Stability Estimates for an Inverse Hyperbolic Initial Boundary Value Problem with Unknown Boundaries (original) (raw)

Stability estimate for a hyperbolic inverse problem with time-dependent coefficient

Inverse Problems, 2015

We study the stability in the inverse problem of determining the time dependent zeroth-order coefficient q(t, x) arising in the wave equation, from boundary observations. We derive, in dimension n ≥2 , a log-type stability estimate in the determination of q from the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map, in a subset of our domain assuming that it is known outside this subset. Moreover, we prove that we can extend this result to the determination of q in a larger region, and then in the whole domain provided that we have much more data.

Stability estimate for the hyperbolic inverse boundary value problem by local Dirichlet-to-Neumann map

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2008

In this paper we consider the stability of the inverse problem of determining a function q(x) in a wave equation ∂ 2 t u − ∆u + q(x)u = 0 in a bounded smooth domain in R n from boundary observations. This information is enclosed in the hyperbolic (dynamic) Dirichletto-Neumann map associated to the solutions to the wave equation. We prove in the case of n ≥ 2 that q(x) is uniquely determined by the range restricted to a subboundary of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map whose stability is a type of double logarithm.

Stability properties of an inverse parabolic problem with unknown boundaries

Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 2006

We treat the stability issue for an inverse problem arising from nondestructive evaluation by thermal imaging. We consider the determination of an unknown portion of the boundary of a thermic conducting body by overdetermined boundary data for a parabolic initial-boundary value problem. We prove a stability estimate with a single measurement with some a priori information on the unknown part of the boundary and minimal assumptions on the data, in particular on the thermal conductivity. Then, we obtain that even when the unknown part of the boundary is a priori known to be smooth, the data are as regular as possible and all possible measurements are taken into account, still the problem is exponentially ill-posed. Therefore, our stability estimate is optimal.

Inverse Problem Related to Boundary Shape Identification for a Hyperbolic Differential Equation

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2021

In this paper, we are interested in the inverse problem of the determination of the unknown part ∂ Ω , Γ 0 of the boundary of a uniformly Lipschitzian domain Ω included in ℝ N from the measurement of the normal derivative ∂ n v on suitable part Γ 0 of its boundary, where v is the solution of the wave equation ∂ t t v x , t − Δ v x , t + p x v x = 0 in Ω × 0 , T and given Dirichlet boundary data. We use shape optimization tools to retrieve the boundary part Γ of ∂ Ω . From necessary conditions, we estimate a Lagrange multiplier k Ω which appears by derivation with respect to the domain. By maximum principle theory for hyperbolic equations and under geometrical assumptions, we prove a uniqueness result of our inverse problem. The Lipschitz stability is established by increasing of the energy of the system. Some numerical simulations are made to illustrate the optimal shape.

Inverse Initial Boundary Value Problem for a Non-linear Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equation

arXiv: Analysis of PDEs, 2020

In this article we are concerned with an inverse initial boundary value problem for a non-linear wave equation in space dimension ngeq2n\geq 2ngeq2. In particular we consider the so called interior determination problem. This non-linear wave equation has a trivial solution, i.e. zero solution. By linearizing this equation at the trivial solution, we have the usual linear wave equation with a time independent potential. For any small solution u=u(t,x)u=u(t,x)u=u(t,x) of this non-linear equation, it is the perturbation of linear wave equation with time-independent potential perturbed by a divergence with respect to (t,x)(t,x)(t,x) of a vector whose components are quadratics with respect to nablat,xu(t,x)\nabla_{t,x} u(t,x)nablat,xu(t,x). By ignoring the terms with smallness O(∣nablat,xu(t,x)∣3)O(|\nabla_{t,x} u(t,x)|^3)O(nablat,xu(t,x)3), we will show that we can uniquely determine the potential and the coefficients of these quadratics by many boundary measurements at the boundary of the spacial domain over finite time interval and the final overdetermination at t=Tt=Tt=T. In ot...

Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences Komaba, Tokyo, Japan Inverse Hyperbolic Problem by a Finite Time of Observations with Arbitrary Initial Values


We consider a solution u(p, g, a, b) to an initial value-boundary value problem for a hyperbolic equation: ∂ t u(x, t) = ∆u(x, t) + p(x)u(x, t), x ∈ Ω, 0 < t < T u(x, 0) = a(x), ∂tu(x, 0) = b(x), x ∈ Ω, u(x, t) = g(x, t), x ∈ ∂Ω, 0 < t < T. and we discuss an inverse problem of determining a coefficient p(x) and a, b by observations of u(p, g, a, b)(x, t) in a neighbourhood ω of ∂Ω over a time interval (0, T ) and u(p, g, a, b)(x, T0), ∂tu(p, g, a, b)(x, T0), x ∈ Ω with T0 < T . We prove that if T −T0 and T0 are larger than the diameter of Ω, then we can choose a finite number of Dirichlet boundary inputs g1, ..., gN by the Hilbert Uniqueness Method, so that the mapping {u(p, gj , aj , bj)|ω×(0,T ), u(p, gj , aj , bj)(·, T0), ∂tu(p, gj , aj , bj)(·, T0)}1≤j≤N −→ {p, aj , bj}1≤j≤N is uniformly Lipschitz continuous with suitable Sobolev norms provided that {p, aj , bj}1≤j≤N remains some bounded set in a suitable Sobolev space. In our inverse problem, initial values are a...

Inverse Boundary Value Problem for Non-linear Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations

arXiv: Analysis of PDEs, 2017

In this article we are concerned with an inverse boundary value problem for a non-linear wave equation of divergence form with space dimension ngeq3n\geq 3ngeq3. This non-linear wave equation has a trivial solution, i.e. zero solution. By linearizing this equation at the trivial solution, we have the usual linear isotropic wave equation with the speed sqrtgamma(x)\sqrt{\gamma(x)}sqrtgamma(x) at each point xxx in a given spacial domain. For any small solution u=u(t,x)u=u(t,x)u=u(t,x) of this non-linear equation, we have the linear isotropic wave equation perturbed by a divergence with respect to xxx of a vector whose components are quadratics with respect to nablaxu(t,x)\nabla_x u(t,x)nablaxu(t,x) by ignoring the terms with smallness O(∣nablaxu(t,x)∣3)O(|\nabla_x u(t,x)|^3)O(nablaxu(t,x)3). We will show that we can uniquely determine gamma(x)\gamma(x)gamma(x) and the coefficients of these quadratics by many boundary measurements at the boundary of the spacial domain over finite time interval. More precisely the boundary measurements are given as the so-called the hyperbolic Dirichlet to Neuman...

On an Inverse Problem of Reconstructing an Unknown Coefficient in a Second Order Hyperbolic Equation from Partial Boundary Measurements

Methods and Applications of Analysis, 2010

We consider the inverse problem of reconstructing an unknown coefficient in a second order hyperbolic equation from partial (on part of the boundary) dynamic boundary measurements. In this paper we prove that the knowledge of the partial Cauchy data for this class of hyperbolic PDE on any open subset Γ of the boundary determines explicitly the coefficient c provided that c is known outside a bounded domain. Then, through construction of appropriate test functions by a geometrical control method, we derive a formula for calculating the coefficient c from the knowledge of the difference between the local Dirichlet to Neumann maps.

Lipschitz Stability in an Inverse Hyperbolic Problem by Boundary Observations

More Progresses in Analysis - Proceedings of the 5th International ISAAC Congress, 2009

Let u = u(q) satisfy a hyperbolic equation with impulsive input: ∂ 2 t u(x, t) − u(x, t) + q(x)u(x, t) = δ(x 1)δ (t) and let u| t<0 = 0. Then we consider an inverse problem of determining q(x), x ∈ Ω from data u(q)| S T and (∂u(q)/∂ν