E-Government Based Public Services in Medan Barat Subdistrict (original) (raw)

E-Government-based Bureaucratic Reform in Public Service

2nd International Conference of Communication Science Research (ICCSR 2018), 2018

Program Electronic Government aims to realize excellent service through increasing the scope of licensing service by bureaucracy of regency / city government in Indonesia. This study aims to analyse and explain the implementation of electronic government from the aspect of public service and its implication to the excellent service in Indonesia. The type of research used is descriptive-qualitative with case study approach. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. The instrument in this research is the researcher himself, while the informant uses purposive technique. Data analysis techniques used follow an interactive model that includes the collection, data condensation, data presentation, and verification / withdrawal of conclusions. The results of research show that bureaucracy reform with the implementation of smart city based e-government which is held in Indonesia shows effective results seen from production, efficiency, satisfaction, adaptation and survival. Implementation of smart city with the implementation of e-government in Indonesia is an effort in improving public services, which aims to provide transparent information to the public by showing the work of the bureaucracy in handling the existing public service issues. Thus (proposition), if the application of modern technology appropriate with professional human resources, will directly improve the quality of public services.

Modernization and Innovation in Public Services Through E-Government in The City Of Denpasar


Public service is becoming an important role of the bureaucracy as the servants of the society. The dynamics that occur in society becomes a challenge for the bureaucracy. The bureaucracy reforms as an assertion through innovation in demand of public service. This is done in order to give satisfaction to the public. Currently, Indonesian society is positioning itself in the layer of digital society. Society digitization is visible when technology becomes an important part of the social life of the society. Undeniably, technology has directly changing the mindset of the society to be more responsive and practical in order to response to the phenomenon. Problematics occur i.e., bureaucratic in providing the public service tends to be slow in responding to a change. The reform of the bureaucracy is more to income generating for the officers by remunarations to avoid corruption rather than to the quality of the services provided. The public service must be able to follow the development...

Penerimaan dalam E-Government (Studi Fenomenologi pada Pengguna Layanan Terpadu Satu Pintu di BPTSP DKI Jakarta


This study discusses the impedation of e-government on Jakarta one-stop service agency (BPTSP) which focuses on its object is the service user in the agency. How Acceptance of e-government in the body is the problem formulation of this research. The Birth of this Institution is based on Local Regulation No. 12 of 2013 on the implementation of One Stop Integrated Service, only focusing on service users. This research uses qualitative method with phenomenology approach to see the experience of the users of electronic or e-government based service system which is the obligation of every government body to apply it. The object of research is five people. Results from research Acceptance of e-Government Implementation at the One Stop Service Integrated Service Body, covering two issues. First, problems with managers, and the second problem on community acceptance. Issues on management, ie problems on technical or support to the system and infrastructure and human resources of technicians. The problem with community acceptance is the impact of the system in service. The system with a double mechanism, makes people feel inefficient.

The Effectiveness Of Public Services Through E-Government In Makassar City

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2020

The purpose of this research to examine and analyze the effectiveness of public services through the application of Government Electronic systems (e-government) this type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques used is observation, interviews, and documents. The results showed that in general, the implementation of e-government in the Makassar city was considered good enough and had a positive influence on improving the effectiveness of public services for the people of Makassar city. Supporting factors that support the implementation of e-government are in addition to the support of human resources that manage e-government is getting better, the political will of the city government, especially the mayor, is very supportive of the implementation of e-government. In terms of the community as a service user, although there are still complaints sometimes, due to miscommunication and technical problems caused by the limitations of the community, the efforts o...

Implementation Of E-Government In Kelurahan Of Tanjungpinang City (Study on SIMDA BMD application

—E-government is the utilization of information technology used to speed up the implementation of the government in improving the accessibility of the data presented in a timely, accurate urban villages for employees without requiring any intermediary information systems, the implementation of applications e-government of urban villages in Tanjungpinang use a type G2G (government-to-government), where this type have a need to interact between one government and other Governments in order to increase of cooperation and work processes Relating SIMDA BMD (Management Information System Regional Property). This study aims to look at the implementation and inhibiting factors in the application of e-government in Tanjungpinang urban villages. Researchers used qualitative research methods. The Data collected in this study uses interviews. The results Showed that there were already base of implementation e-government in Sub Tanjungpinang through the application of SIMDA BMD applications (Management Information System Regional Property). In general, the implementation of applications e-government of urban village is optimal, it is seen from the villages helped in facilitating good clerks Administration of procurement, procurement planning in Sub Tanjungpinang. In the application of operating BMD SIMDA there are constraints of the which the export menu inpor the data can not be used Because the application is still offline.

