(Wild)haus w Bezławkach (Bayselauken, Bäslack) – uwagi na temat budownictwa warownego zakonu niemieckiego w późnośredniowiecznych Prusach (original) (raw)
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The article analyzes the Polish–German relations described by Bolesław Prus in Kroniki (Chronicles). It raises questions about how the author’s personal beliefs determine the construction of his novel characters. The author has avoided the coloured chauvinism of complaints about the in-creasing number of German colonists coming to the cities and provinces. Prus was aware of threats, but also saw the advantages and strengths of German organizations. Observations of neighbours and international relations were used by Prus mainly for comparisons. Prus’s chronicles and letters are a testimony to the sinusoidal variation of the author’s moods: from intoxication with greatness and modernity to emotional depression.
Idea i racjonalizm w architekturze sakralnej Henryka Buszki i Aleksandra Franty
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Z badań nad budownictwem ludowym Kotliny Rabczańskiej
Prace Etnograficzne, 2017
Research on folk Architecture in the Rabka Valley Th e aim of the article is to briefl y describe the changes in the form of village buildings in the area of the Rabka Valley from the mid-nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century (including layouts of villages, plans of farms and houses, constructions of foundations, walls, roofs, fl oors, ceilings, doors, windows, stoves and decorative elements) and to answer the question whether it is a common heritage of the inhabitants of this area.
Przegląd Archeologiczny, 2021
the article discusses the results of archaeological-onomastic research carried out for the village of nowosielec, łosice dist., situated in the toczna river basin on the northern edge of poland's siedlce upland. archaeological analyses of the chronological and spatial development of this micro-regional settlement showed this oecumene to have been continuously viable from the younger phases of the early middle ages to modern times. a trace of the continuity of settlement is preserved as the very place-name Nowosielec = Nowe Sioło ('new Village'), which records memory of the existence of an older village. its onomastic base indicates that it derived from the old east slavic term seło, which formed the core of many toponyms along the eastern frontier of contemporary poland. the rise of the oldest settlement was probably related to the socioeconomic facilities of the nearby dzięcioły stronghold-identified as the pre-location centre of the region (medieval łosice). the example of nowosielec and two other local micro-regions where settlement processes show similar patterns, offer insight into the regional settlement regress dated to the 2nd half of the 13th century. results of the research carried out in the upper toczna river basin show that its cultural landscape radically changed not earlier than during the 14th-15th centuries and was not caused by a demographic decline. regional cultural continuity between the early medieval, late medieval, and modern times can be identified thanks to archaeological investigations and linguistic analysis of regional toponyms-in the case of microregions continuously functioning from the early middle ages till the modern periodderived from old russian apellatives and personal names. key words: cultural frontier, medieval polish-rus' frontier, medieval polish-lithuanian frontier, medieval settlement, early modern settlement, eastern slavonic toponyms, toponomastic research, settlement changes during the early and late middle ages zygmunt gałecki, katarzyna skrzyńska Wiejskie struktury osadnicze i ich przemiany W czasie: przykład nowosielca na dawnym pograniczu polsko-rusko-litewskim rural settlement structures and their changes oVer time. the example of the Village nowosielec on the former polish-rus'-lithuanian frontier wstęp Średniowieczne i wczesnonowożytne osadnictwo pogranicza mazowsza i północno-wschodniej małopolski z rusią halicko-włodzimierską, a następnie z litwą na terenie dorzecza środkowego Bugu stanowi temat podejmowany przez humanistów od blisko stu lat 1. problematyka ta pojawiła się jeszcze
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne, 2022
The purpose of the article is to show the role of meszne in the emoluments of the parish vicars of the parish churches operating in the Kraków Diocese in the first half of the 16th century. Meszne was a tribute that appeared in Polish lands with colonization under German law. It was most often paid on St Martin's Day, i.e. 11 November, in grain, generally in equal amounts of rye and oats. The significance of this tribute to parsonage budgets has been addressed only marginally in the literature to date. It has been pointed out that meszne may have had a significant impact on the functioning of the parish in some cases, but more often than not it was a rather small element of income and for this reason was downplayed by some authors. A source that allows us to understand the actual role of meszne in the functioning of the parishes of the Kraków Diocese of the first half of the 16th century is the so-called Liber Retaxationum of 1529. It notes the components of the parsonage emoluments of almost all parishes then functioning in the Kraków Diocese. The results collected indicate that meszne was included in the emoluments of 45% of the parishes, and for as many as 30% it was the most important component In this situation, there is no doubt that its revenues had an impact on the functioning of the parishes. Con
Architectus, 2019
The article presents the history of the creation and transformation of the parish church (now a co-cathedral) in Zielona Góra from the 2 14th century to the beginning of the 20th century. The introduction presents the source and chronicle information as well as the current modest litera- ture. Based on the architectural studies and the analysis of the details, the most important phases of the church’s transformation were separated. The beginnings of the existing building were erected in the 1370s, when a two-span presbytery was built. Presumably, at the beginning of the 15th century, a three-bay, four-nave, aisle body was built. The temple was probably damaged by a fire in 1419. After reconstruction, probably in the 2nd half of the 15th century, on the south side, was erected a Gethsemane Chapel with a gallery, a porch and at the turn of the 15th and 16th century – the Baptist Chapel. After the fire in 1546, the western porch was established, and after another in 1582 – the corps’ vault completed in 1590. The 2nd half of the 17th century brought new windows, and a high Baroque helmet. It fell down in 1776. A Baroque tower with a classicist helmet was rebuilt in stages up to 1832. At the end of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century, renovation works were carried out, and at the beginning of the 21st century, renovation works were also carried out, the last stage of which was to preserve the interior of the Gethsemane Chapel.
Norbert Wójtowicz, [recenzja ksiażki] Ludwik Hass, Masoneria polska XX wieku. Losy, loże, ludzie", Warszawa 1996, "Notatki Płockie", 1996, nr 4/169, s. 51-53