The International Scientific Conference "Labor and Society in the Realities of the 21st Century (original) (raw)

Labor and Education: From Working Society to Digital One

Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology, 2018

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Fragility of Labor and Employment in the Modern World

Sociological Journal, 2019

This article reveals the key factors (economic, technological, demographic, socio-cultural, gender) and the ongoing/emerging changes in the social and labor system of society. Changes affect all spheres and contexts without exception (labor market, organization and working conditions, population employment system, management and labor processes, content, workplace culture and ethics.) At the same time, they are often contradictory, and not necessarily tangible, perceived or evaluated as changes. Multiplicity and scale, acceleration and capacity of changes form the conditions for the development of a new quality of the system — its fragility. The fragility is understood as the actual distribution of essentially new and uncontrolled processes and phenomena within the social labor system behind the external facade of its integrity and stability. Experts and politicians everywhere are asking questions about whether it is possible to overcome the current state of affairs and what the fut...

New Labor — New Challenges. Results of the Scientific Conference Conducted within the Framework of the II St. Petersburg International Youth Labor Forum

Journal of Economic Sociology, 2018

This article presents an overview of the key issues discussed at the Scientific Conference in the sessions ‘Labor and employment problems: new challenges and prospects’ and ‘Information economy and labor,’ This article presents an overview of the key issues discussed at the Scientific Conference in the sessions ‘Labor and employment problems: new challenges and prospects’ and ‘Information economy and labor’, held within the framework of the Second St. Petersburg International Youth Labor Forum which was conducted in St. Petersburg on February 28, 2018. The article describes the main ideas discussed at the conference. The main leitmotif of the presentations was the idea that the modern understanding of the problems of labor is very diverse. Young professionals entering the modern Russian labor market face a huge list of problems. The key issues on which speakers constantly focused their attention were the impact of new information realities on the sphere of work, the employment of young professionals in the context of changing labor market demands, and the dissemination of competence-oriented criteria for assessing the quality of specialists. Participants also discussed the dynamics of graduate employment, creativity and flexibility in the demand and development of intellectual work, training in the workplace, and many other areas. The general conclusion of the review, summarizing the work of the Scientific Conference sessions, was that young people want and will be ready for the challenges of the 21st century work context held within the framework of the Second St. Petersburg International Youth Labor Forum which was conducted in St. Petersburg on February 28, 2018. The article describes the main ideas discussed at the conference. The main leitmotif of the presentations was the idea that the modern understanding of the problems of labor is very diverse. Young professionals entering the modern Russian labor market face a huge list of problems. The key issues on which speakers constantly focused their attention were the impact of new information realities on the sphere of work, the employment of young professionals in the context of changing labor market demands, and the dissemination of competence-oriented criteria for assessing the quality of specialists. Participants also discussed the dynamics of graduate employment, creativity and flexibility in the demand and development of intellectual work, training in the workplace, and many other areas. The general conclusion of the review, summarizing the work of the Scientific Conference sessions, was that young people want and will be ready for the challenges of the 21st century work context.

Проблема труда в самарской философии / Labor Studies in Samara Philosophy (Философские науки. 2022; 65(2): 67-80.)

В статье дан аналитический обзор работ самарских исследовательниц Т.Н. Сосниной и Л.Б. Четыровой в области философии труда. Анализ проведен в контексте необходимости разрешения социальноэпистемологической ситуации «смерти труда» и актуализации потребности в переосмыслении содержания концепта труда. Данное тематическое направление исследований в Самаре открыто в 1970-е годы Т.Н. Сосниной, которая разработала философскую теорию предмета труда. В результате была зафиксирована собственная активность предмета труда, выделен предмет труда в системе духовного производства, намечена перспектива широкой интерпретации трудовой деятельности, включающей в себя духовную и управленческую составляющие. Методологический потенциал инструментария теории предмета труда в дальнейшем использован в рамках ноосферной парадигмы подхода для анализа потоков материального производства и жизненных циклов формирования продуктов природы и общества (труда). Учет активности средств и предмета труда позволил Т.Н. Сосниной показать картину мира в виде всеобщего соработничества. Предложенная Л.Б. Четыровой историко-культурная панорама представлений о труде позволила охарактеризовать его как духовно-практическую деятельность. Очевидное разнообразие духовной культуры общества естественным образом определяет множественность интерпретаций понятия труда. Особый интерес вызывает анализ концепта труда с позиций лингвоконцептологии, а также перспектива проработки образа труда в истории, мифологии, религии, философии, ином мировоззрении. На интеллектуальный вызов, предсказывающий «смерть труда», самарская философия ответила панэргонизмом-картиной мира, утверждающей тотальность труда. Трудовое миропонимание онтологизирует популярный концепт «труд бытия» и продолжает традицию эргодицеи, различные версии которой разрабатывали мыслители Серебряного века русской культуры. К

