An analysis of the efficiency of indigenous chicken marketing channels in Makueni County, Kenya (original) (raw)

Factors influencing marketing channel choices for improved indigenous chicken farmers: insights from Baringo, Kenya

British Food Journal, 2020

PurposeImproved indigenous chicken is considered a sustainable agricultural practice with social, economic and environmental indicators. Therefore, the analysis of the choice of market channels is of considerable importance to farmers with reference to improved livelihoods and poverty alleviation in developing countries. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that influence market channel choices among improved indigenous chicken farmers in Baringo County and to rank the determinants according to their level of importance in influencing farmer's choice of marketing channels.Design/methodology/approachA multistage sampling technique was employed to collect data from 209 households for the study conducted between April and July 2019, out of which, 198 useful responses were obtained. Multinomial logit regression and neural network models were used to analyze the factors influencing market channel choice based on socioeconomic, demographic and farm characteristics.F...

Investigation of Market Factors Influencing Commercialization of Indigenous Chicken Farming by Small Scale Farmers in Kericho County, Kenya


Indigenous chicken commercialization is crucial in ensuring increased productivity hence increased food security and income of rural people. Poultry products are an essential component of diets in both rural and urban centers. However, the production has remained subsistence in nature, characterized by low productivity. The commercialization provides major opportunities for increased production and incomes for smallholder farmers and plays a role in poverty reduction. Despite the high demand for indigenous chicken in urban areas because of leanness and good taste, very few farmers consider it as a commercial enterprise. The purpose of this study was to investigate market factors influencing commercialization of indigenous chicken farming by small scale farmers in Kericho County, Kenya. Descriptive research design was used to analyze the factors that influence commercialization of indigenous chicken farming. The target populations were 800 indigenous chicken farmers from 46 groups an...

Profitability of Indigenous Chicken: The Case of Producers in Makueni County, Kenya

Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 2014

Indigenous Chicken(IC) (Gallus domestica) is increasingly becoming an essential component of diets in urban centers. This increase in demand is accompanied by an increase in production by smallholder farmers. These farmers rely on the indigenous chicken for food security, household income, employment and quick funds in emergencies. The profit associated with the production of indigenous chicken, constitutes part of the contribution of the Agriculture sector to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Kenya. However, in Makueni County there is little information on the amount of profit from production of IC or its relationship with socioeconomic factors. The objectives of this study was to calculate the profit of IC in Makueni and to determine the relationship between socio economic factors and profit from IC.A total of 130 households were sampled using multi stage sampling after which data was collected using a pre tested questionnaire in a house hold survey. These data was then analysed using budgetary analysis and multiple regression in STATA 11. The results showed that the profit from IC production in Makueni was Ksh. 5347/100 birds (1US$= Ksh86.70).Age, education, access to credit, flock size, price and years in farmer group had a significant relationship with the profit. Therefore it is recommended to form marketing groups that will engage in contractual agreements with final buyers of indigenous chicken.

Influence of prices on market participation decisions of indigenous poultry farmers in four districts of eastern province, Kenya


Over 70% of the domesticated birds in Kenya are indigenous chicken (IC) providing meat and table eggs. They are frequently raised through the free range, backyard production system. Small flock sizes are characteristic of this production system and often, sales are mainly at the farmgate. Although IC production possesses enormous potential at livelihood improvement, marketing systems are undefined and variable. The influence of prices on market engagement has frequently been assumed. A study of 68 farmers conducted in Machakos, Kibwezi, Nzaui and Mwala District in 2008 revealed that 70% of all IC sales were conducted at the farmgate while only 19% of the sales were at the local market. This study also investigates the probability of market participation by employing a binary logistic regression model. The results suggests that while farmers complain of poor farm gate prices for indigenous chicken offered by middlemen, low volumes are an important drawback to market participation.

