Harga Diri dan Religiusitas dengan Resiliensi Pada Remaja Madura Berdasarkan Konteks Sosial Budaya Madura (original) (raw)

Rasa Malu Dan Presentasi Diri Remaja DI Media Sosial

Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan

An individual will perform self-impression to be accepted by society and can establish a social relationship. Someone do the self presentation so they can be accepted by the environment. However, there are some people which have obstacle to do their self presentation to make a social relationship. We can called that condition with shyness. Social media can be well accepted a mediator for shy person to presented their self. The purpose of this research is to find out the correlation between shynees with self presentation on adolosence in social media. This research has done to 96 sample of 13 – 16 years old active user of social media like Facebook, Twitter, Path, Instagram, Blog, and Youtube. The result with Pearson Product Moment test says the coeficient correlation (r) between two variables is 0,281. That is shows that between the two variables have a positive correlation with the signification level is 0,006 (p < 0,05) which says that the two variables have a significant corr...

Studi Fenomenologi Pengalaman Penyesuaian Diri Mahasiswa Papua DI Surabaya

Saat ini banyak mahasiswa dari luar pulau Jawa yang memilih untuk melanjutkan studi ke universitas yang ada di pulau Jawa. Pada umumnya hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya anggapan bahwa perguruan tinggi di pulau Jawa lebih memadai dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas di banding perguruan tinggi di luar Jawa (Niam, 2009). Akhirnya muncul persepsi bahwa seseorang yang menuntut ilmu di pulau Jawa akan lebih dihargai jika 79 Abstract: This study was aimed to explore the Papua students' adaptation experience while they are studying in Surabaya. A qualitative approach with phenomenological method was applied. Seven participants were recruited using purposive and snowball sampling. Data collected using semi-structural interviews and analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). The results shows that Papua students face many difficulties in adapting to the local society. The difference in physical characteristics, language and cultural habit are the main reasons. These diff...

Pengaruh Status Sosial Ekonomi Orang Tua, Motivasi Belajar, Disiplin Belajar Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Pada Siswa SMK Barunawati Surabaya


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of socioeconomic status, learning motivation, and learning disipline on student achievement at SMK Barunawati Surabaya. This study quantitative methods as a research methodology descriptive design. Population in this study are tenth grades students in SMK Barunawati Surabaya who are 103 students. Sampel was 82 students, selected by using Proporsional Random Sampling. Data analysed using multiple regression analysis. The result showed that socioeconomic status, learning motivation and learning discipline has partially significant impact on student achievement. Socioeconomic status, learning motivation and learning discipline have a significant impact on student achievement.

Kekerasan Psiko-Sosial Dalam Pendidikan Dan Keniscayaan Bimbingan Konseling

Violence in any form and reason specifically in educational setting will affects every individual. Teachers should be aware that violence has historical cycle in society, community, even in individual levels. Based on the consideration, this paper tries to: 1) understand the root of violence, its values and its personal and social characteristics; 2) recognize the social characteristics of patriarchy and matriarchy in educational setting, and the necessity for counselors of having matriarchal communication styles; and 3) assert the importance of school counselors to equip themselves with balanced, empathic, and mutual communication. This paper concludes that the root of violence is not inherent in human nature but socially learned and inherited. Secondly, matriarchal characteristics in social relations are needed to prevent violence. Third, school counselors should equip themselves with mutual communications. Abstrak: Kekerasan bentuk apapun, dalam latar manapun, khususnya dalam dun...

Konribusi Tradisi Erau Sebagai Sumber Pembelajaran Kontekstual Ips


Kajian ini bertujuan mengetahui kontribusi tradisi Erau sebagai sumber pembelajaran kontekstual IPS di SMP. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah dengan analisis pustaka (Library Research). Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa tradisi Erau memiliki kontribusi terhadap aspek-aspek pembelajaran dan kajian bidang materi IPS. Aspek-aspek pembelajaran IPS yang bersentuhan dengan tradisi Erau meliputi: aspek kognitif, aspek afektif, dan aspek psikomotor. Sementara itu, kajian materi yang dapat disisipi yaitu pada bidang : sejarah, sosiologi, geografi, dan ekonomi.

Musium Peradaban Muslim DI Gresik

ABSTRAK Gresik merupakan salah satu kota yang diyakini sebagai pusat penyebaran islam di Jawa Timur. Saat ini pemerintah setempat sedang merencanakan dan melaksanakan program pembangunan aset kebudayaannya secara bertahap, sehingga upaya untuk melakukan pelestarian terhadap peninggalan budaya, khususnya yang terkait dengan perjalanan peradaban muslim merupakan langkah penting yang nantinya akan diwadahi dalam suatu bangunan agar terjaga keamanan, keawetan, dan kelestariannya. Museum peradaban muslim ini diiwujudkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat Gresik akan sarana rekreasi sekaligus edukasi dan sebagai wadah konservasi barang-barang bersejarah peninggalan masa peradaban muslim. Museum ini dirancang dengan upaya untuk mewujudkan sirkulasi yang menerus dan berurutan bagi pengunjung ketika melakukan pengamatan. Perencanaan pembangunan museum ini dicapai melalui beberapa tahapan. Yang pertama adalah proses pengumpulan data dan informasi yang menunjang proses selanjutnya. Kemudian y...

