The Influence of Movie Toward to Students’ Writing Skill Narrative Text (original) (raw)

The Effect of Using Descriptive Movie Strategy Towards Students’ Writing Skill

Proceedings of the Tegal International Conference on Applied Social Science & Humanities (TICASSH 2022), 2022

In this study, the population is Mechanical Engineering students of Politeknik Harapan Bersama, the subjects were 33 of class B which is 3rd semester students in 2021/2022 academic year. This study has the aim to understand the effect of using descriptive movie strategy in improving writing skill. This study focuses on vocabulary and content evaluation. The research is in the form of preexperimental design with a descriptive movie as the independent variable and writing skill as the dependent variable using a one-shot case study design. Data were collected through class room observation, questionnaire and documentation of student's writing project. The result shows that this method can increase student's writing skill.

Improve Students’ Narrative Writing Achievement Through Film at SMA NEGERI I PALIPI

International Journal of English Linguistics, 2015

This study attempted to improve students' English Narrative writing achievement through Film. The objective of study was to find out whether film can improve students' achievement in writing Narrative Paragraphs. This study was conducted by applying classroom action research which was done in 6 meeting of their English subject. The subject of this study was the second year students (XI-IPA-2) of SMA Negeri 1 Palipi-Samosir Indonesia. One class was taken as the subject of the study. The number of the students was 30 students. The data of this research were obtained in two cycles, namely cycle 1 and cycle 2. Each cycle consisted of the four steps of an action Research: planning, action, observation and reflection. The instrument for collecting data used writing test from students' paper writing to write the film talk about as writing tests for the quantitative data and used diary notes, questionnaire sheet, observation sheet and interview for the qualitative data. Based on the writing test result, the students' score kept improving in every test. The findings indicated that the using of film as a media of learning improved students' writing achievement. The students' score significant was improved; the mean of second cycle i.e. 84.3 was higher than the mean of the first cycle i.e. 76.1. Based on diary notes, questionnaire sheet, observation sheet and interview, it was found that teaching learning process ran well. The conclusion was that using of film as a media of learning improved students' writing achievement.

The Use of Animation Film in Improving Students’ Narrative Writing Ability at Sma N 1 Way Jepara


Students still think that writing is difficult to master. Writing makes so many difficulties not only for students but also to the teacher. It happens because their lack of writing skill. In addition, it is difficult lesson because in writing we not only share our ideas from our mind but also we have to choose and combine the vocabulary well to make a writing that is meaningful. And one of writing text that has to be learnt in SMA is narrative text. Therefore, the objective of the research was to find out whether there is an improvement students’ narrative writing ability after being taught through animation film. This research was quantitative research. The design of the research was one group pre test-post test design. This research was conducted at class XI IPA 3 SMA N 1 Way Jepara consisting 30 students. In collecting the data the researcher administered narrative writing test. The test was given to the students to find out how far students’ improvent their narrative writing abi...

Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Recount Text by Using the Characters in the Films

Journal of Language Intelligence and Culture, 2021

The students of EFL Classroom sometimes find difficulty in writing. The students difficulty in writing caused by the gate between the students’ L1 and L2 and the lack of supported information related to the source of idea for writing. Teaching media are to solve the problems especially in writing. This study is aimed at using films, especially the characters, as media in improving students’ ability in writing recount. The subject of the study were 30 numbers of 10th graders of vocational school students. The findings showed that the average of the pre-test and post-test scores were 67.53 and 83.63. The improvement calculation was found 0.496 which was categorized as medium. The calculation of applying the t-test was on rejection area of ??Ho, showed that the post-test was better than the pre-test. According to the data analysis, the writer concludes that the strategy by using films is applicable since it helps students to solve their problem in writing recount. The media enable the ...

The Analysis of Teaching Writing to English Young Learners (Eyl) Through a Movie: An Ict Perspective

Wanastra: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra

This research has a purpose about how to use a movie to improve the learners', especially English Young Learners', writing skills. EYL has special characteristics that also need special approach and method in teaching. The development of technology has made some changing in teaching learning activity. Technology is one of the teaching aids which are now commonly used. It can be used to teach not only to adult but also to children. Movie, as a part of the development of technology, can be used to improve the learners' writing skill. The participants of this research are English Young Learners (EYL) in of the English Course at Gading Serpong, Tangerang. Descriptive qualitative was used as the method of the research and the English Young Learners' (EYL) story paper are used as the instruments of the research. The results of the research are: (1) Most learners were excited when they are asked to watch a movie; (2) Learners who have good writing skill could retell the story well, and (3) Learners who are not really master in writing, got some difficulties in retelling the story in written.

Developing Writing Narrative Text of Grade X Students Through Film Trailer


The purpose of this research was to find out whether the students’ ability in writing narrative text can be developed by using film trailer or not. A quasi experimental research design was used by involving two classes; experimental and control classes. Twenty-one students of X MIA 1 as the experimental class and thirty students of X MIA 2 as the control class. They were selected by using clustering sampling technique. The data collection was test given as pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was used to measure the students’ ability in writing narrative text before using the media film trailer, and the post-test was used to measure their ability in writing narrative text after using the media film trailer. The result of the research showed that the tcounted value (3.01) was greater than the value of t-table (1.66). It proved that the research hypothesis is accepted. In conclusion, film trailer can improve the students’ ability in writing narrative text at Grade X students at SMA Negeri...

