Vegetation of the ‘Mierzwice ’ nature reserve and its protection (original) (raw)

Diversity of xerothermic grasslands in the Bug River valley (in the neighbourhood of Kryłów and Stare Stulno)

Annales UMCS, Biologia, 2011

The paper presents the results of geobotanical studies conducted on xerothermic grasslands located on the slopes of the Bug River valley near Kryłów, Kosmów and Stare Stulno. Patches of 4 associations and 2 communities of xerothermic grasslands of the class Festuco-Brometea and Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei were found in this area. The share of xerothermic species was distinct in patches of semi-ruderal communities of Elymus hispidus and Elymus repens. Rare and protected plant species were present in the studied communities. Some fragments of the studied slopes appeared floristically valuable. Localities abundant in rare species, e.g., Nepeta pannonica (c.a. 200 specimens) and Euphorbia villosa (more than 50 clumps) were found. The most valuable objects should be legally protected as nature reserves or ecological grounds. STRESZCZENIE W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań geobotanicznych przeprowadzonych na murawach kserotermicznych zlokalizowanych na zboczach doliny Bugu w okolicach Kryłowa, Kosmowa i Starego Stulna. Stwierdzono tu występowanie płatów 4 zespołów i 2 zbiorowisk muraw kserotermicznych z klasy Festuco-Brometea i Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei. Udział gatunków kserotermicznych zaznaczał się także w płatach półruderalnych zbiorowisk z Elymus hispidus i Elymus repens. W badanych zbiorowiskach występowały rzadkie i chronione gatunki roślin. Niektóre fragmenty badanych zboczy okazały się cenne florystycznie. Odnaleziono na nich bogate stanowiska rzadkich gatunków, jak: Nepeta pannonica (ok. 200 okazów) oraz Euphorbia villosa (ponad 50 kęp). Najcenniejsze obiekty powinny być objęte ochroną prawną jako rezerwaty lub użytki ekologiczne.

Changes of species richness with special consideration of threatened species within the overgrowing xerothermic grassland in the forest clearing reserve of "Polana Polichno" in the Nida Basin (Małopolska Upland)

The aim of the study was to show the changes of species number and their frequency in different patches of xerothermic grasslands in the period of 2-3 years, as well as relation between the number and frequency of species which were classified in four ecological groups. We wanted to investigate changes in the frequency of several most threatened species: Cephalanthera damasonium, Adonis vernalis, Lathyrus pannonicus, Linum hirsutum, Sesleria uliginosa and Orchis purpurea. The observations were carried out on 120 m 2 permanent plots situated in the clearing forest reserve "Polana Polichno" in the Ponidzie region. Plots were chosen within the ecotone zone and in the central part of the reserve which represented different management regimes. It was found that within the same patches the mean number of species per 1m 2 did not differ significantly in the period of 2-3 years. The study showed a distinctly higher density of species in patches of grassland situated in the central part of the clearing in comparison with the ecotone patches, especially in the patch where trees and bushes had been cut down a few years earlier. Moreover, an increase in the number of grassland species and decrease in the number of forest herbs species was noted in the ecotone patch which had been permanently cut. STRESZCZENIE Celem naszych badań było pokazanie zmian, jakie nastąpiły w okresie 2-3 lat w liczbie i frekwencji gatunków rosnących w zróżnicowanych płatach murawy kserotermicznej. W pracy pokazano również zmiany we frekwencji kilku szczególnie zagrożonych gatunków, takich jak: Adonis vernalis, Cephalanthera damasonium, Lathyrus pannonicus, Linum hirsutum, Orchis purpura, Sesleria uliginosa. Analizowano również, jak zmienia się liczba i frekwencja gatunków w wyróżnio

Plant communities of the Czerwona Woda River Valley (Stołowe Mountains National Park)

Forest Research Papers

The Czerwona Woda River is the main watercourse in the Stołowe Mountains National Park and drains the major part of the Stołowe Mts. It was regulated in the past, but its channel has been spontaneously naturalised. Now, managed spruce forests grow along almost the entire length of this small mountain stream. The aims of the present study were to investigate diversity of plant communities connected with the Czerwona Woda stream and to prepare detailed vegetation maps. The results obtained can potentially be a reference for future restoration projects implemented in the Stołowe Mountains National Park. As a result of vegetation mapping, there were distinguished 20 plant communities representative of the current vegetation and 3 communities representative of the potential vegetation. Phytosociological data on the vegetation was documented by making 62 phytosociological relevés. Based on these, 9 forest communities were distinguished, of which 3 were classified into associations, 1 – in...

