VolCCD: Fast continuous collision culling between deforming volume meshes (original) (raw)

Volume-Surface Collision Detection

The presence or not of collisions between objects is usually required to study the interaction between them, increasing the realism in virtual environments. Collision detection between polygonal objects has been widely studied, and more recently some studies have been made concerning collisions between volume objects. Collision detection between volume datasets and polygonal objects is introduced in this work. This kind of mixed scenes appears naturally in many applications such as surgery simulation and volume edition. To detect the collision, first the volume dataset is represented by a single 3D texture. Then, a mapping from eye space to volume space is established, such as each mesh fragment has a 3D texture coordinate. The collision is verified by fragment during the rasterization stage. We use OpenGL occlusion query extension to count the number of mesh fragments colliding with the volume. Our tests show that up to 3800 pairs of volume-mesh may be evaluated in one second.

Fast and reliable collision culling using graphics hardware

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2000

We present a reliable culling algorithm that enables fast and accurate collision detection between triangulated models in a complex environment. Our algorithm performs fast visibility queries on the GPUs for eliminating a subset of primitives that are not in close proximity. In order to overcome the accuracy problems caused by the limited viewport resolution, we compute the Minkowski sum of each primitive with a sphere and perform reliable 2.5D overlap tests between the primitives. We are able to achieve more effective collision culling as compared to prior object-space culling algorithms. We integrate our culling algorithm with CULLIDE [1] and use it to perform reliable GPU-based collision queries at interactive rates on all types of models, including nonmanifold geometry, deformable models, and breaking objects.

An Image-Space Approach for Collision Detection Between Multiple Volumes and a Surface

International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics, 2012

Collision detection has been studied for scenes containing only polygonal objects (surfaces) or only volumes. With the evolution of the graphics hardware, surfaces and volumes can be rendered together, demanding new challenges for the area of collision detection. In this order of ideas, the authors propose the first approach for volume-surface collision detection, with GPU support. A mapping from surface space to texture space is established, such as each mesh fragment has a 3D texture coordinate. The volume-surface collision is tested in the fragment shader, verifying if a surface fragment is texturized with an opaque voxel. OpenGL® occlusion query extension is used to count the number of mesh fragments colliding with the volume. Since one surface can be texturized with multiple volume textures, the authors’ approach is naturally extended to discard collision between one surface and several volumes in a single pass, with a minimum impact in the rendering time. The authors’ tests re...