Combining ability and gene action for yield traits in greengram [Vigna radiata (L.) wilczek] (original) (raw)

Elucidation of Nature of Gene Action and Combining Ability Associated with Economic Traits in Greengram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek

Legume Research- An International Journal, Volume 47 Issue 6: 898-904 (June 2024)

Background: Narrow genetic base and lack of exploitable variation have become a major constraint for yield improvement in greengram. Identifying genetically superior parents and breeding scheme to be adopted become a prerequisite for the development of elite cultivars. Thereby, blending the knowledge on gene action and combining ability plays a key role. Materials: Combining ability analysis was carried out in twenty-five crosses derived out of Line  Tester mating design using 5 lines and 5 testers. The hybrids, parents and the check variety were evaluated in a RBD with two replications and ten quantitative characters were recorded. Result: Non-additive gene action was found to be prevalent for the quantitative traits observed. Exploring the per se and gca effects, COGG13-39 and VGG18-002 were adjudged as the best parents and the crosses involving above parents will be productive for synthesizing a dynamic population with superior recombinants. Meanwhile, exploring the per se, sca and heterosis, the best specific crosses identified for seed yield/plant and pods per plant were, V2709  GAM5 and COGG13-39  VGG16-058. They can be further exploited to obtain transgressive segregants for higher yield, bold seeds and bruchid resistance through appropriate breeding strategy.

Assessment of Genetic Parameters for Yield and Its Associated Traits in Greengram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek

International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 2022

Greengram is India's most significant legume crop, and because there is relatively little genetic variety, increasing productivity demands increased attention in research for the development of superior cultivars. During Kharif 2020-21, an experiment was conducted to the evaluation of the genetic parameters for yield and their associated attributes for thirty-nine Mungbean genotypes. Using a Randomised Block Design (RBD), all genotypes were sown in three replications. The observations on various quantitative characters were recorded, and the genetic parameters, PCV, GCV, heritability(bs), and genetic advance, along with the analysis of variances, were estimated. According to ANOVA, almost all genotypes exhibited significant variances for all characters. The highest GCV and PCV was found to be pod length (cm), number of pods cluster-1, number of primary branches plant-1, biological yield plant-1 as well as seed yield plant-1. The heritability was recorded high for pod length (cm) followed by number of primary branches plant-1, number of pods cluster-1, days to pod initiation, number of seeds pod-1, days to 50% flowering, seed yield plant-1, biological yield plant-1, number of effective pods plant-1. The character’s days to flower initiation, total number of pods plant-1, harvest index and number of clusters plant-1 revealed medium genetic advance. High heritability(bs) coupled high genetic advance as percent of mean was observed for pod length (cm), number of branches plant-1, number of pods cluster-1, days to pod initiation, number of seeds pod-1, days to 50% flowering, seed yield plant-1, biological yield plant-1 and number of effective pods plant-1.

Genetic Analysis in Pre-breeding Lines of Greengram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek

Legume Research- An International Journal, Volume 46 Issue 12: 1564-1570 (December 2023), 2023

Background: Greengram is third most important pulse crop which is widely adapted and can improve soil fertility. The genetic variability and association studies help in selection which would increase the yield potential of greengram. Methods: Two hundred stabilized lines (F 9) obtained from the cross VBN (Gg) 2 and Vigna radiata var. sublobata were evaluated. The yield and yield contributing traits were recorded to evaluate genetic variability, heritability, genetic advance as % of mean and correlation among the yield and its component traits. Result: Analysis of variance exhibited significant differences among the lines for all the ten quantitative traits indicating the presence of genetic variability. The high GCV values were found for the traits viz., single plant yield (30.18) and the number of pods per plant (26.80). High heritability combined with high genetic advance as per cent of mean was observed for the number of pods per plant (90.19, 52.43), single plant yield (89.58, 58.84), the number of pods per cluster (79.28, 22.70) and the number of clusters per plant (69.50, 30.22) which indicates additive gene effects. In the present study, the number of pods per plant had a high positive direct effect (0.919) on a single plant yield. Therefore, the selection for these characters would improve yield in greengram.

Genetic Variability and Divergence of Morphological and Seed Quality Traits of Greengram (Vigna radiata L.) Genotypes

International Journal of Plant & Soil Science

Forty greengram genotypes were evaluated for their morphological traits and to find the extent of genetic variability. Analysis of variance revealed that the genotypes were highly significant for all the characters studied, indicating the existence of considerable magnitude of variability. High (>20%) phenotypic co-efficient of variation and high genotypic co-efficient of variation for seed yield (kg/4.05 m2) in the present investigation was noticed and indicating the minimal influence of environment and presence of high genetic variability for the trait in the experimental material. Hence, selection based on phenotype in these genotypes can also be effective for improvement of seed yield. High heritability to plant height (cm), days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, pod length, 100 seed weight, protein estimation and medium heritability to seed yield (kg/4.05 m2). High GAM to plant height and seed yield demonstrates the presence of additive gene effect indicating effectiveness...

