Reflective subcategories (original) (raw)
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A note on reflective subcategories defined by partial algebras
Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic provides access to digitized documents strictly for personal use. Each copy of any part of this document must contain these Terms of use. This paper has been digitized, optimized for electronic delivery and stamped with digital signature within the project DML-CZ: The Czech Digital Mathematics Library COMMENTATIONES MATHEMATICAE UNIVERSITATIS CAROLINAE 25.2 (1984) A NOTE ON REFLECTIVE SUBCATEGORIES DEFINED BY PARTIAL ALGEBRAS Jeno SZIGETI Abo tract s By uoing a gemoralized partial F-algebra a full oubcategory of a cert aim comma category will ho defined* Them a ouf fioiont oondition will bo giTen to proTldo the reflecti-Tity of thio oubcategory.
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functor from a complete category to a 'weakly bounded' category (a concept including locally presentable categories, Cartesian closed topological categories, generalized varieties and many others). We show that the fullness of K depends only on its behaviour on objects and on isomorphisms. As a consequence, it is an isomorphism if and only if it is bijective on objects and creates isomorphisms. These can be seen as generalizations of recent 'Beth's definability type' results obtained by R. McKenzie, G. Weaver and the author. In what follows, an ordinal will be identified with the set of smaller ordinals, and cardinals with initial ordinals. We give or recall some definitions, not all in [l 11. Definitions. Let a be an infinite regular cardinal, (Y+ be the cardinal following it, and ~8 be a category. An a-nice limit is a finite product, a Pth-power or the equalizer of p (parallel) * This paper has been written while the author was at McGill University (Montreal) under a postdoctoral fellowship of the NSERC (Canada). The author also had the support of a grant from the FCAR (Quebec).
Exactness of limits and colimits in abelian categories revisited
Let Σ be a small category and A be a Σ-co-complete (resp. Σcomplete) abelian category. It is a well-known fact that the category Fun(Σ, A) of functors of Σ in A is an abelian category, and that the functor colim Σ (−) : Fun(Σ, A) → A (resp. lim Σ (−) : Fun(Σ, A) → A) is left (resp. right) adjoint to κ Σ : A → Fun(Σ, A), where κ Σ is the associated constant diagram functor. In this paper we will show that the functor colim Σ (−) (resp. lim Σ (−)) is exact if and only if the pair of functors colim Σ (−), κ Σ (resp. κ Σ , lim Σ (−)) is Ext-adjoint. As an application of our findings, we will give new proofs of known results on the exactness of limits and colimits in abelian categories. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Preliminaries 3 3. A one-point extension of a small category 4 4. Main results 6 References 13