Simulation of Tidal in Khowr-e Musa by Using the TELEMAC Numerical ‎Model (original) (raw)

Integrated Modeling of Global and Regional Model in Investigation of Tidal Current in Port of Bushehr (Iran)

Integrated Modeling of Global and Regional Model in Investigation of Tidal Current in Port of Bushehr (Iran), 2013

The present study modeled coastal curent patterns in Bushehr Port using a two dimensional model, and compared the results with the measured data to analyse the tidal currents. In this regard, hydrodynamic conditions of the Bushehr Port including current velocity, current direction, and sea-level changes were examined using the HD module in MIKE 21 software. For numerical modeling, a non-uniform triangular lattice was studied using two meshing schemes: a coarse general network and a fine regional network. The length of each element is variable between 310 and 2400 m in 6 regions. After calibrating the model, the data of a one year period, 2011, were analyzed. The currrents' boundary conditions were applied in the regional modeling domain (Bushehr Port) with three open boundaries (Northern border, Southern border, and Western border), and the general modeling domain (Persian Gulf

Simulation of Tidal Currents in the Persian Gulf

The developed 2D hydrodynamic model has been already applied and calibrated for the Persian Gulf to simulate the tidal currents in the Gulf. The location of Hormuz island at the Strait of Hormuz is suitable to represent the water level entering the Persian Gulf. Tidal elevations at different locations of the Persian Gulf are available. The simulation results show that after the first week of the February, a non-prevailing southeastern wind front took place. The verification of current hydrodynamic model was carried out with several case studies. Results were compared with available analytical solution or laboratory measurements. The results show the capabilities of this model for simulating the flow pattern in simple and complex geometry. The detailed of this hydrodynamic model including governing equations, solution techniques and verification tests is presented in authors' previous works. The tidal current in the Gulf is made by imposing tidal fluctuation to the main open boun...

Tidal modelling in the Gulf of Khambhat based on a numerical and analytical approach

The Gulf of Khambhat is an inlet of the Arabian Sea along the west coast of India, in the state of Gujarat. Important future developments in the Gulf are planned with the construction of new oil, gas and chemical terminal and the closure of the upper part of the Gulf to create a freshwater reservoir to be used for irrigation and drinking water. The economical developments of the area have to deal with an important characteristic of the Gulf of Khambhat, which is the extreme tidal range that peaks to 10 m during spring tide and the consequent tidal currents with a peak velocity of more than 3 m/s. In this study, a two-dimensional numerical model of the Gulf has been implemented based on the Delft3D code to study the tidal propagation in the basin. The model has been calibrated and validated versus tidal measurements. Moreover, an analytical model for tidal propagation in converging estuary has been implemented based on the analytical work of Van Rijn (2011a). The two models show a go...

Numerical Modelling of Coastal Sedimentation Using 2D Tidal Model, Case Study: Bushehr Port

Numerical modelling of coastal sedimentation using 2D tidal model, case study: Bushehr Port, 2014

In the recent years, mathematical models have widely been accepted by many researchers due to their many advantages that are based on physical models. However, for correctly using of these models, recognizing their limitations is inevitable. In this study, sedimentation process is estimated using mathematical modeling in coastal regions of Bushehr Port. In order to calculate numerical modeling, the triangular grids are used for discretizing the governing equations based on two mesh grids namely: general model (large mashes) and local model (fine meshes). After calibration the model, the results of the program for a one year period were analyzed. Boundary conditions were imposed in the local area modeling (Bushehr Port) by three open boundaries whereas for the general area (Persian Gulf) one open boundary in the Strait of Hormuz was imposed. To calibrate the model, threshold shear stress erosion 0.08 N/m 2 and Threshold shear stress deposition 0.04 N/m 2 were considered. In this study, Bottom topography and bed thickness changes were obtained in 25 points of chosen of region due to sedimentation processes as well as bed mass changes.