Estimation of genetic parameters and gene action among crosses of blackgram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) for seed yield and its component traits


Generation mean analysis was employed among the crosses of MDU1 x TU68, VBN6 x TU68 and VBN8 x TU68 of blackgram to partition the mean into various genetic components viz., additive, dominance and epistasis. Five generations viz., P 1 , P 2 , F 1 , F 2 and F 3 obtained from the above three cross combinations were evaluated. The results of the scaling test showed that number of branches per plant in MDU 1 x TU 68, number of branches per plant and number of pods per cluster in VBN 6 x TU 68 and days to flowering and pod length in VBN 8 x TU 68 recorded additive gene action. Hence, these traits can be improved through pedigree breeding and simple selection. All other traits showed non additive model as one or both scales of C and D had significance. Days to flowering, plant height, number of branches per plant, number of clusters per plant, pod length, number of seeds per pod, 100-seed weight and single plant yield had additive gene action. In the case of epistasis, days to flowering had additive x additive type gene action in MDU 1 x TU68 and VBN6 x TU68 crosses, while the cross VBN8 x TU68 had additive gene action alone. Hence, the selection at later generations is effective to improve these traits. Other traits had differential gene action in each cross. Based on the results, it can be concluded that an appropriate selection programme needs to be devised for each cross based on the gene action.

Genetic Variability, Heritability, Genetic Advance and correlation studies for seed yield and yield components in early segregating lines (F3) of Greengram [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]

International Journal of Chemical Studies, 2020

The present investigation was conducted with the F3 breeding lines derived from three crosses viz., DGGV-7 × V-02-709, DGGV-7 × V-02-802, DGGV-2 × SML-1815 along with their parents used as checks. The progeny lines were evaluated for estimation of genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV), phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV), heritability and genetic advance. The correlation study was undertaken among the ten selected quantitative characters. The analysis of variance showed, the progeny lines derived from the cross DGGV-7 × V-02-709, recoded very high significant variation for the characters like the number of branches per plant (2.988), pod length (2.363) and seed yield per plant (13.007g). The 100 seed weight (4.7g) was observed in the cross derivative of DGGV-2 × SML-1815 with high heritability 73.26 per cent and moderate genetic advance under mean (19.65). The breeding lines of DGGV-7 × V-02-709 have recorded mean seed yield 3.7 g with the range of 3.22 to 4.65 g and the PC...

Genetic Parameters and Combining Ability Effects of Parents for Seed Yield and other Quantitative Traits in Black Gram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper

Line x tester analysis was carried out in black gram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper], an edible legume, to estimate the gca (general combining ability) effects of parents (3 lines and 3 testers) and the SCA (specific combining ability) effects of 9 crosses for seed yield and other eleven quantitative traits. Though additive and nonadditive gene actions governed the expression of quantitative traits, the magnitude of nonadditive gene action was higher than that of additive gene action for each quantitative trait. Two parents viz. 'UG157' and 'DPU915' were good general combiners. Two crosses namely 'PDB 88-31'/'DPU 915' and 'PLU 277'/'KAU7' had high per se performance along with positive significant SCA effect for seed yield/plant. The degree of dominance revealed overdominance for all the traits except clusters/plant with partial dominance. The predictability ratio also revealed the predominant role of nonadditive gene action in the genetic control of quantitative traits. Narrow sense heritability was also low for each trait. Recurrent selection or biparental mating followed by selection which can exploit both additive and nonadditive gene actions would be of interest for yield improvement in black gram. Due to presence of high magnitude of nonadditive gene action, heterosis breeding could also be attempted to develop low cost hybrid variety using genetic male sterility system in black gram.

Studies on genetic variability, character association for yield and yield components in green gram (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek

Twenty Mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) genotypes were evaluated for the estimation of genetic variability parameters, correlation coefficient, Heritability and Genetic advance. The genotypes differed significantly for all characters. Higher GCV and PCV was observed for number of branches per plant (42.09%;62.27%) followed by number of clusters per plant (24.44%;30.08%), number of pods per plant (19.15%;25.36%), plant height (15.92%;17.59%), harvest index (11.14%;11.94%), seed yield per plant (9.72%;10.32%), seeds per pod (8.33%;12.44). High heritability observed for the biological yield per plant (97.96%) followed by harvest index (91.69%), seed yield per plant (88.73%), plant height (81.97 %) and 100 seed weight (70.09%) indicating the impact of additive gene expression. The plant height, number of primary branches per plant, number of clusters per plant, number of pods per cluster, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and 100 seed weight had highly significant and positive correlations with seed yield at both genotypic and phenotypic levels.

Research Article Combining ability, heterosis and inbreeding depression in inter specific hybrids involving greengram [ Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] and blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper]

A line x tester analysis of interspecific hybrids involving greengram (female) and blackgram (male) was carried out for 11 quantitative traits. As expected in wide crosses, none of the parent was found to be good general combiner for yield. However, PDM-11, HUM-26 Azad-U-1 and KUG-427 were spotted out as superior general combiners for 2-5 yield traits. Likewise, hybrids, PDM-11 × KUG-427, HUM-26 × Azad-U-1, HUM-6 × BHU-U-1 and HUM-26 × BHU-U-1 were identified as best specific cross combinations for few yield components only. Further, economic heterosis for seed yield and few important yield traits such as, pod length, seeds per pod and 100-seed weight, was significantly negative, while it was mostly positive for days to first flowering, days to maturity, plant height, number of primary and secondary branches including pods per plant. All the crosses showing negative yield heterosis reflected positive inbreeding depression. Non-additive gene action was of prime importance for all the...