Assessment of Factors Affecting Growth of Indigenous Poultry Value Chain in Kathiani Sub-County, Machakos County, Kenya

IOSR Journals , 2019

This study aimed at exploring how selected factors of disease control, credit, market infrastructure, and skills development affect the development of the indigenous poultry production value chain in Kathiani Sub-County.The value chain approach embraces the full range of activities which are required to bring a product or service from conception, through the intermediary phases of production, delivery to final consumers, and final disposal after use. Traditionally extension agents have concentrated their efforts on innovation transfer that targeted production aspects of a poultry and ignored other factors of the value chain. Most farmers specialize in production and may be excluded from decision making about issues that affect them outside their farms. There exists a knowledge gap of what potential there is for income generation and employment creation in the indigenous poultry value chain. Despite their hard work,poultry farmers continue to have low incomes resulting into low living standards. The study employed a descriptive survey research design. The target population consisted of 35 farmers, 5 Agrovet attendants, 5 local poultry traders, and 5 Field Extension Officers. Simple random sampling was used to select 35 farmers who participated in the study.Using purposive sampling method 5 Agrovets, 5 poultry traders and5 extension officers. Data was collected using structured questionnaires and analyzed using frequencies, means and multiple regression at p = 0.05. Results from the study indicated that reconstitution of the Newcastle vaccine and market access had statistically significant effects on the development of the indigenous poultry value chain in Kathiani Sub County. In addition, market facilities for slaughter, cold storage and dedicated sell outlets for table birds were completely lacking in all the major market centers in the study area. Extension agents should embrace the value chain approach and provide information on marketing. Local authorities in consultation with relevant technical departments to invest in market infrastructure at fresh produce markets that will enhance sales of table birds and other poultry products. The researcher made several recommendations which include the farmers should be educated more by extension service providers on how to reconstitute the NCD vaccine. The thermal stable NCD vaccine should be made available in the rural areas where electricity is not available. Likewise, There is need to investigate to what extent Common Interest Groups (CIGs) on commercialization of indigenous poultry are a driver in the development of the indigenous poultry value chain in Kathiani Sub County.

Profitability of Indigenous Chicken:The case of producers from Makueni County

Indigenous Chicken(IC) (Gallus domestica) is increasingly becoming an essential component of diets in urban centers. This increase in demand is accompanied by an increase in production by smallholder farmers. These farmers rely on the indigenous chicken for food security, household income, employment and quick funds in emergencies. The profit associated with the production of indigenous chicken, constitutes part of the contribution of the Agriculture sector to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Kenya. However, in Makueni County there is little information on the amount of profit from production of IC or its relationship with socioeconomic factors. The objectives of this study was to calculate the profit of IC in Makueni and to determine the relationship between socio economic factors and profit from IC.A total of 130 households were sampled using multi stage sampling after which data was collected using a pre tested questionnaire in a house hold survey. These data was then analysed using budgetary analysis and multiple regression in STATA 11. The results showed that the profit from IC production in Makueni was Ksh. 5347/100 birds (1US$= Ksh86.70).Age, education, access to credit, flock size, price and years in farmer group had a significant relationship with the profit. Therefore it is recommended to form marketing groups that will engage in contractual agreements with final buyers of indigenous chicken.

Value Chain and Market Perfomance for Poultry in Kenya: Case of Guinea Fowls & Quails


The Kenyan poultry industry is characterized by dualism, comprised of both smallholder and large-scale poultry producers. The industry is characterized by two main production systems namely; the commercial hybrid poultry production system and the indigenous poultry production system. The general objective of this study was to analyze the value chain and market performance for guinea fowls and Quails in Kenya. The specific objectives were; to determine the extent to which product interrelations adjustment influence market performance of Guinea Fowls and Quails in Kenya; to examine the extent to which adjustment of market interrelationships influence market performance of Guinea Fowls and Quails in Kenya; to identify the extent to which change in technology and disease interrelations influence market performance for Guinea Fowls and Quails in Kenya; to establish the extent to which adjustment of capital interrelations influence market performance of guinea Fowls and quails in Kenya. T...

Indigenous Chicken Productivity and Associated Farm-Level Attributes among Producers in the Western Parts of Kenya

Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International, 2021

Indigenous chicken production is an important sub-sector in Kenya. About 90% of rural communities keep indigenous chicken in small flocks. They provide the much needed high value protein and income for the rural households. Despite its importance; the productivity of the sub-sector greatly varies depending on the management systems deployed by the producers. The management systems are thought to be influenced by demographic; socio-economic and information literacy factors. This study investigated the potential links between these factors and indigenous chicken productivity in two regions in the Western parts of Kenya. The survey study adopted a descriptive approach. Semi-structured interview schedules were used to collect data from a sample of 106 smallholder producers. Purposive and multi-stage sampling techniques were used to select the participants from among producers who had shown interest in the commercialization of indigenous chicken following awareness meetings conducted by ...