Bureaucracy Reform, Community Participation and E-Bureaucracy under Regent Winesa and Regent Putu Artha in Jembrana, Bali

Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia, 2015

The use of technology in reforming the government bureaucracy, namely e-Bureaucracy in the regency of Jembrana raises the assumption that the modernization of the bureaucracy can be supported by the social system based on cultural values. It is assumed that the implementation of e-Bureaucracy since the leadership of Regent I Gede Winesa was able to reform the bureaucracy in Jembrana. However, the latest research of his successor's leadership suggests that there is the potential for failure of e-Bureaucracy, ranging from a decrease in function of the J-Net tower, the non-functioning of the rural internet office, and the return to manual service. The results showed that there are two basic problems in the implementation of e-Bureaucracy. First, the lack of sustained internal reform in Jembrana. This condition is caused by the euphoria with the past government and by the lack of innovation by the Jembrana bureaucratic apparatus. This situation is caused by the limited delegation of power in the bureaucratic structure in Jembrana. Secondly, community participation is not really being optimized as the basis of external reform. The lack of community participation is caused by the strong top-down approach from government and the lack of empowerment building by local NGO. The study uses a qualitative approach supplemented with literature study, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions (FGD). Reformasi Birokrasi dan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam e-Bureaucracy pada Masa Pemerintahan Bupati Winesa dan Bupati Putu Artha di Kabupaten Jembrana, Bali Abstrak Proses reformasi birokrasi dengan metode e-Bureaucracy di Kabupaten Jembrana memunculkan satu asumsi bahwa modernisasi birokrasi dapat tertunjang oleh sistem kemasyarakatan berbasis pada nilai budaya. Secara normatif, ada asumsi bahwa penerapan e-Bureaucracy sejak masa Bupati I Gede Winesa mampu mereformasi birokrasi Kabupaten Jembrana. Namun, hasil penelitian terbaru pada masa Bupati Putu Artha menunjukkan bahwa ada anomali potensi kegagalan e-Bureaucracy, mulai dari penurunan fungsi menara J-Net, tidak berfungsinya Kantor Internet Desa, hingga pelayanan birokrasi secara manual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada dua masalah dasar dalam implementasi e-Bureaucracy. Pertama, lemahnya reformasi internal birokrasi Kabupaten Jembrana. Kondisi tersebut dipengaruhi oleh euforia masa lalu dan lemahnya daya inovasi aparat birokrasi Jembrana. Lemahnya inovasi disebabkan oleh belum optimalnya prinsip pendelegasian dalam struktur birokrasi di Jembrana. Kedua, belum optimalnya partisipasi masyarakat sebagai basis reformasi eksternal. Penyebabnya adalah kuatnya pendekatan top-down pemerintah kabupaten kepada sistem kemasyarakatan yang ada dan masih belum optimalnya prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat oleh LSM lokal. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menerapkan studi literatur, wawancara mendalam, dan focus group discussions (FGD).

Implementation Of Electronic Government At The Department On Integrated One Door Investment And Licensing Services, Deli Serdang Regency

Inspirasi & Strategi (INSPIRAT): Jurnal Kebijakan Publik & Bisnis, 2022

E-government policy is one form of reform in the implementation of services for the public in Indonesia which aims to improve effectiveness, efficiency, transparency, and accountability in public service implementing institutions in terms of achieving organizational goals. The purpose of this study was to find out how the implementation of Electronic Government at the Department of Investment and One Stop Integrated Licensing Services (DPMPPTSP) Deli Serdang Regency.The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This method aims to explain reality contextually, interpret phenomena that are of concern to researchers and understand participants' perspectives on the problems that occur. The types of data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained through interviews with resource persons, and secondary data was obtained through literature and documentation studies. The data analysis technique used is a model approach with data reduction, data p...

Effectiveness of Service in Realizing E-Government Pangke Village Office West Meral District Karimun Regency


This research was motivated by the ineffectiveness of services at the Pangke Village Office of West Meral District of Karimun Regency. Lack of Human Resources (HR) and lack of skills make service activities slow. So that the community as a recipient of the service feels dissatisfied and the community wants an easy, fast and cost-effective service. This research aims to find out how effective Pangke village office services are and what are the obstacles in the application of service effectiveness. The data was collected using field observations, unstructured interviews, and questionnaires. The data analysis used in this study is a qualitative data analysis method. This research uses theories developed by Siagian regarding time factors, accuracy factors and service-giving style factors. The results of research on the Effectiveness of Services in Realizing E-Government Pangke Village Office of West Meral District karimun can be said to be "Quite Good". The constraints in the effectiveness of services in realizing E-Government Pangke Village Office of West Meral District of Karimun Regency are due to the lack of supporting facilities and infrastructure in the running of services. Then the lack of human resources, human resources that are less reliable, less creative, less skilled and less insightful in the provision of services to the community.

Tiga Wujud Pelayanan Dalam “Portal Emas” Sebagai Wujud E-Goverment Dengan Prinsip Etika Administrasi Negara (Analisis Pelayanan Lisan, Tulisan, Dan Tindakan DI Kota Probolinggo)

Jurnal Inovasi Ilmu Sosial dan Politik (JISoP)

The government has responsibility for public sector services. The public services are intended to provide convenience and assistance to the public regarding what they need and to achieve an objective. Public services must understand and meet the community's needs regarding services, goods, and administration that need to be carried out properly. The forms of service can be verbal or written, or direct action. The governments, both local and central governments, need to improve the quality of service delivery. Therefore, the Probolinggo City Government had a strategy of providing quality public services. This public service innovation was called the "Portal Emas". The Portal Emas concept is a public service by implements three service forms in a digital application. The author researched the implementation of the Portal Emas as an application for public sector services. The objective was to find out whether the Portal Emas applied values to state administration ethical ...