Каменная индустрия энеолитического поселения Хутор Веселый \ КСИА. Вып. 227 (original) (raw)
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Томский журнал лингвистических и антропологических исследований, 2020
Complexes of stone pieces and products of its knapping are found on settlement sites of the Lower Tom river basin. These artifacts are a meaningful source of knowledge about the economy of the ancient inhabitants of the lower reaches of the river Tom in the Neolithic and Bronze Age. Over the past few decades, a number of settlement and burial complexes of this period have been discovered and partially investigated. But there is still no holistic scheme for the development of flintknapping by the ancient population in the Neolithic and Bronze Age in the territory of the Lower Tom river basin. At the same time, the information potential of the colossal volume of materials accumulated by previous researchers has not been fully disclosed. One of the possible solutions to this complex of problems is a comparative analysis of stone pieces and products of its knapping from various archaeological sites of the Neolithic and Early Bronze Ages. The use of modern methods of statistical processing of mass archaeological material allows us to solve this problem by determining the occurrence of various signs in the studied categories of artifacts. The combined use of morphological typology and statistical analysis in the scientific literature is called the attributive approach. The primary result of the study is the allocation of approach significant characteristics of the stone industry of the Samuska III settlement. This information, obtained by statistical analysis of the stone industry, allows you to create a starting point in building a regional scheme for the development of stone knapping technology in the Neolithic and Bronze Age in the territory of the Lower Tom river basin. Highlighted characteristic features of this industry will be used as the basis for subsequent comparative and analytical activities. The presence of certain products in the materials from the Samuska III settlement in conjunction with the results obtained allows us to conduct full-scale experiments and technological modeling of the process of stone knapping to verify the results of analytical procedures. This fact actualizes a number of problems on the study of the Stone Age of the river basin Tom.
2005 – Кольченко В.А. Комплекс керамики с городища Кузнечная крепость в Чуйской долине
// МИАК, Вып. 1. – Бишкек, 2005. – с. 21-40. – ISSN 1694-5689., 2005
Статья представляет и анализирует комплекс керамики с городища Кузнечная Крепость в Чуйской долине, на территории г. Бишкек. Этот комплекс был получен в результате исследований автора в 2000 г. На основании аналогий комплекс был датирован 11 веком. In the article (Kolchenko V.A. The ceramics complex from the ancient site Kuznechnaya Krepost, Chuy velley ) is described and analyzed a complex of ceramics from the site Kuznechnaya Krepost' in the Chuy valley. This complex was found during the excavation of the author in 2000. On the basis of the analogies it can be dated 11 century AD.
Stratum plus. Археология и культурная антропология № 2, 2021
Статья посвящена проблеме кремнеобрабатывающего производства Донбасса в эпоху энеолита и содержит публикацию материалов памятника Васильевская Пустошь. Особенности геологической истории Донбасса обусловили обилие здесь геологических источников кремня верхнемелового генезиса. В энеолите Донбасс формируется как крупный европейский центр по добыче и переработке кремневого сырья. На памятнике Васильевская Пустошь производились различные орудия с двусторонней обработкой – наконечники, тесла, топоры. На одном из участков (пункт 3) отмечено значительное количество орудий, характерных для поселений – скребки, острия, пластины с ретушь, и др. Вероятно, памятник относится к типу поселений, специализированных на производстве кремневой продукции. Такие специализированные поселки известны в Трипольской культуре и в энеолите Болгарии.
Upper Paleolithic site Podzvonkaya (located to the South of the Western Transbaikalia) became widely known by virtue of multiple and various evidences of not utilitarian, symbolic activity of ancient people. The site consists of four complexes situated close to each other inside the boundaries of a wide amphitheater-like notch. The complexes (Lower, Eastern, South-Eastern and Western) are provided with a set of dates showing their functioning at different times and associating the settlement with the Initial stage of Upper Paleolithic. The archeological materials of all complexes are considered in the frame of development of Tolbaga culture in the Western Transbaikal region. Albeit well-knowness of the Podzvonkaya site the stone industry of the complexes is represented in the literature only by fragments, the existing articles covered only the materials of Lower and Eastern complexes. This article presents the characteristics of primary knapping and toolkit from South-Eastern complex. Primary knapping is based on parallel reduction of flat and subprismatic cores aimed to get large blades, which are the main blanks for tools’ production. Toolkit contains Middle Paleolithic (points, side-scrapers, knives) and Upper Paleolithic (end-scrapers, burins, chisel-like tools) tool types. Upon the main features, the industry of SEC constitutes united developmental line with the other complexes of Podzvonkaya site. In broader terms, the industry bears a resemblance to contemporaneous sites of Mongolia and Altai (Tolbor 4, Kara-Bom). However, these industries display some diversities preventing from connecting the sites in the single network of direct migrations of ancient population.
The article analyses pottery of the so-called Gafuri assemblage. Its presence in the forest-steppe of the South Urals is connected with the nomad bearers of the early Prokhorovka culture, who appeared among the sedentary population of the southwestern periphery of the Anan'yino community in the 4 th c. BC. Studies of the Gafuri pottery from the Biktimirovo fortifi ed settlement show that the bearers of that pottery appeared on the northern periphery of the Kara-Abyz culture in the middle of the 3d c. BC. The shape and ornamentation of the vessels from Biktimirovo allows connecting their origin with the sites in the southern part of the area of Kara-Abyz culture (Shipovskoye and Okhlebininskoye fortifi ed settlements), where the Gafuri element prevailed until the turn of the eras. The small amounts of Gafuri pottery in the occupation layer at the Biktimirovo fortifi ed settlement could signify marriages between the locals and people from the southern regions of the Kara-Abyz territory, and possible assimilation of the potters in the local milieu. The stratigraphic position of the Gafuri pottery assemblage in the stratum at Biktimirovo site allows using it as a secure chronological reference point in the study of Anan'yino antiquities and of the entire South Urals region in the Early Iron Age.
Святогірський альманах 2014
В статье рассматривается проблема сырьевой избирательности в каменном веке и эпохе палеолметалла на примере памятников археологии т.н. большого Донбасса. Большой Донбасс – особая геологическая зона Восточной Европы с большим количеством источников кремня верхнемелового происхождения. Описываются основные типы каменного сырья региона. Предполагаются эпизоды сырьевой избирательности у местных племен т.н. зимовниковкой культуры финального палеолита – раннего мезолита, у племен донецкой культуры мезолита и у населения бондарихинской культуры финального бронзового века – раннего железного века. Предлагается уточненная терминология.
Чижевский А.А., Шипилов А.В. Ранние энеолитические могильники Усть-Камья.pdf
The article deals with the problem of attribution of Eneolithic burial grounds located in the mouth of the river Kama. The combination of local and southern components led to the formation of a special cultural type of archaeological sites. Analogies in material culture allow us to consider these archaeological sites as the basis on which the Bor culture was formed in the Kama region.