Development strategy of program of Model of Sustainable Food Estate Area (M-SFEA) based on female farmer group for social urban in Siak Regency of Riau Province, Indonesia (original) (raw)
Related papers, 2018
Sustainable farming became more notorious after global idea of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was introduced in 2015. In national Indonesian level, the idea was well interpreted well in one of the national programs named Sustainable Home-yard Food Garden (KRPL). KRPL program was designed to enormously sustaining productive land in household level. Furthermore, this idea was translated in local level throughout Indonesia based on the locality and spatial character. In Yogyakarta Special District, sustainable farming for limited land was constructed in Food Security Body with Lumbung Mataraman (LM) Program. This research aims to evaluate the effect of the LM program in social aspect with participatory perspective. It also to know what obstacle faced and that effort can succeed it. Method used in this research was including in-depth interview, Focus Group Discussion and intensive observation in 5 farmers group. The research was organized in different location of 4 districts and municipal. The result can be reported as three main aspects related to human resource and proper government program. The conclusion are: (a) the innovation in selecting farmer groups as beneficiary has solved the problem, but it should be supported by legal regulation made by government, (b) the preparedness of human resource and farmers group is important, in which the group should have the more effective activity and not merely project oriented group, and (c) the more sustained program is needed to measure the feasibility and viability of the program in a longer period.
Urban Farming Development Strategy to Achieve Sustainable Agriculture in Magelang, Indonesia
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2023
The population growth every year causes an increase in land demand. This has led to conversion from agricultural land to non-agricultural land, especially in urban areas where people in rural areas migrate to cities, one of them is Magelang. The agricultural land decrease and impacts less production. The concept of urban farming provides a solution for urban areas to maintain agricultural production by utilizing residents' yard. On the other hand, urban farming practices must still pay attention to agricultural sustainability, so they are maintained in the future. This study aims to determine the priority of urban farming development strategy in Magelang by using criteria in the dimension of sustainability. This study used the Analytical Network Process (ANP) method by involving several expert respondents in conducting the assessment. Based on the analysis results, the sustainability dimension's priority is the social dimension. Meanwhile, the priorities in each economic, ecological, social, technological, and institutional dimensions are income of women farmers group members, land availability, motivation of women farmers group members, cultivation technology, and the role of agricultural extension. Based on the criteria in the dimension of sustainability, the priority of Magelang's urban farming development strategy is integrated agriculture. The results of this study can be used as a reference for further research on the development of urban farming through integrated agriculture.
Malang District was one of the recipients of the Village Food Barn Program because as rice production centre in East Java Province and the majority of the population work as farmers. On food barn village program implementation in Malang District is not only involves men farmers but also include women farmers participation. This research aims to analyse whether there is influence among knowledge, attitude and skill against the formation of women farmers' response on food barn village in Pamotan Village, Dampit Subdistrict, Malang Regency. Women farmers to be sampled in this research, determination of sample do with non-probability approach and using purposive sampling methods by as much as 45 respondents. The analysis includes descriptive analysis, scoring with likert scale, and path analysis (Structural Equation Modelling). Results of the analysis show that variable knowledge turns out to affect positively against the response variables. Although its influence is indirect effect and no direct effect against the response with the value of indirect effect is 0.041. The attitude variable influences are directly and positively to the establishment of a response and the value is 1.18. Means that each an increase in attitude, it will increase the formation of a response by 1.18. Skill variable is directly affecting for establishment the response but it has negative values and the value is -0.30. Means that every single increase in skill, it will reduce establishment of the response of 0.30.
Empowerment of Farmer Women Groups Through Optimization of the Yard Through the SFHA System
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding
Potential land area in Indonesia covers 10.3 million hectares while in Indramayu District especially Lelea District the land area reaches 610.21 hectares (BPS Data, 2018). With this SFHA model, there is hope that national food security and independence can be created starting at the household level. This study aims to analyze the empowerment of women farmer groups and factors related to the empowerment of women farmer groups through optimization of the plot of land with the SFHA system and formulate an appropriate strategy for planning the empowerment of women farmer groups through optimization of the plot of land through the SFHA system. The study was conducted in Lelea District, Indramayu Regency, West Java Province. in March to June 2020. The research sample is 63 farmer women who are members of the farmer women's group who have implemented the SFHA program. The sample is determined using quota sampling based on the activeness of group members. The research variables consiste...
Mapping Potential Area of Sustainable Food Agriculture Area in Somba Opu Sub-District, Gowa Regency
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Population growth in Indonesia which is increasing causes the need for land to be used as a residential space or housing space to increse. One of the regions in Indonesia that experienced a land cover change of paddy fields into settlements is Somba Opu Sub-District, Gowa Regency. Somba Opu Sub-District is directly adjacent to Makassar City in the North. An effort to overcome changes in agricultural land to non-agriculture land is by making policy regarding the Sustainable Food Agriculture Land. The definition of the Land of Sustainable Food Agriculture is a field of agricultural land that is determined to be protected and developed consistently in order to produce staple food for independence, resilience, and national food sovereignty. The methods used in this study are observation, interviews using questionnaires, and studying the documentations. The criteria of the respondents in this study were paddy field farmers. In determining the number of respondents, this study uses the Slovin formula. The criteria for Sustainable Food Farming are based on Regulation of Ministery of Agriculture No. 7 of 2012. The result shows that Somba Opu Sub-District has an area of potential for Sustainable Food Agricultural Land covering an area of 214 ha and Sustainable Food Agricultural Reserves Land covering an area of 854 ha.
