of entrepreneurial intention among the gr...

Intenção empreendedora: alunos dos cursos de mestrado da ESEIG-IPP


This study intends to explain the entrepreneurial intention using a multivariate model. Previous empirical studies use only one class of explanatory variable but our purpose is to generate a more complete explanatory model that can explain the entrepreneurial intention of the students who attended the curricular unit Entrepreneurship. It was applied a questionnaire to the 40 master students who attended the curricular unit Entrepreneurship in the 2016/2017 school year. The results show that that personal background (gender and attendance of an entrepreneurship course), business knowledge (involvement in patenting activities and protection of intellectual property, possess analytical skills and possess the ability to think critically), entrepreneurial motivations (satisfy a market need and create something for oneself), and the institutional environment (knowledge of IPCA structures support to entrepreneurship) contribute for entrepreneurial intentions of master students. These resul...

Propensão Empreendedora Entre Estudantes Participantes De Empresas Juniores

Regepe Revista De Empreendedorismo E Gestao De Pequenas Empresas Issn 2316 2058, 2014

The purpose of this study is to identify whether Junior Enterprise Associations, a professional like gathering of undergraduate students in Business Administration to provide consulting services, contribute to the entrepreneurial propensity of their components. Through a descriptive study, 163 undergraduate students in Business Administration were surveyed, with 88 undergraduates who had not participated in Junior Enterprises and 75 who participated or are participating. Findings indicate that the latter presented 5 higher significant mean behaviors when compared with students who did not participate. It was also observed a greater propensity of students of Junior Enterprise to start a business of their own in the long term as compared to their non-participant counterparts. It is possible to suggest that working experience in a Junior Enterprise Association environment influence the likelihood of students in developing entrepreneurial attitudes and actually engaging in a start up business activity.

A intenção empreendedora dos discentes de graduação na área de negócios e tecnologia da informação de uma faculdade particular na Serra (ES)

Departamento de Engenharia de Produção - Universidade Federal de Sergipe, 2016

The aim of this research is to identify whether there is a difference between the undergraduate students in the area of Business and Information Technology of a private college in Serra-ES in their Personal Attitudes, Perceived Behavioral Control and Entrepreneurial Intent. The method used was the default. As a tool, we used a closed structured questionnaire, adapted from originally developed by Liñán and Chen (2009). The sample of this research consisted of 157 undergraduate students in the area of Business and Information Technology of a private college in the state of Espirito Santo. The results of this survey reveal significant differences between Personal Attitudes, Perceived Behavioral Control and Entrepreneurial Intention among area courses of Business and Information Technology.


Este espaço é dedicado a todas as pessoas que, directa ou indirectamente, contribuíram para a realização de mais uma etapa importante na minha vida. Quero agradecer ao Professor Doutor Eduardo Luís de Campos Soares Tomé o facto de me ter dado o privilégio de trabalhar com ele, salientando a forma como me orientou, o entusiasmo, a dedicação, o apoio, a disponibilidade, o profissionalismo e o interesse que sempre demonstrou. Sem a sua colaboração esta investigação não seria possível. À Fundação Minerva -Universidade Lusíada de Vila Nova de Famalicão, na pessoa da Reitora da Universidade Lusíada de Vila Nova de Famalicão, Professora Doutora Rosa Moreira, por me ter concedido a oportunidade de frequentar o 2º Ciclo de Estudos e à Directora da Faculdade Professora Doutora Elizabeth Real Oliveira pela enorme disponibilidade e apoio.

