Feasibility of Direct Disposal of Salt Waste from Electochemical Processing of Spent Nuclear Fuel (original) (raw)
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Elements, 2016
The back-end of the nuclear fuel cycle has become the Achilles Heel of nuclear power. After more than 50 years of effort, there are, at present, no operating nuclear waste repositories for the spent nuclear fuel from commercial nuclear power plants or for the high-level waste from the reprocessing of spent fuel. This issue describes the status of geological disposal in salt, crystalline rock, clay, and tuff, as presently developed in five countries.
Chapter 11: Chemistry/Electrochemistry of Spent Nuclear Fuel as a Wasteform
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NOTICE TO READERS At the request of the Salt Repository Project Office (SRPO), Argonne National Laboratory carried out a review of a Westinghouse Electronic Corporation report entitled "Waste Package Reference Conceptual Designs for a Repository in Salt," WTSD-TM-001, revision A*. This report includes designs for: the reference defense high level waste form from the Savannah River Plant; an optimized commercial high level waste form; and, spent fuel which has been disassembled and compacted into a circular bundle. It has provided a sound basis for the development of the advanced waste package conceptual design. Specific instructions were provided to the review panel. The panel also reviewed the document from a broad point of view. Valuable comments were provided by the panel. Resolution of the comments and recommendations are included in Appendix C of this report.
The Salt Defense Disposal Investigations (SDDI): Current Status and Future Plans - 14486
Results are presented from simulations performed in support of the Salt Defense Disposal Investigations (SDDI), a field test designed to confirm the behavior of bedded salt as a geologic disposal medium for defense high-level waste (HLW) and DOE-managed spent nuclear fuel (SNF), emplaced on disposal room floors and shielded with run of mine salt. Recent activities in the following areas are summarized: radioactive waste inventory and heat load projections; potential repository design options; and current status of the field test project. We conclude that there is a continued need for research into the potential performance of a repository for heat-generating waste in bedded salt and a need to better understand the integrated response of the salt at the field scale. In particular, it is important to investigate the evolution of the small but non-negligible quantities of water within the salt as the heat from radioactive decay diffuses into the surrounding geologic medium. Recent coup...
Molten salt reactor waste and effluent management strategies: A review
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2019
Molten salt reactors (MSRs) are being considered as one of the potential nuclear options to meet future energy demands. While the MSR designs are drastically different from the more traditional light water reactor, many of the waste streams are similar between the concepts. The purpose of this paper is to outline strategies for the treatment and processing of MSR-type wastes from concepts of reconditioning and recycle of certain components to partitioning and direct immobilization of other waste components. To help bridge science and technology gaps, knowledge gained from similar efforts such as pyroprocessing of Experimental Breeder Reactor II salt wastes can be leveraged to develop concept-to-disposition pathways. 2 LiF-BeF 2 salt (LeBlanc, 2010; Serp et al., 2014). The reactor utilized a high-Ni alloy to limit corrosion (i.e., Hastelloy-N, also called INOR-8 or Allvac N) (McCoy and McNabb, 1972).