Multiplicity in pp and AA collisions: The same power law from energy-momentum constraints in string production (original) (raw)

Overpopulation of Ω¯ in pp Collisions: A Way to Distinguish Statistical Hadronization from String Dynamics

Physical Review Letters, 2002

The Ω/Ω ratio originating from string decays is predicted to be larger than unity in proton proton interactions at SPS energies (E lab =160 GeV). The anti-omega dominance increases with decreasing beam energy. This surprising behavior is caused by the combinatorics of quark-antiquark production in small and low-mass strings. Since this behavior is not found in a statistical description of hadron production in proton proton collisions, it may serve as a key observable to probe the hadronization mechanism in such collisions.

String percolation and the first LHC data

Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement, 2013

The results of string percolation on multiplicities and elliptic flow in AA and pp collisions are compared with LHC data showing a good agreement. We discuss the rapidity long range correlations and its relation to the height and longitudinal extension of the ridge structure. Finally we show that the dependence of the shear viscosity over entropy density ratio on the temperature, presents a minimum close to the critical temperature remaining small in the range of the RHIC and LHC energies.

Limiting fragmentation in heavy-ion collisions and percolation of strings

Physical Review C, 2007

The observed limiting fragmentation of charged particle distributions in heavy ion collisions is difficult to explain as it does not apply to the proton spectrum itself. On the other hand, string percolation provides a mechanism to regenerate fast particles, eventually compensating the rapidity shift (energy loss) of the nucleons. However a delicate energy-momentum compensation is required, and in our framework we see no reason for limiting fragmentation to be exact. A prediction, based on percolation arguments, is given for the charged particle density in the full rapidity interval at LHC energy ( √ s = 5500 GeV ).

Universal behavior of transverse momentum distributions of baryons and mesons in the framework of percolation of strings

The European Physical Journal C, 2008

In the framework of percolation of strings, the transverse momentum distributions in AA and hh collisions at all centralities and energies follow a universal behavior. The width of these distributions is related to the width of the distribution of the size of the clusters formed from the overlapping of the produced strings. The difference between the distributions for baryons and mesons originates in the fragmentation of clusters of several strings which enhance the particles with higher number of constituents. The results agree with SPS and RHIC data. The predictions for LHC show differences for baryons compared with RHIC. At LHC energies we obtain also a high pt suppression for pp high multiplicity events compared with pp minimum bias.

Constraints on string percolation model from anomalous centrality evolution data in Au-Au collisions at sqrt(s_ NN) = 62 and 200 GeV

Proceedings of XXII International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems — PoS(Baldin ISHEPP XXII)

Anomalous centrality evolution of two-particle angular correlations observed in Au-Au collisions at √ s NN = 62 and 200 GeV and the onset of ridge structures are considered in the model of interacting quark-gluon strings. We assume that at the given energy of nucleus-nucleus collisions the critical energy density may be reached at the specific centrality. In a string percolation model this might be treated equivalently to a formation of a large cluster of strings characterized by the critical string density, with a size comparable to the whole area of interaction of two nuclei. This hypothesis allows to define some constraints on the string percolation model using data on transitional centralities in Au-Au collisions at these two energies. Results are extrapolated to the LHC energy where high string densities (exceeding the critical value) are confirmed for all classes of centralities in Pb-Pb collisions. Interaction between strings inside large clusters formed in nucleus-nucleus collisions is considered in a simplified Monte Carlo model. This model is applied to the qualitative analysis of the onset of collectivity and the ridge formation in Pb-Pb collisions. It is shown that the approach of the repulsive string-string interaction is capable to explain the appearance of elliptic and triangular flow observed in nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC and LHC energies.