The Effect of Using Short Movie on Students’ Achievement in Writing Narrative Text


Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tentang pengaruh penggunaan film pendek terhadap prestasi siswa dalam menulis teks nararif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan Film Pendek terhadap prestasi siswa dalam menulis teks naratif. Peneliti menerapkan metode kuantitatif menggunakan pre-test, perlakuan, dan post-test. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Pangeran Antasari Medan, pada siswa kelas X IPA dan IPS. Total populasi adalah 52 siswa dengan 26 siswa kelas experimental dan 26 siswa kelas kontrol. Kelas experimental adalah kelas yang mendapat pengajaran dengan menggunakan Film Pendek dan kelas kontrol adalah kelas tanpa menggunakan Film Pendek. Peneliti memberikan tes dalam bentuk menulis esai tes. Para siswa harus menjawab soal pre-test dan post-test dengan soal yang sama. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan rumus t-tes. Analisis menunjukkan bahwa nilai siswa dengan pengajaran menggunakan Film Pendek berbeda sinifikan dari siswa tanpa menggunakan Film Pen...

Film as Media to Teach Writing at the Eleventh-Grade Students of Sma Negeri Tugumulyo

Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching, 2021

This study was entitled film as media to teach writing at the eleventh-grade students of SMA Negeri Tugumulyo. The purpose of conducting this study was to examine whether this is a significant or not film as media to teach writing at the eleventhgrade students of SMA Negeri Tugumulyo. This study used quantitative study, which focused on writing achievement at the eleventh-grade students of SMA Negeri Tugumulyo. The writer formulated two hypotheses; there were null hypothesis (Ho) and the alternative hypothesis (Ha). There were 352 students from nine classes as the population of this study. The sample was taken through cluster random sampling was the class XI IPA.2 which consists of 37 students. In this case, the writer collected the data by using writing test. Then, the techniques for analyzing the data were the students' individual score and Match T-test to find out the tobtained. Based on the findings, the result showed that tobtained was 6.38, it was higherthan ttable was 1.697 (tobtained>ttable), it could be concluded that the Null Hypothesis (Ha)significantly effective film as media to teach writing at the eleventh-grade students of SMA Negeri Tugumulyo.

Enhancing Students’ Writing Skills through English Movies-Watching Reports; an Improvement of Linguistic Competences

Journal of Language and Literature Studies

English movies by some EFL teachers and lecturers are designed for teaching writing classes because learners can see how any of words is pronounced by actors who are English native speakers and they are asked to write reports in line with the contents of movies. Besides, learners can make notes of new vocabulary taken from the movies. Therefore, this study is aimed at finding out the use of Englis Movies-watching reports in improving students’ writing skills at the Mandalika University of Education. The research was conducted by involving the students at the English Zone Club organization. The researcher plans to have the students in this english organization because they tend to be more focus on english writing than other English organization at UNDIKMA. The research design of the present study is a classroom action research design where the researcher apply English movies to treat writing classes. They are asked to watch and pay attention to certain English movies and demand them ...

The Effect of Using Animated Media Films and Entering Behavior to Narrative Writing Skill in Indonesian Language Learning Class V

Proceedings of the International Conference on Language, Literature, and Education (ICLLE 2018), 2018

The background of this research is the students who have difficulties in writing narratives and having low grades. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of using animated film media and basic knowledge towards narratives writing skill of the V grade elementary school students in SDN 11 Kurao Pagang. The type of this research is quasi experiment. The population was all of fifth graders with 40 students. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling technique. The data was collected by using basic knowledge test and narratives writing test. Data analysis techniques that were used are normality test, homogeneity, and hypothesis about the subject under study. The result showed that: (1) students' narratives writing skill by using animated film media is higher than using serial image with the calculation of t count = 2,486 and (t table = 1,68); (2) Narratives writing skills of the students who had high basic knowledge using animated film media is higher than serial image with the calculation of t count = 1,838 and (t table = 1,72); (3) Narratives writing skills of the students who had low basic knowledge using animated film media is higher than serial image with the calculation of t count = 1,829 and (t table = 1,72); (4) there was no a significant interaction between basic knowledge and animated film media towards narratives writing skill with the calculation of F count = 0,345 and (F table = 4,11). Based on this present study, there was an effect of animated film media and basic knowledge towards narratives writing skill of V grade students in SDN 11 Kurao Pagang.This study can be proposed as a rationale that animated film media and basic knowledge can improve narratives writing skill. Keywords-animated film media; basic knowledge; narratives writing I. INTRODUCTION Writing can be done well if a series of language skills (listening, speaking and reading), has been mastered by the students. Writing skills are an important factor for students' success in learning. Much research has been done on writing skills such as research in India (