Application of 2-D tidal model, Shoaiba Lagoon, eastern Red Sea coast

Shoaiba Lagoon is a relatively shallow. It is about 100km to the south of Jeddah city. Results from this study showed that the water circulation in the lagoon is mainly dominated by the tidal force. The Lagoon is marked as environmentally sensitive areas worthy of Conservation and special management. Large desalination plant is located close to the lagoon. A 2-d depth averaged model is applied to predict the water circulation of Shoaiba Lagoon. Predicted water velocities showed good agreement in compare to the observed velocities. Flushing time calculation showed that the time to renewal the lagoon water is fairly good to ensure healthy marine environment.


The Journal of Engineering Research (TJER), 2022

This paper presents the hydrodynamics on the western coast of Libya. The investigated area, which is a part of the Mediterranean Sea, is one of the most critical and active coastal regions in the country. A 2DH process-based model for flow based on the Delft3D modelling system from Deltares is constructed for the study area. Extensive field data concerning the tidal constituents were used. The flow model that is necessary to understand the hydrodynamics of the area was calibrated and validated using field measurements. In this paper, only the water levels and tidal components for the astronomical tide are presented. Calibration and validation of the numerical flow model show that the results of the water level represent the field conditions well. The present study gives insight into the basic hydrodynamic processes of the investigated area. It should help designers and the decision-makers maintain the region for any other economic and social activities. The flow model for the investigated area can be also coupled with any other models like wave, sediment transport, morphodynamic and water quality.

A Process Study of the Tidal Circulation in the Persian Gulf

Open Journal of Marine Science, 2012

A homogeneous shallow-water model with free surface is used to model the tidal circulation in the Persian Gulf. The numerical finite-difference model includes harmonic diffusion of horizontal momentum and quadratic bottom friction, it has a 9 km mesh size and it is forced by 7 tidal components at its southern boundary. High precision bathymetric data are used to obtain the bottom topography. The numerical model is run for more than a year. The results are the following: 1) The model accurately reproduces the tidal phase and amplitude observed at 42 tidal gauges in the region. This accuracy is attributed to the presence of the 7 components which are able to interact nonlinearly; 2) The amphidromic points are also well positioned by the model due to a proper choice of bathymetry. This was checked also with a simpler geometry of the domain; 3) The tidal currents can be strong in the Straits of Hormuz and in shallow areas; thus they will have an effect of the hydrology of the region. The residual currents are weak so that they will be negligible for the large-scale circulation on long periods; 4) Finally, the sea-surface elevation forecast by the model is in close agreement with in-situ measurements of pressure in the Straits, performed during the GOGP99 experiment.

Analysis of Nearshore Local Effects on Tidal Behaviour at Imam Khomeini Port and Musa Bay

Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 2017

Tidal waves have very different dynamics in shallow waters, in comparison to deep sea waters. When a tidal wave approaches to nearshore areas, it might be affected by different factors such as resonance, shoaling in landward direction, funneling due to the decrease of the width, damping due to bottom friction, and partial reflection at abrupt changes of the cross-sections of estuary. Coriolis force can also deflect the tidal waves in large areas, which may lead to the changes of tidal ranges near the coasts. The high increase of tidal range at Musa Bay, located at the north-western part of the Persian Gulf, is studied in this paper. Numerical modeling confirms the occurrence of the resonance for a period of about 8-9 hr., where the amplification factor is gradually decreased with further increase of the wave period. Results implied that resonance, funneling and shoaling are the three most effective parameters which amplify the tide in this area.

A TELEMAC-2D model for the Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf and Red Sea with a special focus on the tidal body force


A TELEMAC-2D model is presented that incorporates the Red Sea, Persian Gulf and the northern Indian Ocean, covering an area of roughly 5 • 10 6 km 2. Due to the size of the model domain, a significant portion of the tidal forcing comes from the tidal body force that is exerted by celestial objects on the fluid mass in the model domain itself, in addition to the tidal forcing at the model domain boundaries. The formulation for the tidal body force in TELEMAC-2D is examined and improved, and the impact of the force on the M2 tidal amplitude is displayed. The model is calibrated against tidal amplitudes and phases at 29 tide gauges across the model domain using an automatic calibration procedure. Two nonlinear optimization algorithms, the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm and the BFGS algorithm, are tested in the calibration procedure. Results from the two algorithms are comparable, although the BFGS algorithm shows a slightly faster convergence behaviour. I.