Indonesian YouTube Video Clip for Teaching Character Values in English Classes in High Schools


In Indonesia, where English still has the status of a foreign language, many students see English as just one more subject to pass in order for them to proceed to the next level of education. In the current curriculum, the 2013 Curriculum, English, as are the other subjects, is given the “burden” of building the character values as mentioned in the 2nd Core Competence (KI 2). Some of the values are confidence, honesty, discipline, and responsibility. As is delineated in the Curriculum, the characters should be built through “indirect teaching”; based on that guidelines, the researcher then suggests the use of YouTube video clips about Indonesia, which has a two-fold function: to attract students’ interest, and to inculcate noble characters in the students. Videos on “Wondeful Indonesia” and historical events can be very beneficial to teach English to secondary school students. This paper explores the practical ways to use YouTube clips in teaching several text types to secondary sch...

Nghiên Cứu Kiến Thức Và Thái Độ Của Giáo Viên Mầm Non Về Rối Loạn Phổ Tự Kỷ Tại Cần Thơ Năm 2020

Tạp chí Y học Việt Nam, 2021

Đặt vấn đề: Rối loạn phổ tự kỷ (RLPTK) là một rối loạn phức tạp đặc trưng bởi sự suy giảm trong giao tiếp và phản xạ xã hội. Việc nhận biết và phát hiện sớm trẻ có nguy cơ rối loạn phổ tự kỷ để được tư vấn, theo dõi và can thiệp sớm là hết sức cần thiết và quan trọng, đặc biệt đối với giáo viên mầm non. Mục tiêu nghiên cứu: Đánh giá thực trạng kiến thức và thái độ của giáo viên mầm non tại quận Ninh Kiều TP. Cần Thơ về rối loạn phổ tự kỷ. Đối tượng và phương pháp nghiên cứu: nghiên cứu cắt ngang mô tả 104 giáo viên mầm non, công tác tại 43 trường ở quận Ninh Kiều, thành phố Cần Thơ. Kết quả: 49,1% giáo viên trên 33 tuổi, 31% có kinh nghiệm giáo dục đặc biệt (GDĐB). Tỷ lệ giáo viên mầm non (GVMN) hiểu biết đúng kiến thức về trẻ tự kỷ ở mức trung bình đến tốt; tỷ lệ trả lời đúng về kiến thức chung về RLPTK thấp nhất là 37% và cao nhất là 97%; có sự khác biệt về kiến thức nhận biết dấu hiệu báo động ở hai nhóm giáo viên có và không có kinh nghiệm giáo dục đặc biệt (p<0,001). Phần lớ...

Self Regulated Learning Dan Resiliensi Akademik Sebagai Determinasi Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif


ABSTRAK Rendahnya tingkat berpikir kreatif siswa dalam mata pelajaran ekonomi menjadi alasan penelitian ini, sehingga penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor determinasi berpikir kreatif. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa kelas X Jurusan IIS SMA Nurul Amal Palembang. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner tentang self regulated learning dan resiliensi akademik belajar ekonomi, serta tes berbentuk essai terkait tingkat berpikir kreatif Ekonomi. Metode penelitian adalah survey dengan alat pengumpul data angket model rating scale dan analisis data menggunakan teknik regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa self regulated learning dan resiliensi akademik menjadi determinan tingkat berpikir kreatif siswa dalam mata pelajaran ekonomi.Kata Kunci: Self Regulated Learning, Resiliensi Akademik, dan Berpikir Kreatif ABSTRACT The low creative thinking skills of students in economics subjects is the reason for this study. So, this study aims to identify the determina...

“BERBAUR TAPI TIDAK LEBUR”: MEMBENTUK DAN MEMPERTAHANKAN IDENTITAS RELIGIUS PADA MAHASISWAAKTIVIS DAKWAH KAMPUS (“Mixing but not melting”: Forming and Maintaining Religious Identity among Islamic Activists on Campus)

Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan, 2012

This study aimed at revealing how religious identity is formed and maintained among Islamic student activists in higher education. The implications of the religious identity on their social relations to other students and larger society were also discussed. A qualitative approach with a phenomenological method was employed. Four participants were recruited based on their long engagements in Da'wa movements in campus and significant roles they played in the movement. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The results show three dominant themes, namely motivation to join the Da'wa movement, the process of religious identity formation, and strategies to maintain the identity. In general, this study concluded that the initial factors that encourage the participants' involvements in Da'wa movement in higher education is the desire to feel an emotional bond of kinship based on religious values. After joining the movement, most participants developed their ...