Inverse spectral theory for Jacobi matrices and their almost periodicity (original) (raw)

On the Two Spectra Inverse Problem for Semi-infinite Jacobi Matrices

Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry, 2007

We present results on the unique reconstruction of a semi-infinite Jacobi operator from the spectra of the operator with two different boundary conditions. This is the discrete analogue of the Borg-Marchenko theorem for Schrödinger operators on the half-line. Furthermore, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for two real sequences to be the spectra of a Jacobi operator with different boundary conditions.

Singular Continuous Spectrum for a Class of Almost Periodic Jacobi MATRICES1


We consider the operator// on l2(Z) depending upon three parameters, X, a, 0, ... (1) [#(X, a, 0)u] (n) = u(n + 1) + u(n - 1) + X cos(2iran + 6)u(n). ... In this note we will sketch the proof of the following result whose detailed proof will appear elsewhere [3]. ... THEOREM 1. Fix a, an ...

m-Functions and inverse spectral analysis for finite and semi-infinite Jacobi matrices

Journal d'Analyse Mathématique, 1997

We study inverse spectral analysis for finite and semi-infinite Jacobi matrices H. Our results include a new proof of the central result of the inverse theory (that the spectral measure determines H). We prove an extension of the theorem of Hochstadt (who proved the result in case n = N) that n eigenvalues of an N • N Jacobi matrix H can replace the first n matrix elements in determining H uniquely. We completely solve the inverse problem for (Sn, (H -z)-lSn) in the case N < oo.

Inverse spectral theory of finite Jacobi matrices

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2002

We solve the following physically motivated problem: to determine all finite Jacobi matrices J and corresponding indices i, j such that the Green's function e j , (zI − J) −1 e i is proportional to an arbitrary prescribed function f (z). Our approach is via probability distributions and orthogonal polynomials. We introduce what we call the auxiliary polynomial of a solution in order to factor the map (J, i, j) −→ [ e j , (zI − J) −1 e i ] (where square brackets denote the equivalence class consisting of scalar multiples). This enables us to construct the solution set as a fibration over a connected, semi-algebraic coordinate base. The end result is a wealth of explicit constructions for Jacobi matrices. These reveal precise geometric information about the solution set, and provide the basis for new existence theorems.

Inverse spectral analysis for finite matrix-valued Jacobi operators

Consider the Jacobi operators J given by (J y) n = a n y n+1 + b n y n + a * n−1 y n−1 , y n ∈ C m (here y 0 = y p+1 = 0), where b n = b * n and a n : det a n = 0 are the sequences of m × m matrices, n = 1, .., p. We study two cases: (i) a n = a * n > 0; (ii) a n is a lower triangular matrix with real positive entries on the diagonal (the matrix J is (2m+1)-band mp×mp matrix with positive entries on the first and the last diagonals). The spectrum of J is a finite sequence of real eigenvalues λ 1 <. .. < λ N , where each eigenvalue λ j has multiplicity k j m. We show that the mapping (a, b) → {(λ j , k j)} N 1 ⊕ {additional spectral data} is 1-to-1 and onto. In both cases (i), (ii), we give the complete solution of the inverse problem.

Marchenko-Ostrovski mappings for periodic Jacobi matrices

Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2007

We consider the 1D periodic Jacobi matrices. The spectrum of this operator is purely absolutely continuous and consists of intervals separated by gaps. We solve the inverse problem (including characterization) in terms of vertical slits on the quasimomentum domain. Furthermore, we obtain a priori two-sided estimates for vertical slits in terms of Jacoby matrices.

On the Inverse Scattering Problem for Jacobi Matrices¶with the Spectrum on an Interval, a Finite System¶of Intervals or a Cantor Set of Positive Length

Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2002

Solving inverse scattering problem for a discrete Sturm-Liouville operator with a rapidly decreasing potential one gets reflection coefficients s ± and invertible operators I + H s ± , where H s ± is the Hankel operator related to the symbol s ± . The Marchenko-Faddeev theorem (in the continuous case) [6] and the Guseinov theorem (in the discrete case) [4], guarantees the uniqueness of solution of the inverse scattering problem. In this article we ask the following natural question -can one find a precise condition guaranteeing that the inverse scattering problem is uniquely solvable and that operators I + H s ± are invertible? Can one claim that uniqueness implies invertibility or vise versa?

On the Inverse Scattering Problem for Jacobi Matrices¶with the Spectrum on an Interval, a Finite System¶of Intervals or a Cantor Set of Positive Length

Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2002

Solving inverse scattering problem for a discrete Sturm-Liouville operator with a rapidly decreasing potential one gets reflection coefficients s ± and invertible operators I + H s ± , where H s ± is the Hankel operator related to the symbol s ±. The Marchenko-Faddeev theorem (in the continuous case) [6] and the Guseinov theorem (in the discrete case) [4], guarantees the uniqueness of solution of the inverse scattering problem. In this article we ask the following natural question-can one find a precise condition guaranteeing that the inverse scattering problem is uniquely solvable and that operators I + H s ± are invertible? Can one claim that uniqueness implies invertibility or vise versa? Moreover we are interested here not only in the case of decreasing potential but also in the case of asymptotically almost periodic potentials. So we merge here two mostly developed cases of inverse problem for Sturm-Liouville operators: the inverse problem with (almost) periodic potential and the inverse problem with the fast decreasing potential.