Determinants of Stunting in Children Aged 0-24 Months in Bangka Belitung Province (original) (raw)

Factors Influencing the Incidence of Stunting in Jaya Bakti Village, Pagimana District, Banggai Regency

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2022

Stunting is a chronic malnutrition problem caused by a lack of nutrition for a long time which leads to abnormal growth in children, such as lower or shorter height than the standard age. Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of stunting at the age of 12 to 60 months in Banggai Regency, Indonesia in 2020. Observation analysis and cross-sectional approach were used in this study and the sample size was 161 toddlers at the age of 12 to 60 months. The data were obtained through observations and direct interviews using questionnaires and were processed and analyzed using the Chi-Square test. The results showed that 51.6% of children below 60 months were with stunting and 48.4% had normal nutritional status, while there were 65.8% of proper birth lengths. Chi-Square test results showed a significant relationship between birth length (p = 0.000), birth weight (p = 0.253), exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.000), various types of food (p = 0.003), fr...

The Determinants of Stunting in 24-59 Month-Old Children in Kulon Progo District 2019


This study pertains to stunting in children in Indonesian with z-scores of less than-2 Standard Deviation (SD) and less than-3 SD. The preliminary study results showed the highest prevalence of stunting to be 22.6%, at the Temon II Primary Health Care in Kulon Progo District. The study aimed to assess the determinants of stunting children aged 24-59 months. This study was conducted from September 2018-May 2019. The design of this study was analytical observational with study design case-control. The sample was 60 children aged 24-59 months. The method utilized proportional sampling, whereas the data analysis applied chi-square and logistic regression.The analysis of statistical tests showed a significant correlation between the stunting children and energy intake factor (p-value = 0.030; α = 0.05; CI = 95%). Risk factors were energy intake, protein intake, suffering from acute respiratory tract infections, and suffering diarrhea. A non-risk factor was immunization status. Protective factors were access to clean water and the history of exclusive breastfeeding. The most influential factor for stunting children aged 24-59 months was energy intake.



Stunting is one of the nutritional problems in the community, especially in toddlers, stunting is measured using the body length index by age (PB/U) or height by age (TB/U) which can be categorized as stunted (short) or severely stunted (very short). The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the incidence of Stunting in children under five years of age. The research method used is descriptive approach with crossectional design. The population in this study amounted to 76 respondents and all were included as a sample, this study used the total population. The results showed no relationship between children under five years of age with the incidence of stunting on maternal education with value a p-value of 0.000, no relationship between children under five years of age with the incidence of stunting on the father's job with a p-value of 0.550, no relationship between children under five years of age with the incidence-value of 0.198, there is a relationship between children under five years of age with the incidence of stunting against exclusive breastfeeding with a p-value of 0.000, there is a relationship between children under five years of age with the incidence of stunting against maternal knowledge about food with a p-value of 0.000, there is a relationship between children under eat a child with a p-value of 0.000.

Factors Related to Stunting among Children Age 6-59 Months in Babakan Madang Sub-District, West Java, Indonesia

Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal, 2020

Stunting is a category of malnutrition that can cause death for children. In 2018, 30.8% of children under five in Indonesia experienced stunting. This study aimed to determine the factors that are related to stunting in Babakan Madang sub district, West Java, Indonesia. A cross sectional study was carried out among 612 children aged 6–59 months on May–August 2019. Z-scores were calculated using WHO Anthro. The characteristics of the under-fives (sex, age, history of infectious diseases), maternal characteristics (education level, mother’s occupation, income per month, age during pregnancy, parity), and infant feeding practices (colostrum feeding, early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, pre-lacteal feeding, timely complementary feeding) were analysed. The results of univariate and bivariate analysis using Chi-square showed that for age over 24 months, nonexclusive breastfeeding and untimely complementary feeding were related to stunting. It is recommended that lo...

Factors Related to Stunting Incidence in Children Under-Five Years in Argodadi, Sedayu, Bantul

Factors Related to Stunting Incidence in Children Under-Five Years in Argodadi, Sedayu, Bantul, 2021

Background: Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem due to insufficient food intake with the standard nutritional needs-starting from pregnancy to 2 years of age. Stunting could be raising a lousy impact on children's health, inhibited brain development, motor development, and physical growth obstruction. Stunting is also harmful to national development because stunted children have low productivity and intelligence. This study aimed to determine the relationship between mother body height and the incidence of stunting in children aged 0-59 months in Argodadi, Sedayu, Bantul. Methods: This research was an observational analytic with a case-control design. This study population was all mothers who have toddlers aged 0-59 months. The population was 690 respondents. We recruited 154 samples using random sampling-consisting of 77 cases and 77 controls. Microtoise, infatometer, questionnaire, and WHO Anthro were used to collect the data. Data were analyzed using descriptive and chi-square tests. Results: The chi-square test shows that mother body height was associated with the incidence of stunting p-value 0.005 (p <0.05); OR: 3.2 CI (1.37-7.52). Conclusions: Mother body height is a risk factor for stunting in children aged 0-59 months.

