Revista de cercetare [i interven]ie social\ EFFECTS OF RATIONAL-EMOTIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY ON ROMANIAN FOSTER PARENTS' PSYCHOLOGICAL FUNCTIONING AND THEIR PERCEIVED PARENTING Effects of Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy on Romanian Foster Parents' Psychological Functioning and their Perceived Paren... (original) (raw)
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The primary aim of this study was to explore the effects of Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) intervention on Romanian foster parents’ psychological functioning (emotional distress) and how this intervention affects their perceived parenting behavior within their family. The participants included 80 Romanian foster parents (78 female and 2 male) ranging in age from 28 to 59 years (M = 45.73 years, SD = 6.38) in one county. Participants in the present study were randomly assigned to one of two conditions: REBT group (or the experimental group) and Control group. REBT group received Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and the Control group was given the standard training program on abuse and neglect that was taught within the Romanian child protection system. A pre-post design was used that included the Profile of Mood States (POMS) and Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ) as outcome measures. The results of the present study supported our hypothesis that professional foster parents receiving REBT would show lower levels of emotional distress (anxiety, depression, and anger) and an increased use of improved parenting behaviors (involvement, positive parenting, poor monitoring/supervision, inconsistent discipline, corporal punishments, and other behaviors) compared with foster parents who received the standard training program, as showed by parents self-reported change scores. The results of the present study highlight the usefulness of understanding the importance of professional foster parents receiving REBT.
Children and Youth Services Review, 2012
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Author's personal copy The efficacy of a short cognitive-behavioral parent program in the treatment of externalizing behavior disorders in Romanian foster care children: Building parental emotion-regulation through unconditional self-and child-acceptance strategies
Behavioural and Emotional Profiles of Romanian Foster Children: A Brief Report
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Children’s Emotional and Behavioral Problems in the Foster Family Context
Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2014
The main aim of this study was to identify the factors which are related to the greatest emotional and behavioral problems among children in the context of a foster family. Participants were 104 non-relative foster children and their respective foster families. A structural equation model was designed and tested in order to identify an explanatory model among the most relevant of the studied variables. The results showed that the model obtained offers a satisfactory structural fit and provides good explanatory power for children's problems. More specifically, the data reveal the important role played by affective relationships and parental discipline style in relation to children's problems within the foster family. Other factors involved were also analyzed. These results indicate that both parenting style and the kind of affect shown by foster parents towards the child are important predictors of the latter's problems. Criticism/rejection on the part of foster parents increases problems through its influence on both the foster carer's burden and the child's self-esteem. These results are useful in order to prepare and support foster carers.
The impact of foster family on psychological health of adopted children
The article is dedicated to the research of the emotional influence of foster mothers ability to dominate emotional conditions of foster kids. We used the following methods: «Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire» by D.V. Lyusin, «Еmotional questionnaire of fourth modalities» by L.A. Rabinovich, «Scale differential emotions» by K. Izard to achieve this goal. There is a reverse dependence of sadness in foster families, as the higher the emotional intelligence of the mother is, the less sadness we can observe on the children. Therefore, the higher mother's ability to control her emotions and recognition of emotions of a child , the less possibility for the reasons to be sad for the child. Keywords: emotional intelligence, foster and biological mothers, foster and biological children.
The goal of the present study was to measure the level of inter-observer (parents/guardians vs. teachers) agreement regarding children's social, emotional, and behavioural problems assessed through parent and teacher reports belonging to Romanian, Hungarian, and Roma ethnic groups living in Romania. Overall, 467 children were selected for the current study with a mean age of 11 years (SD = 3.78), ranging between 6 and 18 years. Of these, 248 (53.1%) were females, and 219 (46.9%) were males. In addition, 302 (64.7%) were identified as Romanian by their guardians, 136 (29.1%) as Hungarian, and 29 (6.2%) as Roma. Of the guardians, 400 (85.7) identified themselves as biological parents of the children; 24 (5.1%) as adoptive, foster, or step parents; and 43 (9.2%) declined to reveal their status and/or missed this information. Concerning the teachers, 378 (80.9%) were females, 66 (14.1%) were males, and 23 (4.9%) declined to reveal their gender and/or missed this information. The res...
