doi:10.1155/2007/26254 Research Article Some Remarks on Perturbation Classes of Semi-Fredholm and Fredholm Operators (original) (raw)
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Perturbed Operators on Banach Spaces
arXiv: Functional Analysis, 2020
Let X be a Banach Space over K=R or C, and let f:=F+C be a weakly coercive operator from X onto X, where F is a C^1-operator, and C a C^1 compact operator. Sufficient conditions are provided to assert that the perturbed operator f is a C^1-diffeomorphism. Three corollaries are given. The first one, when F is a linear homeomorphism. The second one, when F is a k-contractive perturbation of the identity. The third one, when X is a Hilbert space and F a particular linear operator. The proof of our results is based on properties of Fredholm operators, as well as on local and global inverse mapping theorems, and the Banach fixed point theorem. As an application two examples are given