Rare and threatened plants of the mires in the intensively managed landscape of the Góry Sudawskie region (North-Eastern Poland)

During the fi eld survey of small, predominantly Sphagnum-dominated mires, occupying depressions in the intensively managed landscape of the Góry Sudawskie region (NE Poland, Lithuanian Lake District), the localities of rare and threatened plant species were recorded. The most valuable of them were: Baeothryon alpinum, Carex chordorrhiza, C. paucifl ora, Cinclidium stygium, Dactylorhiza bal-tica, D. ruthei, Eriophorum gracile, Hammarbya paludosa, Lycopodiella inundata, Oxycoccus microcarpus, Pseudocalliergon trifarium and Salix lapponum. Several red-listed species (like Carex chordorrhiza, C. li-mosa, Drosera rotundifolia, Epipactis palustris, Scheuchzeria palustris and Utricularia minor) were quite common and should not be considered threatened in the studied area. A striking feature was an abundant presence of species that are considered calciphilous (like E. palustris, Carex dioica and Dactylorhiza spp.). Species-rich fl ora of the mires is threatened fi rst of all due to non-for...

Efficiency Assessment of Different Forms of Flora and Vegetation Protection in the Ojców National Park (Southern Poland)

The following paper is summarising the efficiency of the currently known forms of protection of flora and vegetation coat of the Ojców National Park (OPN). The main threat for both the flora and the vegetation coat of OPN occurred to be the changes in the habitat conditions. The most exposed to extinction here are plants and non-forest plant communities: xerothermic grasslands and meadows. The main factors threatening their survival are: afforestation and spontaneous succession of forest vegetation. The lack of measures of active protection until the beginning of the 1980’s, caused the significant decrease of the communities surfaces and the elimination of many non-forest species. The active protection aimed at single endangered taxa was managed in barely few cases and did not always bring expected results. Definitely better effects were achieved after covering the whole non-forest ecosystems with active protection, which secured their relative durability. The strict protection in O...

Plant cover of the Szum river valley (Roztocze, South-East Poland)

Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 2005

The break section of the Szum river and the mouth part of its left tributary, Miedzianka (Roztocze, SE Poland) were the object of the research conducted in the years 1999-2001. The aim of the study was to establish the abiotic conditions of the diversity of vegetation and the richness of vascular flora in a small lowland river valley. A real vegetation map was drawn in the scale 1:5000. The syntaxonomic classification of plant communities and habitat trophism were established on the basis of 120 phytosociological relevés and 160 soil samples, respectively. On the area of barely 35.4 ha identified were 48 plant associations and communities representing 11 phytosociological classes, among them habitats protected in Poland (16 types) and important at the EU scale (3). There were found 378 species of 72 families, including: 21 species under strict protection, 9 under partial protection, 25 plants threatened on the regional scale, and 2 included into the Polish Red Data Book. Most of int...

Vegetation Characteristics of the Moryńskie Hills (NW Poland)


ABSTRACT. The aim of this study was to characterise the flora and plant communities in the Moryńskie Hills, Poland. A total of 45 transects and 23 phytosociological relevés were established. Plant communities were identified based on the description of the test patch of the vegetation cover. The paper presents floris-tic analyses of vascular plants, which includes the taxonomic affiliation of species, their life forms according to Raunkiaer, and the species share in the geographical and historical groups. The results have been com-piled and presented in tables and graphs, with a brief discussion. The non-forest communities occupy the largest area: xerothermic swards, meadows and pastures and to a lesser extent, scrub communities. Forests are represented by a riparian slope elm-ash wood Violo odoratae-Ulmetum minoris. KEY WORDS: Moryńskie Hills, xerothermic grasslands, flora, plant communities