[Intriguing Similarities Between High-$$p_{T}ParticleProductioninppandA−ACollisions](,2021Inthispaperwestudytheparticleproductionathightransversemomentum(pT>8GeV/c)inbothppandPb−PbcollisionsattheLHCenergies.ThepTdistributionsofchargedparticlesinppcollisionsareknowntoobeytheso−calledxT−scalingwhichisafeatureofpQCDhardprocesses.Therefore,thecharacterizationofthespectraisdoneusingapower−lawfunctionandtheresultingpower−lawexponent(n)isstudiedasafunctionofxTforminimumbiasppcollisionsatdifferent√s.ThefunctionalformofnasafunctionofxTexhibitsanuniversalbehavior.PYTHIA8.212reproducesthescalingpropertiesandtherefore,itisusedtostudythemultiplicitydependentparticleproduction.Goingfromlowtohighmultiplicities,thepower−lawexponentdecreases.Asimilarbehaviorisalsoobservedinheavy−ioncollisionswhenonestudiesthecentrality(multiplicity)dependentparticleproduction.Moreover,thevaluesoftheexponentsinppandPb−Pbcollisionsarerathersimilar.Theseresultssuggestthatthenatureofhigh−pTparticlesinsmallandlargesystemscouldhavethesameorigin.Andtherefore,foracorrectinterpretationofheavyionresultsintermsofthenuclearmodificationfactorthissimilarityshouldbeunderstood.[Cumulativeparticleproductionandpercolationofstrings](,2002Calculationsoftheproductionrateofparticleswithx>1innuclearcollisionsduetotheinteractionofcolourstringsarepresented.Momentumandcoloursumrulesareusedtodeterminethefragmentationfunctionsoffusedstrings.Mechanismsofthestringinteractionareconsideredwithtotalandpartialoverlappinginthetransverseplane.Theresultsrevealastrongdependenceofthechosenmechanism.Inthepercolationscenariowithpartialoverlappingthex−dependenceoftheproductionratesagreeswellwiththeexistingdata.Themagnitudeoftheratesforπ+productionisinagreementwithexperiment.Howevertheratesfortheprotonsaresubstantiallybelowthedata.Measurementofcharmandbeautyproductionatcentralrapidityversuscharged−particlemultiplicityinproton−protoncollisionsats=7Particle Production in pp and A-A Collisions

Springer Proceedings in Physics, 2021

In this paper we study the particle production at high transverse momentum (p T > 8 GeV/c) in both pp and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC energies. The p T distributions of charged particles in pp collisions are known to obey the so-called x T-scaling which is a feature of pQCD hard processes. Therefore, the characterization of the spectra is done using a power-law function and the resulting power-law exponent (n) is studied as a function of x T for minimumbias pp collisions at different √ s. The functional form of n as a function of x T exhibits an universal behavior. PYTHIA 8.212 reproduces the scaling properties and therefore, it is used to study the multiplicity dependent particle production. Going from low to high multiplicities, the power-law exponent decreases. A similar behavior is also observed in heavy-ion collisions when one studies the centrality (multiplicity) dependent particle production. Moreover, the values of the exponents in pp and Pb-Pb collisions are rather similar. These results suggest that the nature of high-p T particles in small and large systems could have the same origin. And therefore, for a correct interpretation of heavyion results in terms of the nuclear modification factor this similarity should be understood.

Cumulative particle production and percolation of strings

The European Physical Journal C, 2002

Calculations of the production rate of particles with x > 1 in nuclear collisions due to the interaction of colour strings are presented. Momentum and colour sum rules are used to determine the fragmentation functions of fused strings. Mechanisms of the string interaction are considered with total and partial overlapping in the transverse plane. The results reveal a strong dependence of the chosen mechanism. In the percolation scenario with partial overlapping the x-dependence of the production rates agrees well with the existing data. The magnitude of the rates for π + production is in agreement with experiment. However the rates for the protons are substantially below the data.