Management practices and challenges in smallholder indigenous chicken production in Western Kenya

The potential benefit of indigenous chicken (Gallus domesticus) production is still under-exploited in Kenya despite the efforts by different stakeholders to mainstream this production system as a pathway to rural development. The production system is often characterized by low input-low output productivity and low commercialization of the enterprise. This study which dwells on the current management practices and challenges faced by smallholder indigenous chicken farmers was conducted to gain insights into the underlying causes of production constraints. In Western Kenya women (76 %) dominate the indigenous chicken production system. The flock composition consists mainly of chicks, hens and pullets (80 %) which reflects their retention for production purposes. Less than half of the farmers access institutional support services such as extension, training, credit and veterinary services. In addition, indigenous chicken is largely reared in a low input-low output free-range system with only few farmers (24.2 %) adopting management interventions as disseminated by extension service. To improve production and attain increased productivity, policy should focus on repackaging extension messages that considers farmers economic situations and strengthens collective action initiatives. Accessing joint input purchase and collective marketing of chicken products may further assist the farmers to increase profit margins.

Economic and marketing performance of chicken value chain actors in Ethiopia: challenges and business opportunities for sustainable livelihoods


Poultry production has multiple roles in the livelihoods of rural and peri-urban households in Ethiopia. It provides high-quality protein, generates income and employment opportunities, and supplies manure that enhances crop and other livestock production activities. The sector has diverse economic and social contributions at the household, community and national levels. It is the source of livelihood for many different actors including input suppliers, marketing actors (aggregators/collectors, retailers and wholesalers) and processors. The poultry production sector in Ethiopia comprises backyard or smallholder production, small-scale commercial production and large-scale commercial production. Although it is mostly known for its low-input and low-output production system, backyard or smallholder poultry production is one of the main contributors to eggs and meat in the country. As a result, the country has been implementing a poultry development roadmap to enhance the production and productivity of the sector over the last few year (Shapiro et al. 2015). The focuses of the roadmap are transforming existing traditional smallholder poultry production to improved semi-scavenging production system and increasing specialised layer and broiler productions. As part of these efforts, together with other national partners, ILRI has been implementing the ACGG project since 2014. The project tests and introduced high-producing and farmer-preferred locally adapted genotypes that increase smallholder chicken production and productivity in sub-Saharan Africa, more specifically in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Ethiopia. Project interventions included the on-farm and on-station testing of tropically adapted improved breeds (TAIBs) that help to enhance chicken production and productivity in the region. Results from the on-farm and on-station experiments demonstrate that some of the genotypes have higher egg and meat productivity under smallholder management conditions. Farmers prefer these breeds, and locally adapted genotypes have been distributed to smallholder producers through public-private partnership approaches. This partnership has involved mother units that can raise chicks for a certain number of days in an intensive management system. There is inadequate evidence however on the economic performance of adopting these introduced breeds under smallholder management conditions, mother units and other producers such as small-scale commercial producers and marketing actors along the value chain. In response to this, ILRI conducted a brief assessment to explore the economic feasibility and marketing performance of different value chain actors and examine the main challenges and opportunities in the sector. This report presents the main findings of the assessment conducted in selected market sheds of the country. The assessment focused on smallholder chicken producers, mother units, small-scale commercial farms, traders and meat processors. We adopted multistage sampling techniques where we selected market sheds, chicken producing villages and sample respondents subsequently. The market sheds were selected purposively based on their chicken production and marketing potentials and the presence of different value chain actors in the area. Accordingly, we selected Addis Ababa, Wolaita and Bahir Dar as the three market sheds. We selected the locations based on their dual-purpose improved breed chicken adoption status as one of the main objectives of the assessment was to estimate the economic contribution of dual-purpose breed-based chicken production. Small-scale commercial producers and other marketing actors were selected based on their availability in each market shed. We interviewed a sample of smallholder producers, mother units, layers farms, broilers farms, aggregators, wholesalers, retailers and chicken meat processors in each market shed. Furthermore, as background information on the overall smallholder-chicken production and use in the country, we used 14-year time series secondary data collected by the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia (CSA).