Academia Letters, 2021
This paper presents the results collected by Tzuby's Kids Association in Bucharest (Romania) from the assessment of children adopted or in foster care who benefited from group therapy intervention programs. The assessment was conducted during 2018 on a group of 30 children aged between 3 and 7, in order to identify therapeutic games that would offer them support to help them better manage trauma, so that they can adapt more easily to the new family, the new situation or the new context in which they find themselves. The references below take into account therapy interventions carried out in the period 2018-2020; from March 2020 they have been suspended in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Tzuby's Kids had a programmed approach to evaluate the symptomatology specific to children participating in activities, and developed art and play based group therapy programs. We used the Early Childhood Inventory-4 (ECI-4), a screening tool that assesses the most prevalent psychiatric disorders in children aged 3-7. The items contained in ECI-4 are based on the diagnostic criteria provided by the American Psychiatric Association (1994) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and the test was calibrated to a national standard. The chart below shows the "Top 10" of the identified disorders.
The Lancet. Psychiatry, 2015
Early social deprivation can negatively affect domains of functioning. We examined psychopathology at age 12 years in a cohort of Romanian children who had been abandoned at birth and placed into institutional care, then assigned either to be placed in foster care or to care as usual. We used follow-up data from the Bucharest Early Intervention Project (BEIP), a randomised controlled trial of abandoned children in all six institutions for young children in Bucharest, Romania. In the initial trial, 136 children, enrolled between ages 6-31 months, were randomly assigned to either care as usual or placement in foster care. In this study we followed up these children at age 12 years to assess psychiatric symptoms using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (4th edition; DISC-IV). We also recruited Romanian children who had never been placed in an institution from paediatric clinics and schools in Bucharest as a comparator group who had never been placed in an institution. The p...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Objectives, empathy brings people closer and facilitates communication in almost all the fields of daily life. Having been an important dimension of foster care, empathetic skills should be developed in a foster family. In this study, we aimed to determine the empathic level of the foster families. Methods, this cross-sectional study on foster families was performed in Turkey. Research data were collected from 124 fosters parents. Two instruments were used in the survey: the personal information form and the Basic Empathy Scale. The volunteers were chosen by applying a non-probability sampling method, i.e. the "snowball" method. The data were analyzed by using SPSS statistical software, Version 18.0. Results, The foster parents had a mean age of 48.37±9.36. Most of foster carers (89.5%) were married. 76.6% of foster families had their own biological child, among them, 29.5% had one, 54.7% had two, and 15.8% had three children. The percentage of foster families that preferred female, and male children, were 76.6%, and 23.4%, respectively. Among the children, who had been placed in foster parent households, 42.7% aged less than 3 years, 31.5% between 4-6 years, and 25.8% more than 7 years. The ratio of parents, who defined foster family concept as "social responsibility," "protection," "ownage," and "charity" were 76.6%, 71.1%, 58.1%, and 45.2%, respectively. The ratio of those, who thought that to be a foster carer matured a person, was 62.9%, whereas the ratio of those, who emphasized that they became role model for their environment, was 77.4%. The subjects were asked to empathize with the relevant biological families, and that 59.7% gave first priority to "I want to be sure about my child's safety", 29.8% to "I want to be sure that my child is in good hands", 7.3% to "I want to see that my child is valued". Also 56.5% of foster families pointed out that they were disturbed by the idea that one they the child might be sent back to his/her biological family. General Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the instrument was found to be .76. The cognitive empathy of sub-factors was found to be .78, and the emotional empathy of the sub-factors was .62. Basic Empathy Scale average points were 71.52 9.76 in the parents. The mean cognitive empathy was 34.49±5.79, and the mean emotional empathy was 37.03±6.08.