Concepts of Work: from Traditional Social-Labor Ideas to Modern Effects of Digital Transformation


Цель: переосмысление сложившейся концепции труда, эволюционирующей под влиянием классических научных парадигм и радикальных цифровых и технологических трансформаций социальных отношений в условиях сложившегося концептуального многообразия и неопределенности.  Контактное лицо Статья находится в открытом доступе и распространяется в соответствии с лицензией Creative Commons «Attribution» («Атрибуция») 4.0 Всемирная (CC BY 4.0) (, позволяющей неограниченно использовать, распространять и воспроизводить материал при условии, что оригинальная работа упомянута с соблюдением правил цитирования.

Assessment of the State and Changes in the Labor Sphere, Ensuring the Quality of Working Life in the Context of Digitalization of the Economy

Economic Herald of the Donbas, 2021

The article presents an assessment of the state of the labor sphere and the quality of working life in the context of digitalization of the economy and society. The general conditions for ensuring and forming a decent quality of working life are assessed on the basis of changes in macroeconomic indicators of economic development in general and the digital sector with the determination of the efficiency of living labor costs. The share of the digital sector in the structure of the national economy, labor productivity of employees in the digital sector compared to national indicators are characterized. The dynamics of changes in the main socio-economic indicators of the development of the labor sphere of Ukraine for 2013-2020 and the structural transformation of employment by type of economic activity are analyzed. Changes in precariat in Ukraine for 2013-2020 and its share in the employed population are estimated. The characteristics of the dynamics of nominal, average, minimum wages...

Položaj radnika u doba neoliberalne globalizacije

This paper analyzes different consequences of the process of globalization which is based on the model of neoliberal capitalism, with special attention being paid to the position of workers, reduction of labour rights and challenges that the labour movement faces today. By examining various aspects of the existing political, economic and social system we tried to see to what extent is the tendency for generating and multiplying inequality and poverty inherently present in the capitalist system as such, and how much does the prevalence of neoliberalism on a global level enhance this tendency. Globalization is a complex and multilayered process of international integration centered around the basic principles of neoliberal economic and political paradigm, and different implications of such a process are intrinsically connected. The change in the position of workers worldwide is only one of these implications, and others that are closely related to it are: growing inequality, hunger, unemployment, curtailment of certain human rights, social insecurity etc. With the emergence of the neoliberal model from the 1970s, and especially after the fall of the Berlin Wall and dissolution of the Eastern Bloc, many of the labour rights that existed both in welfare states and in socialist countries started to disappear. Unemployment started to be regarded as a natural phenomenon, long-term employment with full benefits became an exception rather then a rule in most of the world countries, and general tendency towards liberalization significantly diminished the mechanisms that were protecting labour rights on the state level. The withdrawal of the state from many areas of social provision has led to the amplification of internal inconsistencies of the capitalist system, increasing stratification of society and rapid concentration of wealth and power in the hands of small number of people. This paper analyzes these tendencies by examining various empirical data, as well as theoretical models postulated by scientists from different fields, and tries to draw attention to some of the most destructive implications of neoliberal globalization, especially the disempowerment of workers which directly efects the majority of the world population. The distinct propensity of the existing world system towards instability – economic, political, social, environmental – puts in question its long-term sustainability and moral justifiability. Keywords: labour movement, neoliberal capitalism, globalization