Fare Rame. La metallurgia primaria della tarda età del Bronzo in Trentino: nuovi scavi e stato dell’arte della ricerca sul campo (original) (raw)
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Ugelli utilizzati nella metallurgia del rame durante l’età del Bronzo
Fare Rame. La metallurgia primaria della tarda etá del Bronzo in Trentino: nuovi scavi e stato dell´arte della ricerca sul campo / Bellintani, P ; Silvestri, E, 2021
Tutti i diritti riservati-nessuna parte di questo libro può essere riprodotta o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo elettronico, meccanico o altro, senza l'autorizzazione dei proprietari dei diritti d'autore e dell'editore Presidente della Provincia autonoma di Trento Maurizio Fugatti Assessore all'istruzione, università e cultura Mirko Bisesti Dirigente generale del Dipartimento istruzione e cultura Roberto Ceccato Dirigente generale di Unità di missione strategica per la tutela e la promozione dei beni e delle attività culturali
New Evidence of Archaeometallurgical Activities During the Bronze Age in Trentino
P. Bellintani, E. Mottes, F. Nicolis, E. Silvestri, L. Stefan, M. Bassetti, N. Degasperi, N. Cappellozza, 2010. New Evidence of Archaeometallurgical Activities During the Bronze Age in Trentino, in ANREITER P. et alii (eds.). Mining in European History. Special Conference of the SFB HiMAT: Historical Mining Activities in the Tyrol and Adjacent Areas: Impact on Environment and Human Societies, Proceedings of the International Conference, Innsbruck, 12-15 November 2009, pp. 277-282.
In central-southern Tuscany radiolarite has been used as a lithic raw material throughout prehistory. During the Copper Age it was selected for the local production of leaf-shaped artefacts. In the area considered, the Copper Age record is almost totally restricted to burials and virtually no settlements have been investigated so far. Radiolarite artefacts are found mostly as refined arrow and, possibly javelin, heads used as grave goods. Within this context, the discovery and recent investigation of the large radiolarite quarry of La Pietra (Roccastrada, Grosseto) and of the related workshops is of great interest. Our aim here is to integrate the record from this site with other contemporary evidence of radiolarite exploitation. A programme of surveys has thus begun on the other radiolarite outcrops of the area in order to verify the existence of further rock quarrying or working. The discovery of a previously unknown quarry-workshop and two previously unknown workshops on radiolarite outcrops is presented here for the first time. The geological and archaeological data coming from the quarry-workshops will be used, in a future stage of research, to source the radiolarite artefacts found in Copper Age graves of Central Italy. The Copper age armatures are valuable artefacts mostly kept in museums and fully non-destructive analyses must be applied to them. To tackle these challenges, we followed a methodological approach which integrates field surveys, the individuation of petrographic markers of the most exploited radiolarite horizons and geochemical analyses. For geochemical characterization, we made use of pXRF portable spectrometer and here we present some preliminary results in the light of current methodological debate. In conclusion, even if some methodological questions remain open, we verified the feasibility of this programme of geographical, geological and geochemical characterizations and need now to increase our dataset in order to reconstruct a viable picture of Copper age lithic economy in central-southern Tuscany.
The present paper attempts to clarify the level of metallurgical knowledge achieved at the end of the Bronze Age in the Luserna copper smelting site, located in the Trentino area, a region well known for the number of protohistoric copper smelting sites. Over eighty slags samples of Luserna were investigated in order to understand: 1) the technological development of the smelting processes performed, 2) the possible use of different working-steps in the metal production process and the copper extraction efficiency, 3) the ore source of the smelted minerals. For these purposes a multi-analytical approach has been applied, involving minero-petrographic analyses and lead isotopes analyses.