Article Probing and Manipulating Fermionic and Bosonic Quantum Gases with Quantum Light (original) (raw)

Probing and Manipulating Fermionic and Bosonic Quantum Gases with Quantum Light

Atoms, 2015

We study the atom-light interaction in the fully quantum regime, with the focus on off-resonant light scattering into a cavity from ultracold atoms trapped in an optical lattice. The detection of photons allows the quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement of quantum correlations of the atomic ensemble, distinguishing between different quantum states. We analyse the entanglement between light and matter and show how it can be exploited for realising multimode macroscopic quantum superpositions, such as Schrödinger cat states, for both bosons and fermions. We provide examples utilising different measurement schemes and study their robustness to decoherence. Finally, we address the regime where the optical lattice potential is a quantum dynamical variable and is modified by the atomic state, leading to novel quantum phases and significantly altering the phase diagram of the atomic system.

Quantum Nondemolition Measurements and State Preparation in Quantum Gases by Light Detection

Physical Review Letters, 2009

We consider light scattering from ultracold quantum gas in optical lattices into a cavity. The measurement of photons leaking out of the cavity enables a quantum nondemolition access to various atomic variables. The time resolved light detection projects the motional state to various atom-number squeezed and macroscopic superposition states that strongly depend on the geometry. Modifications of the atomic and light properties at a single quantum trajectory are demonstrated. The quantum structure of final states can be revealed by further observations of the same sample.

Quantum optics with ultracold quantum gases: towards the full quantum regime of the light–matter interaction


Although the study of ultracold quantum gases trapped by light is a prominent direction of modern research, the quantum properties of light were widely neglected in this field. Quantum optics with quantum gases closes this gap and addresses phenomena, where the quantum statistical nature of both light and ultracold matter play equally important roles. First, light can serve as a quantum nondemolition (QND) probe of the quantum dynamics of various ultracold particles from ultracold atomic and molecular gases to nanoparticles and nanomechanical systems. Second, due to dynamic light-matter entanglement, projective measurement-based preparation of the many-body states is possible, where the class of emerging atomic states can be designed via optical geometry. Light scattering constitutes such a quantum measurement with controllable measurement back-action. As in cavity-based spin squeezing, atom number squeezed and Schrödinger cat states can be prepared. Third, trapping atoms inside an optical cavity one creates optical potentials and forces, which are not prescribed but quantized and dynamical variables themselves. Ultimately, cavity QED with quantum gases requires a self-consistent solution for light and particles, which enriches the picture of quantum many-body states of atoms trapped in quantum potentials. This will allow quantum simulations of phenomena related to the physics of phonons, polarons, polaritons and other quantum quasiparticles.

Quantum optics with quantum gases: Controlled state reduction by designed light scattering


Cavity enhanced light scattering off an ultracold gas in an optical lattice constitutes a quantum measurement with a controllable form of the measurement back-action. Time-resolved counting of scattered photons alters the state of the atoms without particle loss implementing a quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement. The conditional dynamics is given by the interplay between photodetection events (quantum jumps) and no-count processes. The class of emerging atomic many-body states can be chosen via the optical geometry and light frequencies. Light detection along the angle of a diffraction maximum (Bragg angle) creates an atom-number squeezed state, while light detection at diffraction minima leads to the macroscopic superposition states (Schrödinger cat states) of different atom numbers in the cavity mode. A measurement of the cavity transmission intensity can lead to atom-number squeezed or macroscopic superposition states depending on its outcome. We analyze the robustness of the superposition with respect to missed counts and find that a transmission measurement yields more robust and controllable superposition states than the ones obtained by scattering at a diffraction minimum.

Probing quantum phases of ultracold atoms in optical lattices by transmission spectra in cavity QED


Studies of ultracold gases in optical lattices link many disciplines. They allow testing fundamental quantum many-body concepts of condensed-matter physics in well controllable atomic systems, e.g., strongly correlated phases, quantum information processing. Standard methods to observe quantum properties of Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) are based on matter-wave interference between atoms released from traps, destroying the system. Here we propose a new, nondestructive in atom numbers, method based on optical measurements, proving that atomic quantum statistics can be mapped on transmission spectra of high-Q cavities, where atoms create a quantum refractive index. This can be extremely useful for studying phase transitions, e.g. between Mott insulator and superfluid states, since various phases show qualitatively distinct light scattering. Joining the paradigms of cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) and ultracold gases will enable conceptually new investigations of both light and ...