A intenção empreendedora dos alunos concluintes dos cursos de graduação em administração em ciências contábeis das instituições de ensino superior de Curitiba - PR


Undertake economic transformation can mean personal and social. A appropriate location for finding the latent desire to undertake are Higher Education Institutions, especially those designed to management, as courses in Business Administration and Accounting. Curitiba has 55 HEIs offering at least one of the two courses and form more than 10,000 students per period. As a result, it becomes relevant investigate the differences in the entrepreneurial profile of students graduating the courses mentioned, as well as factors that influence the intention these enterprising students. The behavior was analyzed based the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB-Theory of Planning Behavior), which describes a number of factors that can influence the behavioral intention of the respondents. The methodology used was descriptive, survey-type, using structured questionnaires, a non-probability sample was removal of a population for the research and how to process, quantitative and numerical data to collect and examine and reflect on perceptions to gain understanding of social activities and humanities. For inferences of statistical tests were performed factor analysis, to exclude some influential variables, regression linear, to see how each variable could explain the intent enterprising of the respondents and finally test was used to hypotheses nonparametric Mann-Whitney test to compare mean obtained in the two courses. After testing was performed analysis of results to answer the research question concerning the existence of differences in the entrepreneurial profile of students graduating from courses Degree in Business Administration and Accounting.

Intenção Empreendedora Entre Universitários Brasileiros e Portugueses

Revista Reuna, 2021

This research aims to verify the influence of the profile of Brazilian and Portuguese university students on entrepreneurial intention. This is a quantitative and descriptive study, with data collected from 397 university students-285 individuals from a Brazilian University and 112 from a Portuguese University, both with courses related to management and disciplines aimed at entrepreneurship. A set of items was adopted, addressing the sociodemographic characteristics and the professional experience of the parents, based on methodological bases in Carvalho and González (2006) and Thompson (2009). The statistical techniques used are segmented into descriptive statistics and logistic regression. The results allowed us to point, first, to the Brazilian sample: positive influence of professional experience (owner of a company), in line with Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior (1991), which shows that the greater the intention, the more likely it is entrepreneurial behavior; and negative influence of the female sex and the experience of the parents (parents who are not entrepreneurial), thus verifying a positive influence of the family context on the entrepreneurial intention. In addition, for the Portuguese sample, there was a negative influence related to the year in which the student entered the university, that is, the more recent the year in which he entered the university, the less his entrepreneurial intention is. Given the impact of this research, it is worth mentioning the incentive for the establishment of policies and practices for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), to boost and motivate entrepreneurship, conditioning the development of more entrepreneurial universities. The results contribute to expand the knowledge about entrepreneurial intention, essential to understand entrepreneurship between different countries.


3 RESUMO Este trabalho acadêmico tem por objetivo identificar as missões, objetivos de criar planos estratégicos, táticos e operacionais, com o uso de ferramentas de gestão administrativas, como: análise SWOT, 5W2H, brainstorming, meta smart, matriz de Ansoff e de Petter, onde apresentaremos como uma assessória aos proprietários e gestores da empresa fictícia. O conteúdo foi desenvolvido a partir de referenciais teóricos distintos de reflexões e considerações de autores embasados, com tópicos e subtópicos relativos ao tema. Foram apresentados os conceitos básicos e correlatos que compõem o tema; a visão histórica; análise das de resultado de uma pesquisa de caso relacionado ao "A empresa que queria crescer".

Empreendedorismo: Análise Do Perfil Dos Acadêmicos Do Curso De Administração Da Unimontes


O estudo sobre empreendedorismo tem se tornado cada vez mais significativo no contexto nacional. Conhecer o perfil empreendedor esta intimamente ligado ao desenvolvimento economico e social de uma regiao. Este artigo teve por objetivo geral analisar se os discentes do curso de Administracao que possuem perfil empreendedor. A pesquisa caracterizou-se como pesquisa descritiva, quantitativa, nao probabilistica por conveniencia, utilizando como embasamento teorico a pesquisa bibliografica. A unidade de analise foi os academicos da Unimontes do campus de Brasilia de Minas. O instrumento de coleta de dados utilizado foi o questionario, sendo este aplicado para 63 academicos de Administracao da Unimontes do campus de Brasilia de Minas. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa revelaram que os discentes do curso de Administracao possuem perfil empreendedor. Dentre os perfis analisados foram identificados o empreendedor superior, o empreendedor medio superior, o empreendedor medio, o empreendedor m...