Earnings quality before and after the implementation of PSAK 69 (original) (raw)
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The objective of this research is to analyze the readiness of Accounting Standards for Agriculture (PSAK 69) that should be implemented for 2018 financial statements in Agro Industry Company in Jember and Probolinggo, Indonesia. Qualitative Method has been employed in this research with interview and observation in some agro industry companies. The objects of this research are PT Mangli Djaya Raya, PTPN X (Kertosari Garden), and Perum Perhutani KPH Jember and Probolinggo. The results indicate that those companies are not entirely implementing PSAK 69 and generally they employ historical cost to recognise and measure their biological assets. PT Mangli Djaya Raya, which has tobacco plants, reports its financial statements once a year, while the lifetime of tobacco plants last less than a period of financial statements. Therefore, the tobacco plants doesn"t appear in their balance sheet as biological assets. The results in PTPN X, which has tobacco, cacao, and sugarcane, imply that the biological assets recognition based on historical cost rather than fair value. However, for cacao and sugarcane have already been recognized as biological assets in its balance sheets. Similar results for Perum Perhutani KPH Jember and Probolinggo, which have teak, rosewood, and mahogany as their commodity, do not recognize biological assets based on fair value. Generally, the obstacle of PSAK 69 implementation is how to measure biological assets using fair value due to lack of active market. This may affect reliability and relevancy of companies financial statements information regarding biological assets.
This paper discuss about PSAK 69 agriculture with specific focus on accounting of plant assets can effect performance finance in Perhutani holding, Indonesia. Biological asset are plants and animals undergoing biological transformations. Biological transformation consists of the process of growing, developing, producing and ready quotes that lead to changes both qualitatively and quantitatively. This raises the needs of various parties regarding the ability of the aplication of PSAK 69 in biological asset, especially on the use of present value of the model of cash inflows in the future to determine the fair value of biological asset certain categories. The results of the proposed study would hopefully assist in the development of an alternative fair value model in valuing plant assets supported by leading commitment and subsequently lead to good corporate governance specifically on the performance finance.
A Review of the Agriculture Literature in Malaysian and Indonesian Accounting Journals
Journal of Social Transformation and Regional Development, 2021
This article discusses the scope related to Malaysian and Indonesian accounting research in agricultural literature. This discussion was based on two well-known Malaysian accounting journals and many were referred from 2008 to 2016, recognized as Accounting Overview Malaysia (MAR) and Asian Business and Accounting Journal (AJBA), and three Indonesian accounting journals namely Economic & Financial Studies (SEZ) , Gadjah Mada International Business Journal (GamaIJB) and Indonesian Accounting and Finance Journal (JAKI). In MAR and AJBA, Corporate Governance, Auditing, Financial Accounting Reporting, and Management Accounting are the most widely published topics. In SEZ, Economy, Finance, Public Sector Accounting and Taxation; GamaIJ, Management / Managerial Accounting and Finance; and JAKI, Management / Managerial Accounting, Financial Accounting, and Reporting Audit are the most widely published topics. This article proposes peculiarities, non-company and non-professional attributes ...
Factors Affecting Indonesian Agriculture Companie’s Disclosure of Biological Assets
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This study aims to test the effect of Biological Asset Intensity, Managerial Ownership, and Audit on Biological Asset Disclosure on agricultural sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Year 2018-2021. Samples were taken using a purposive sampling method with certain criteria, during the study period. Based on the criteria that have been determined by the data using panel data, a total of 68 data were obtained. The analysis method used in this study was the regression analysis of panel data processed using Eviews 9. The results of this study show that (1) Biological Asset Intensity has a significant positive effect on the disclosure of biological assets. This is because the greater the value of biological assets, the higher the company provides more complete and detailed information to users of financial statements. (2) Managerial Ownership has a significant positive effect on the disclosure of biological assets. This is because managers who have a hand in t...
International Journal Of Arts Humanities And Social Sciences Studies, 2022
Indonesia is an agrarian country that has a fairly broad agricultural sector, which has considerable capabilities in the agricultural sector. The agricultural sector is one sector that contributes approximately 13.70% to GDP and continues to grow positively even though in the midst of Covid-19 which has an increase of 16.24% (Central Bureau of Statistics, 2020) this is because the Indonesian state has natural resources with geographical advantages that have economic potential to be empowered by the community with the aim of improving people's welfare. The purpose of this study is to massist farmers in applying accounting treatment in their business based on PSAK 69 so that farmers get information about business development so that with this financial information they can take policies for future business development. In this study, using descriptive qualitative research methods, where descriptive research is a study that aims to provide an overview or description of a situation objectively. This method refers to how the actual research object is and what events occur in the research object. The results of research on the accounting treatment of biological assets carried out by peanut farmers in Kayuuwi Village have not yet fully implemented PSAK 69,becauseseen from the accounting cycle that starts from recording to presentation of financial statements has not been carried out by these SMEs. For future business development, there is a need for self-development of MSME actors specifically for the management of biological assets regarding the preparation of financial statements based on PSAK 69, for example by participating in continuous training.