Quantum optical measurements in ultracold gases: Macroscopic Bose-Einstein condensates

Laser Physics, 2010

We consider an ultracold quantum degenerate gas in an optical lattice inside a cavity. This system represents a simple but key model for "quantum optics with quantum gases," where a quantum description of both light and atomic motion is equally important. Due to the dynamical entanglement of atomic motion and light, the measurement of light affects the many-body atomic state as well. The conditional atomic dynamics can be described using the Quantum Monte Carlo Wave Function Simulation method. In this paper, we emphasize how this usually complicated numerical procedure can be reduced to an analytical solution after some assumptions and approximations valid for macroscopic Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) with large atom numbers. The theory can be applied for lattices with both low filling factors (e.g. one atom per lattice site in average) and very high filling factors (e.g. a BEC in a double-well potential). The purity of the resulting multipartite entangled atomic state is analyzed.

Quantum measurement-induced dynamics of many-body ultracold bosonic and fermionic systems in optical lattices

Physical Review A, 2016

Trapping ultracold atoms in optical lattices enabled numerous breakthroughs uniting several disciplines. Coupling these systems to quantized light leads to a plethora of new phenomena and has opened up a new field of study. Here we introduce a physically novel source of competition in a many-body strongly correlated system: We prove that quantum backaction of global measurement is able to efficiently compete with intrinsic short-range dynamics of an atomic system. The competition becomes possible due to the ability to change the spatial profile of a global measurement at a microscopic scale comparable to the lattice period without the need of single site addressing. In coherence with a general physical concept, where new competitions typically lead to new phenomena, we demonstrate novel nontrivial dynamical effects such as large-scale multimode oscillations, long-range entanglement and correlated tunneling, as well as selective suppression and enhancement of dynamical processes beyond the projective limit of the quantum Zeno effect. We demonstrate both the break-up and protection of strongly interacting fermion pairs by measurement. Such a quantum optical approach introduces into many-body physics novel processes, objects, and methods of quantum engineering, including the design of many-body entangled environments for open systems.

Quantum optics with quantum gases


Quantum optics with quantum gases represents a new field, where the quantum nature of both light and ultracold matter plays equally important role. Only very recently this ultimate quantum limit of light-matter interaction became feasible experimentally. In traditional quantum optics, the cold atoms are considered classically, whereas, in quantum atom optics, the light is used as an essentially classical axillary tool. On the one hand, the quantization of optical trapping potentials can significantly modify many-body dynamics of atoms, which is well-known only for classical potentials. On the other hand, atomic fluctuations can modify the properties of the scattered light.

Measurement Induced Entanglement and Quantum Computation with Atoms in Optical Cavities

Physical Review Letters, 2003

We propose a method to prepare entangled states and implement quantum computation with atoms in optical cavities. The internal state of the atoms are entangled by a measurement of the phase of light transmitted through the cavity. By repeated measurements an entangled state is created with certainty, and this entanglement can be used to implement gates on qubits which are stored in different internal degrees of freedom of the atoms. This method, based on measurement induced dynamics, has a higher fidelity than schemes making use of controlled unitary dynamics.

Quantum State Spectroscopy of Atom-Cavity Systems

arXiv (Cornell University), 2018

In this work we explore the nature of quantum correlations between two-level atoms (or qubits) and a single mode of a quantum field in phase space. Similar to time-frequency plots, we introduce the notion of a quantum state spectrogram to allow for the visualisation of quantum correlations in coupled systems. By using our method, we are able to gain information on the quantum state in an accessible way that enables an appreciation of subtle quantum effects, without the need for sophisticated mathematics. We apply the method to the Jaynes-Cummings model and some of its extensions to demonstrate that quantum correlations of entanglement, microscopically distinct superposition, and a combination of the two can be readily identified.