[Measurement of charm and beauty production at central rapidity versus charged-particle multiplicity in proton-proton collisions at s = 7ParticleProductioninppandAACollisions](,2021Inthispaperwestudytheparticleproductionathightransversemomentum(pT>8GeV/c)inbothppandPbPbcollisionsattheLHCenergies.ThepTdistributionsofchargedparticlesinppcollisionsareknowntoobeythesocalledxTscalingwhichisafeatureofpQCDhardprocesses.Therefore,thecharacterizationofthespectraisdoneusingapowerlawfunctionandtheresultingpowerlawexponent(n)isstudiedasafunctionofxTforminimumbiasppcollisionsatdifferents.ThefunctionalformofnasafunctionofxTexhibitsanuniversalbehavior.PYTHIA8.212reproducesthescalingpropertiesandtherefore,itisusedtostudythemultiplicitydependentparticleproduction.Goingfromlowtohighmultiplicities,thepowerlawexponentdecreases.Asimilarbehaviorisalsoobservedinheavyioncollisionswhenonestudiesthecentrality(multiplicity)dependentparticleproduction.Moreover,thevaluesoftheexponentsinppandPbPbcollisionsarerathersimilar.TheseresultssuggestthatthenatureofhighpTparticlesinsmallandlargesystemscouldhavethesameorigin.Andtherefore,foracorrectinterpretationofheavyionresultsintermsofthenuclearmodificationfactorthissimilarityshouldbeunderstood.[Cumulativeparticleproductionandpercolationofstrings](,2002Calculationsoftheproductionrateofparticleswithx>1innuclearcollisionsduetotheinteractionofcolourstringsarepresented.Momentumandcoloursumrulesareusedtodeterminethefragmentationfunctionsoffusedstrings.Mechanismsofthestringinteractionareconsideredwithtotalandpartialoverlappinginthetransverseplane.Theresultsrevealastrongdependenceofthechosenmechanism.Inthepercolationscenariowithpartialoverlappingthexdependenceoftheproductionratesagreeswellwiththeexistingdata.Themagnitudeoftheratesforπ+productionisinagreementwithexperiment.Howevertheratesfortheprotonsaresubstantiallybelowthedata.Measurementofcharmandbeautyproductionatcentralrapidityversuschargedparticlemultiplicityinprotonprotoncollisionsats=7 \sqrt{s}=7 TeV

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015

Prompt D meson and non-prompt J/ψ yields are studied as a function of the multiplicity of charged particles produced in inelastic proton-proton collisions at a centreof-mass energy of √ s = 7 TeV. The results are reported as a ratio between yields in a given multiplicity interval normalised to the multiplicity-integrated ones (relative yields). They are shown as a function of the multiplicity of charged particles normalised to the average value for inelastic collisions (relative charged-particle multiplicity). D 0 , D + and D * + mesons are measured in five p T intervals from 1 GeV/c to 20 GeV/c and for |y| < 0.5 via their hadronic decays. The D-meson relative yield is found to increase with increasing charged-particle multiplicity. For events with multiplicity six times higher than the average multiplicity of inelastic collisions, a yield enhancement of a factor about 15 relative to the multiplicity-integrated yield in inelastic collisions is observed. The yield enhancement is independent of transverse momentum within the uncertainties of the measurement. The D 0 -meson relative yield is also measured as a function of the relative multiplicity at forward pseudo-rapidity. The non-prompt J/ψ, i.e. the B hadron, contribution to the inclusive J/ψ production is measured in the di-electron decay channel at central rapidity. It is evaluated for p T > 1.3 GeV/c and |y| < 0.9, and extrapolated to p T > 0. The fraction of non-prompt J/ψ in the inclusive J/ψ yields shows no dependence on the charged-particle multiplicity at central rapidity. Charm and beauty hadron relative yields exhibit a similar increase with increasing charged-particle multiplicity. The measurements are compared to PYTHIA 8, EPOS 3 and percolation calculations.

Towards A Universal Law of Particle Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions

In the frame work of a nuclear overlap model, we estimate the number of nucleon and quark participants in nucleus-nucleus collisions. At RHIC and LHC energies, the number of nucleons-normalized charged particle and transverse energy density in pseudorapidity, which shows a monotonic rise with centrality, turns out to be an almost centrality independent scaling behavior when normalized to the number of participant quarks. This indicates partonic activities both in RHIC and LHC heavy-ion collisions. We study the charged particle and transverse energy production mechanism from AGS, SPS, RHIC to LHC energies in the framework of nucleon and quark participants as well. A universal function which is a combination of logarithmic and power-law, describes the charged particle and transverse energy production both at nucleon and quark participant level quite well for the whole range of collision energy under discussion. A detailed energy dependent production mechanisms are discussed both for nucleonic and partonic level. We give the predictions for dN ch dη , dE T dη and the barometric observable, E T N ch for Pb+Pb collisions at √ sNN = 5.5 TeV. A universal law of particle production from elementary to heavy-ion collisions is proposed.