Werning, R., Artiles, A., Engelbrecht, P., Caballeros, M. Z., Hummel, M., & Rothe, A. (Eds.). (2016). Keeping the promise? Contextualizing inclusive education in developing countries. Klinkhardt. (original) (raw)
behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ). Leibniz Universität Hannover and GOPA Consultants headed the international team of researchers. The research was conducted in two countries-Guatemala and Malawi-by a team of national researchers in each participating country. The Guatemala team, headed by Marta Caballeros, included Héctor Canto, Magaly Menéndez, Cristina Perdomo, Gerson Sontay. The team was supported through Priscila Franco. The Malawian team included Anderson Chikumbutso Moyo, Evance Charlie, Grace Mwinimudzi Chiuye, Elizabeth Tikondwe Kamchedzera, Lizzie Chiwaula. The two country teams were coordinated and supported by Rolf Werning (Research Director), Myriam Hummel (Research Coordinator), Alfredo Artiles (Research Advisor), Petra Engelbrecht (Research Advisor), Antje Rothe (Researcher), Ursula Esser (Capacity Development Expert), Carolin Bothe-Tews (Communication and Knowledge Management Expert), Heike Happerschoss (Backstopper) and Margot Freimuth (Co-Backstopper). The refie project aimed to advance our understanding of inclusive educational systems in what is regarded as developing countries in order to improve inclusive policies and practices in international development cooperation efforts. The overall guiding research questions were: In order to consolidate all the data and to keep the process of analysis transparent, comprehensible and controllable, consolidated analysis papers were developed on the basis of scientific source texts (Apel, Engler, Friebertshäuser, Fuhs, & Zinnecker, 1995; Friebertshäuser, 1992; Laging, 2008) for each of the ten case studies and on each country level. Transcripts of interviews, focus group discussions, observations and field notes were analysed using thematic coding according to Flick (1996; 2004) and open coding as described by Strauss (1994; Strauss & Corbin, 1996). Thematic coding was pre-structured by means of a code tree. The analysis was done with MAXQDA®. The study data base included about 245 transcripts of interviews, focus group discussions and field notes from both countries. References