Apuntes Patrimonio Tercero (original) (raw)
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La tercera generación de Leyes de Patrimonio Histórico
Third-generation rules are those made by the Autonomous Communities of Andalusia, Madrid and Castilla-La Mancha. In these three cases, the legislator, that had previously produced a first legal text of general scope in the nineties, has proceeded with the publication of another new rule which abolishes the previous one. In this work, the way this new rule addresses the need to make the protective Spanish legal system into a really effective legal system, as well as its links with the 1985 Spanish Historical Heritage state level law are analyzed. One characteristic of the protection regime of the cultural heritage in Spain lies in the way the laws of the Autonomous Communities coexist with the state level law. The passive attitude of the General Administration of the State is shown here because it has not reacted to some legislative developments of the Autonomous Communities. A turning point in this situation is the Constitutional Court ruling 122/2014, of 17 July 2014, which resolves the constitutional challenge in relation with different provisions of the Assembly of Madrid Law 3/2013, of 18 June, on historical heritage of Madrid Autonomous Community. The Court has indicated the policy areas that are restricted to the Autonomous Communities because they are not within their power.
En los últimos 50 años se han producido grandes transformaciones, que podemos decir sin temor a equivocarnos que superan ampliamente todo lo desarrollado en la historia de la humanidad hasta entonces. Son tan importantes estos cambios en los que nos encontramos inmersos, que resulta imprescindible tomar conciencia de ellos para adaptarnos a estas nuevas situaciones y no quedar rezagados y obsoletos con relación a la época que nos ha tocado vivir.