Церква в національному парку: методичні рекомендації щодо співпраці Церков і національних природних парків Карпат (original) (raw)

План за управување со црковниот комплекс „Св. Ѓорѓи – Старо Нагоричане“, Activity 4 – Preparation of Site Management Plans, approved by the RCC TFCS for Ljubljana Process II 2011-2014 – Rehabilitating our Common Heritage (2013)

The Management Plan refers to the Church Complex of St. George in Staro Nagorichane that represents cultural heritage of exceptional value and is of highest national significance. The church of St. George is among the most important architectural and artistic achievements of the medieval art not only in Macedonia but at the same time on Balkan Peninsula, and in Byzantine art of 14th century in general, thus the monument has universal value as an architectural and artistic achievement and testimony for the artistic achievement of mankind. For the preparation of the Plan, the used methodology was according to the preparation of management plans for sites that have been proclaimed as World Heritage by UNESCO, adapted to the church complex of St. George, Staro Nagorichane. The Plan contains historical data about the site, its values and meaning, its condition and challenges to which it is exposed, policies, strategies and aims/purposes of the management, as well as activities, organization and instruments for implementation of the Management Plan. Chapter 1 presents set of information for the geographical location of the church complex, the protected area which includes boundaries and buffer zones, legal protection respectively protection status, legislative and spatial and urban plans associated with the complex. This chapter also contains historical information and description of the complex and its surroundings, its place in regional context, as well as descriptions of activities in and around the complex, its accessibility, existing infrastructure and data for the current management. In Chapter 2 the church complex is evaluated and its universal values, authenticity, integrity and exceptional national importance of St. George and the site in general are listed/pointed. Based on the analysis of information contained in Chapter 1, an assessment on the condition of the church complex presented in Chapter 3 is given. Besides the physical condition of the site, damages of the buildings and wall paintings, this chapter also contains information on the accessibility, the level of research, presentation and popularization of the church complex and its inclusion in local economy. In Chapter 4 the principles of management, the position of the Plan and the institutional framework for the management respectively policies of the management of the church complex are listed. Strategy management, expected values and aims/goals of the Management plan for the Church Complex of St. George in Staro Nagorichane is contained in Chapter 5 – “Implementation of the Management Plan”. The objectives of the Plan are grouped into long-term goals, management goals, conservation goals and goals in the area of legislation and policy of preservation of cultural heritage, as well as the needs in terms of future research, interpretation and presentation of the site, its involvement in the local economy and protection of the landscape. For each designated goal or need in this chapter activities needed for their implementation are listed. The last Chapter (6) contains the model of organization and instruments for implementing, duration of the validity and review/revision of the Management Plan. The model and subjects of cooperation in implementation of the Plan are also part of this chapter. The Management plan for the Church Complex of St. George in Staro Nagorichane was prepared by the professional team of the National Conservation Centre – Skopje: Msc. Jasminka Nikolich Novakovich, Art histortian – Advisor conservator, Msc. Cvetanka Hadji Pecova, Architect – Advisor conservator, Msc. Jehona Spahiu, Art historian – Senior conservator, and Jovan Ristov, jurist in cooperation with representatives from Cultural Heritage Protection Office at the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Macedonia, Municipality of Staro Nagorichane, Bishopric/Diocese of Kumanovo and Osogovo, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from the Municipality of Staro Nagorichane. The preparation of the Plan was enabled in the framework of the project Ljubljana Process II: Rehabilitating Our Common Heritage with financial assistance in the form of the EU Parliament grant for Sustaining Heritage Rehabilitation in the Western Balkans, implemented by the Task Force on Culture and Society of the Regional Cooperation Council. At national level, the Ljubljana Process II is coordinated by the Cultural Heritage Protection Office and the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Macedonia.

Співпраця Закарпатської області з партнерськими краями Чеської республіки у сфері туризму

Mìžnarodnij naukovij vìsnik, 2019

Павлишин Любов, кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри туризму Товт Юлія, магістр другого року навчання, факультет туризму та міжнародних комунікацій ДВНЗ «Ужгородський національний університет» СПІВПРАЦЯ ЗАКАРПАТСЬКОЇ ОБЛАСТІ З ПАРТНЕРСЬКИМИ КРАЯМИ ЧЕСЬКОЇ РЕСПУБЛІКИ У СФЕРІ ТУРИЗМУ У статті аналізується співробітництво Закарпатської області з партнерськими краями у Чеській республіці в області туризму. Офіційна регіональна співпраця нашого краю розглядається з такими чеськими краями: Височина, Пардубіцький край, Устецький край та Краловоградецький край.

Аб’екты сакральнай геаграфіі ў турыстычна-экскурсійнай дзейнасці: метадычныя рэкамендацыі


Скварчэўскі, Д. В. Аб’екты сакральнай геаграфіі ў турыстычна-экскурсійнай дзейнасці: метадычныя рэкамендацыі / Д. В. Скварчэўскі // Материалы II Международной научно-практической конференции «Перспективы развития туризма в современных условиях: мировые тенденции и региональные контексты» / редкол. И. Н. Воронович (председатель) [и др.]. – Минск : Колорград, 2022. – С. 80–84.

«Природа і місія Церкви» в контексті УГКЦ

Метрон, 2009

Автор аналізує документ «Природа і місія Церкви» Комісії «Віра і церковний устрій» Всесвітньої Ради Церков. Він це робить через призму еклезіологічної думки Андрея (Шептицького), Йосифа (Сліпого), Мирослава Івана (Любачівського). Також наголошує, що для греко-католицького богослова документ цікавий з огляду на глибоко біблійний спосіб вираження сутності Церкви, а також через те, що «Природа і місія Церкви» вказує на відмінності між богословськими поясненнями Церков деяких правд щодо самих себе. The author analyzes the document «The Nature and Mission of the Church» of the Commission «Faith and Church System» of the World Council of Churches. He does this through the prism of the ecclesiological thought of Andrei (Sheptytsky), Joseph (Slipy), Myroslav Ivan (Lubachivsky). The author also emphasizes that this document is interesting for the Greek-Catholic theologian, since it gives an understanding of the deep biblical way of expressing the essence of the Church, and also because «Nature and Mission of the Church» points to the differences between the theological explanations of the Churches of some truths concerning themselves.

Тематика спільних пастирських послань на сторінках "Душпастиря" - урядового органу Мукачівської та Пряшівської єпархій

Periodical „Dushpastor“ printed generally from 1924 to 1939 and his permanent editor was Father Alexander Ilnytskyy. Only for seven years the magazine was as p rinted organ of the two dioceses - Mukachevo and Preshov - from 1927 to 1933. The article deals with episcopal letters that are the unique source o f history Preshov and Mukachevo dioceses, which raised the problem o f secularization, the decline o f morality, sins, poverty and starvation. In fact, analyzing the letters o f B ishops predicted future catastrophe of World War II. In general, as the source of these pastoral letters violate a whole layer o f urgent problems and the study of church-state relations - the debate about school reform at the time, studying social problems or the spread of ideologies directed against humanity.