Strategi Pengembangan Urban Farming dalam Mendorong Pengembangan Ekonomi Sirkuler di Kota Bandung
JABE (Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis dan Ekonomi Utama)/Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis dan Ekonomi, 2024
Circular Economy implemented in urban farming will improve the welfare of the community. The purpose of this research is to develop a strategy for the development of urban farming to encourage a circular economy. The method used was to conduct a SWOT analysis by identifying internal and external factors as the development of urban farming to encourage a circular economy. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the urban farming development strategy to realize a circular economy combines elements of weakness (weakness) with threats (threat), namely collaborating with the education office and the women's empowerment and child protection office to introduce urban farming activities and collaborating with the education office and the women's empowerment and child protection office to introduce urban farming activities.
Pipin Diah Larasati, 2024
Increasing public knowledge and information about the diversity of food consumption is expected to reduce people's dependence on rice as a staple food, which is still high, improve diet so that it is more diverse, nutritionally balanced and safe which supports the community to be able to live a healthy, active and more productive life. productive. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of Yard Land Utilization Optimization activities in Tuban Regency in the Sustainable Food Yard (P2L) activity program, and Women Farmer Groups (KWT) in 2021 in Tuban district. A descriptive qualitative approach is used as an approach to obtain a more detailed review of the evaluation that implies the CIPP concept. The results of the research can explain and construct the CIPP evaluation model, that CIPP in the context aspect is able to describe things that need to be considered in program planning such as environmental characteristics and farming communities, especially women farmers, curriculum, strengths and weaknesses of implementing staff, facilities and infrastructure, funding, and the P2L and KWT communities; Evaluation of inputs to activities is able to identify and assess (1) the methods used in the food cultivation and food diversification program, (2) strategies to achieve the goals of the home yard utilization program, and (3) the design of the selected strategy implementation; in process evaluation it is known the pattern of relationship between executors and women farmers and the community, communication media, logistics, required resources, schedule of activities, and potential causes of program failures; while product evaluation produces information to determine to what extent predetermined goals can be achieved and to determine whether the strategy and achievement of goals, namely diversification and family-based food security, are sufficient, the impact of the program on targets.
The Contribution of Women Groups in Bogor-Urban Agriculture
Proceedings of the International Symposium Southeast Asia Vegetable 2021 (SEAVEG 2021), 2022
This action research was undertaken in 2019 as part of the "Our Garden, Our Healthy Food" initiative of the DeTara Foundation in Bogor, Indonesia and as a master thesis project for the Agriculture Production Chain Management program at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences. The purposes of this research were to determine the sustainability implications of urban agriculture activities of women groups and to suggest the projected horticultural value chain to enhance the efficacy of urban agricultural practices. A sample of eight (8) women's groups was taken for this study. Additionally, Agriculture and Food Security Agencies, two (2) educational institutions, three (3) voluntary communities, three (3) supermarkets as horticultural-produces retailers, and five (5) horticulture product outlets in Bogor were interviewed for this study. This study analysed quantitative data using Multiple Linear Regression and Cost-Benefit Analysis, and qualitative data using PESTEC. Four social elements have a significant influence on urban agriculture practices: organizational structure and rule, legality of the organization, group's activity type and motive, and network. We discovered that species diversity of flora is associated with the level/category of the women group in (elementary, intermediate I, and intermediate II). There was significant effect between urban agriculture land and fauna diversity. However, urban agricultural methods were less advantageous from a business standpoint. This study proposed two models of horticulture value chain techniques for scaling up urban agricultural practices by referencing local food and the concept of a short supply chain.
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 2023
The fair policy of staple food provision is a necessity to sustain food supply for people. However, this policy in Indonesia is still borne to the individual farmers' land. Based on the Law Number 41/2009, The Regional Government in determining the regional spatial planning has to allocate land for food agriculture that is prohibited from being converted, which is called a sustainable food agriculture area (SFAA), although the land belongs to individual farmers. This planning, unfortunately, does not go well. The experience of four districts on the north coast (Pantura) of West Java, Indonesia shows that the SFAA has not yet been formed. Therefore, this study aims to reformulate this policy model, which is easily applicable in Indonesia as well as in other developing countries which have similar socioeconomic conditions to Indonesia. For this purpose, this research explores the secondary data about the planning of SFAA formation in four regions of Pantura, West Java; identifies the farmers' response to this planning; and performs an in-depth discussion to determine an appropriate policy model. Based on one hundred samples determined by Slovin Formula with 10 percent of error probability, taken by stratified random sampling technique in Indramayu Regency, Pantura of West Java, and by adopting chi-square test, the highly educated land owners tend to reject the SFAA planning; and the alternative SFAA model is strongly valuable, which is not the burden of the individual land owners. This study was conducted within the period from October to December 2022. In conclusion, the SFAA formation should optimize state-owned land with the concept of integrated farming and optimizing partnership patterns with the farmers, while the formation of SFAA on individual farmer-owned land is optional depending on the wishes and willingness of farmers.
Improving food crop production is critical for achieving food security. The Food Estate (FE) program initiated by the government seeks to accomplish this through extensive and intensive farming practices while taking sustainability into consideration. In this paper, a multidimensional scaling (MDS) approach to determine the status and model of agricultural sustainability of the FE program was adopted. Three scenarios were developed to improve the sustainability status based on primary data from interviews with 50 farmers in Ria-Ria Village, Pollung District, North Sumatra. The findings indicate that the farming status is at a moderate sustainability, and improving all aspects can significantly increase the sustainability value. The study suggests that the government should prioritize the improvement of all aspects to raise the sustainability status of FE farming in order to achieve food security.