Risk Factors of Stunting Among Children Under Five Years in Jombang, East Java

International Journal Of Scientific Advances

Background: Linear growth failure, or stunting, is the most prevalent form of undernutrition worldwide. Indonesia became country with the fifth largest prevalence of stunting. In 2021 around 23.5% of toddlers who are stunted in east java province The incidence of stunting can be influenced by several risk factors. Objective: To decide risk factor of stunting in children aged under 5 years old. Methods: This study observational analytic with case-control study design, data from the scope of the mayangan health center over 1 year, January until desember 2022. Subjects comprised 122 cases and 122 controls, totaling 244 subject were children aged under 5 years old selected by consecutive sampling. Results: The results showed that short birth length, total daily calory intake, history of ARI, and mother education has a significant association for stunting prevalence. Short birth length have 0.2 times higher risk of experiencing stunting, inadequate daily calory intake have 0.3 times high...

Analysis of Risk Factors for Stunting in Toddlers in Cicantayan Sukabumi Regency

KnE Life Sciences, 2022

Stunting is a major public health problem in most developing countries. Although worldwide the prevalence is decreasing slowly, the number of stunted children is still increasing. Stunting can occur in the first thousand days of birth and many factors can influence it, including knowledge, nutritional intake and parenting. The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk factors for stunting in infants aged 24-59 months. This study used a cross-sectional approach. The research sample was 75 respondents, recruited through purposive random sampling techniques, and data were collected using a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability. Bivariate tests using simple linear regression and multivariate tests using multiple linear regression were carried out. The results of the study showed there was a significant effect of mother’s knowledge on stunting (p < 0.001), of parenting on stunting (p < 0.001) and of nutritional intake on stunting (p = 0.004). Keywords:...

The Factors Affecting Stunting Child under Five Years in Sub Province Mimika\_Vol.3\_Issue.2\_April2018/IJSHR\_Abstract.0013.html, 2018

Introduction: Stunting is effect of growth retardation to finally genetik potensial, so there indicate the health long impact cumulatif caused nutrient, health and role of parent not maximal and be effect in prodcutivity in feature. Stunting is health of problem in Indonesian and Sub Province Mimika. Target of research: to knowing the factors affecting of stunting at child under five years in Sub Province Mimika. Method Research: Analytic of observational with cross sectional study design. Research executed on May 2018 in Sub Province Papuan with population is child under five years amount of sample counted 100 people with purposive sampling. Data approach used questionnaire and analysed by chi square test and logistic binary regression. Result of research : The factors not significant of stunting at child under five years in Sub Province Mimika are age (p-value 1,000; RP = 0,0956; CI95% (0,400-2,283), studies (p-value 0,662; RP = 1,216; CI95% (0,684-2,162), job description (p-value = 0,680; RP = 1,276; CI95% (0,656-2,480), financial (p-value = 0,184; RP = 1,564; CI95% (0,889-2,751) dan penyakit infeksi (p-value = 0,232; RP = 1,509; CI95% (0,847-2,688). There is factor's significant of stunting at child under five years in Sub Province Mimika is knowledge (p-value = 0,000; RP = 5,143; CI95% (3,126-8,460), role of mother, (p-value = 0,000; RP = 4,263; CI95% (2,585-7,033) weight baby new born (p-value = 0,000; RP = 3,841; CI95% (2,548-5,790). The Knowledge, role of parents and weight baby new born is factor's significant and knowledge is dominant with stunting incidence to child under five years.

Determinants of Stunting among Toddlers Aged 24-59 Months in Puuwatu District, Kendari City, Indonesia

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, 2020

In Indonesia, the problem of low nutritional status proportion is still a problem, despite it decline of 37.2%in 2013 and 30.8% in 2018. Southeast Sulawesi is the Province with prevalence of stunting of 27.5 %in 2018 while Kendari City with the prevalence of 28.6% of children under five included in the stuntingcategory. In 2014 to 2015 there was a 2.2% increase in stunting children in the working area of PuuwatuPublic Health Center. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the incidenceof stunting among children aged 24-59 months. The type of study was quantitative with a cross sectionalstudy approach. The sampling technique was accidental sampling, with the number of respondents was 88toddlers. The results of statistical tests using chi square test with confidence level of 95%. The result ofstudy obtained p value of protein intake = 0.001, p value of mother’s education = 0.040, p value of father’soccupation= 0.003 and p value of economic status = 0.054...