JURNAL AKUNTANSI DAN BISNIS : Jurnal Program Studi Akuntansi
This research aims to determine the factors affecting earnings quality and firm value empirically. Two theories underlie the conceptual framework of this research, namely agency theory and signaling theory. Agency conflicts arise due to conflicts of interest and information asymmetry between principals as users of information and agents as providers of information. Then, the emergence of signal theory acts as a moral reason for companies to send signals to the market to reduce information asymmetry between agents and principals by reporting on the company's operating and financial performance. The statistical population of this research consists of all non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange covering the period of 2017-2020, giving 1.735 and 1.727 observations data for each dependent variable. This study employs multiple linear regression methods to test and analyze the data. The findings show a significant relationship between growth, Earnings Quality (EQ...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 164, 31 December 2014, Pages 68–75
This paper is an in-depth review of IAS 41 from two dimensions, technical-theoretical dimension and meaning dimension simultaneously. The study aimed to anticipate the hazardous potentialities in valuation caused by monetary logo-centrism in accounting. The concepts offered are based on the condition of the existing culture in Indonesian society that was abstracted through ethnomethodology. These concepts represent Indonesian farmers’ viewpoints and ways of life in that are also closely related with agriculture utilities cycle. This paper suggests that agriculture accounting can be carried out even if it does not use monetary unit as its valuation approach.
The Effect of Conservatism Accounting on Fair Value of Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Accounting for conservatism or what is known as the precautionary principle is one of the most important and influential limitations on accounting information. With reliable accounting information, the presentation of financial statements will be high quality. Conservatism has become an accounting principle that has been widely adopted by accountants since the 15th century and has become increasingly popular in the past three decades. The FASB Statement of Concept No. 2 defined conservatism as a prudent reaction to deal with uncertainty. This is done to ensure that the uncertainties and risks inherent in the business situation have been adequately considered (Pujiati, 2013). By considering the situation, the company can minimize the risks that may be faced. According to Basu (1997) conservatism is an accounting practice by reducing profits (and decreasing net asset value) when faced with the practice of bad news, but does not increase profits (and increase net asset value) when responding to good news. In principle, conservatism accounting is implemented in conditions if there is something that has not been realized, then the event cannot be recognized. However, acknowledging the decline in assets even though the event has not been realized. Basu added that there was conditional conservatism or ex post conservatism. Conservatism in this form is conservatism based on market conditions related to earnings and depends on news (news dependent). This form of conservatism is a reaction or response from companies that carry out different verification as the absorption of information contained in the business environment. Things related to conservatism can also affect earnings of the company. Values are related to the information that can be caused by gain (profit) and losses (deprivation) economically. In PSAK, several choices of recording methods that can lead to financial reporting are conservative. According to PSAK no. 16 concerning fixed assets and other assets that regulate the estimation or estimated useful life of a fixed asset. That the estimation of the useful life of an asset is based on management's consideration that comes from the company's experience when using similar assets. The estimated useful life must be reexamined periodically and if management finds that the useful life of an asset is different from what was previously estimated, adjustments must be made to the current and future depreciation expenses. These standards allow companies to change the useful life of an asset used and can encourage the emergence of conservative profits. Based on PSAK No.19 concerning intangible assets related to the amortization or depreciation method, it is explained that there are several amortization methods to allocate the amount of depreciation of an asset on a systematic basis throughout its useful life. According to PSAK No. 20 related to research and development costs state that the allocation of research and development costs is determined by looking at the relationship between economic costs and benefits that the company expects to obtain from research and development activities. If it is probable that these costs will increase the economic benefits in the future and these costs can be measured reliably, then these costs meet the criteria to be recognized as assets. With the choice of these methods will affect the numbers presented in the financial statements. So that it can be said that indirectly the concept of conservatism will affect the results of the financial statements.
Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal
This study empirically proves that standard policies concerning the format of presenting income statements are in the form of additional information. This is particularly relevant to the reclassification of other comprehensive income and profit attribution in increasing transparency and reducing asymmetry information. This study investigated the effect of reclassified items concerning other comprehensive income and net income attributable to owners on earnings management and the quality of earnings. The attribution of earnings to owners was found to have a negative effect on earnings management, along with a positive effect on earnings quality as measured by the earnings response coefficient net and comprehensive income. It was also shown that earnings management does not mediate the effect to earnings quality. Accordingly, this means that the market has responded positively to the reclassification of other comprehensive income and profit attribution. It also precludes the company f...
Earnings Management and Valuation of Biological Assets
Brazilian Business Review, 2015
The use of fair value to measure the worth of biological assets allows discretionary choices when using discounted cash flow in the absence of an active market, influencing the quality of accounting information. The objective of this study was to investigate evidence of earnings management among Brazilian companies that have adopted fair value based on the discounted cash flow method. The firms were investigated with regard to: a) disclosure of the discount rate, b) BM&FBovespa corporate governance levels; and c) adherence to disclosure requirements in the Brazilian accounting standard CPC 29 (IAS 41). We analyzed 31 firms with significant biological assets from 2010 to 2012. The earnings management measurements were calculated according to the modified Jones, the Teoh, Welch and Wong (1998), and the KS models. The Mann-Whitney test of the means was applied and revealed evidence of greater earnings management for companies that use discounted cash flow, and the ones that least meet CPC 29 disclosure requirements, considering the KS model estimates. Regarding the other proposals, testing did not offer enough evidence of differences in discretionary accruals. In this sense, only hypotheses 1 and 4 are partially accepted, demanding more research in this area. We also present evidence in favor of adopting Exposure Draft ED/2013/08 Agriculture: Bearer Plants, Proposed amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 41, which proposes to measure biological assets at cost, because firms already following these rules showed lower earnings management in this study.