Architectural Tradition, Identity and Globalization: Reflections on the problem of the homogenization of the built environment (original) (raw)

Tradición Arquitectónica, Identidad y Globalización: el problema de la homogeneización del paisaje construido.pdf

ESTOA, 2018

Architectural Tradition, Identity and Globalization: Reflections on the problem of the homogenization of the built environment En el ejercicio del urbanismo, la arquitectura y la conservación del patrimonio arquitectónico y urbano existe una preocupación creciente por la preservación de los caracteres esenciales del paisaje cultural en el que se interviene, particularmente cuando estos tienen su origen en tradiciones locales. Esta preocupación está aún por verse reflejada en los programas docentes de los estudios de arquitectura y urbanismo. Es por ello necesario reflexionar sobre la naturaleza del problema para poder emprender con éxito este camino. En la medida en que las tradiciones constructivas, arquitectónicas y urbanísticas locales prosigan su hasta ahora constante y progresiva disolución, la relevancia de su conservación continuará en ascenso. Sin embargo, conceptos tan esenciales para afrontar esta cuestión y de uso tan frecuente como son los de tradición, globalización e identidad local son utilizados comúnmente en el campo que nos ocupa de forma imprecisa o incorrecta. Este texto trata de contribuir a un mejor conocimiento y a una más correcta definición de los mismos en el ámbito de nuestro ambiente construido. Abstract: When practicing urbanism, architecture and architectural and urban heritage preservation there is a growing concern on the conservation of the essential characters of the cultural landscape to be transformed, particularly when they come from its local traditions. This concern is still to find the place it deserves in the curriculum of the architecture and urbanism educational programs. Being so, it is necessary to reflect on the nature of this problem in order to successfully undertake this task. As far as the till now constant and progressive disappearance of traditional building, architecture and urbanism goes on, the relevance of preserving those characters will continue its growth. Nevertheless, as basic and commonly used key concepts to deal with this problem as tradition, globalization and local identity are frequently ambiguously or incorrectly used in this field. This paper intends to contribute to a better understanding and a more correct definition of these concepts when applied to our built environment. Estoa N°14 / Vol. 7 / Octubre 2018 e-ISSN: 1390-9274

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Tradición Arquitectónica, Identidad y Globalización: el problema de la homogeneización del paisaje construido.pdf Cover Page

Erasing architecture: the neutralization of the architectural object in the 21st century

Erasing architecture: the neutralization of the architectural object in the 21st century, 2018

Many of the most famous and relevant buildings of the 21st century are characterized by being singular, unusual and striking. This widespread way to approach design emphasizes the autonomy of the architectural object at the expense of its ability to build connections with the site. However, in the last years, another architectural paradigm, quite opposite to this one, has gained importance. This other paradigm goes on to neutralize the object, instead of accentuating its presence. The architecture that this paradigm proposes try to go unnoticed, to accept to appear ordinary, and sometimes goes as far as to question the need of its own construction. Nowadays the most commonly used strategies to neutralize the architectural objects are camouflage, anonymity and minimization. The purpose of this article is to explain the characteristics of this paradigm and the reasons of its relevance in contemporary architecture.

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Erasing architecture: the neutralization of the architectural object in the 21st century Cover Page

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Arquitectura y lugar: entre lo global y lo local Cover Page

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The Non-Permanent in the Urban-Architectural Consolidation Case Study: The Berlin Neighborhood at Cali, Colombia Cover Page

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Clonación y re-valorización de la identidad en la arquitectura contemporánea Cover Page

La aportación regionalista en EE. UU. - Génesis bibliográfica de una “nueva filosofía” arquitectónica. (The regionalist contribution in United States. Bibliographical genesis of a "new philosophy" in architecture)

Tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la arquitectura moderna se enfrentaba a una “encrucijada”: los arquitectos tuvieron que elegir en general entre mantener su obediencia rígida a la arquitectura “funcionalista” o buscar nuevos medios de expresión. Si bien el Movimiento Moderno no había fracasado como tal, parecía evidente que sí necesitaba algunas revisiones. Además, durante estos años en los EE. UU. se dio una gran multitud de interpretaciones regionales -o “regionalistas”- del movimiento Moderno, siendo algunas de ellas grandes aportaciones genuinamente americanas a la modernidad. Este regionalismo cuestionaba la misma importancia del Estilo Internacional. Así, muchos arquitectos europeos se vieron obligados a reevaluar sus carreras y sus principios, generando una “nueva filosofía” arquitectónica. Una década más tarde, aquellas reflexiones serían claves para un autor como Robert Venturi. After World War II, modern architecture was facing a “crossroads”: architects had to choose between keeping their overall rigid obedience to the "functionalist" architecture or find new means of expression. While Modernism had not failed as such, it seemed clear that he did need some revisions. Also during these years in the US there was a large number of regional –or regionalist- interpretations of the Modern Movement, some of which became genuine great American contributions to modernity. This regionalism questioned the very importance of the International Style. Thus, many European architects were forced to reevaluate their careers and their principles, creating a "new philosophy" of architecture. A decade later, those thoughts were key driver concepts to an author like Robert Venturi.

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La aportación regionalista en EE. UU. - Génesis bibliográfica de una “nueva filosofía” arquitectónica. (The regionalist contribution in United States. Bibliographical genesis of a "new philosophy" in architecture) Cover Page

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La valoración de los espacios públicos con identidad local (frente a la globalización) - The assessment of the public spaces with local identity (facing globalization) Cover Page

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Arquitectura y paisaje urbano como Globalización Específica Cover Page

Learning from the territory: Architecture as a possibility of transformation


El artículo es una reflexión teórica y metodológica sobre la rela-ción entre arquitectura, infancias y educación. Para ello, identifica la posibilidad de educar desde el propio territorio, desde una pers-pectiva transdisciplinar que valore como fundamental la extensión universitaria, y observa la escuela como un espacio con potencial educativo territorial. También critica las formas de hacer y pensar la arquitectura, especialmente en cuanto a la formación en el área, mostrando nuevas posibilidades de actuación a partir de dos estu-dios de caso en escuelas públicas de la periferia del Distrito Fede-ral de Brasil, utilizando metodologías activas en el contexto de la investigación-acción. A theoretical-methodological reflection on the relationship between Architecture and Urbanism, childhoods, and basic education is pre-sented here. Identifying the possibility of education from the territory itself, in a transdisciplinary perspective and that values te university outreach as something fundamental in this process, observing the school as a space with territorial educational potential. There is also a critique of the ways of doing and thinking about architecture, es-pecially with regard to training in the area, demonstrating new pos-sibilities of action from two case studies from public schools in the outskirts of the Federal District — Brazil, using active methodologies within the scope of Action Research.

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Learning from the territory: Architecture as a possibility of transformation Cover Page