Measurement of Electromagnetic Activity of Living Cells (original) (raw)

Electromagnetic Characterization of Living Microorganims


The project is carried out at the CommSensLab, at the TSC department where one of the new research lines is centred on electromagnetic sensing of the living world. There is a growing need to interact with the living world and most of the time this is performed using some kind of physical contacts. This kind of connection, while well- known and quite robust, most of the time are intrusive and discomforting. In this respect, the possibility of having wireless connections or sensing will certainly ease this kind of interaction. In this work, the general idea is to study the potential of wireless sensing of some functional parameter of a living organism either vegetable or animal. The idea is to analyse the measurable interaction among the well known radio-frequency and microwave frequencies and some sample of those living organisms. More speciffically the aim of this TFG is the numerical modelling and the experimental validation of a representative sample of basic living micro-organism...

Study of Electromagnetic Fields on Cellular Systems

Acta Universitaria

In the last decades the interest to study the effect of non-ionizing radiation, such as the electromagnetic fields (EMF) on cellular systems has increased. In this article the interaction between EMF and biological systems is described. An analysis of the effect of the electromagnetic stimulation at different frequencies and intensities on cell cultures is performed. Preliminary results show that the stimulation with extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF), EMF from 3 to 30 Hz, on the cellular line of neuroblastomaSK-NSH induces cellular stress. This is reflected by a variation in the proteins expression in comparison with the group of cells no stimulated. In particular, the proteins expression shows that the ELF-EMF produce changes in the current proteins in normal or basal conditionsin the cells, that is, new proteins appear or there is evidence of an increasing in theamount of them.

Cellular Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field can be measured only by Nanotechnological Methods

The eukaryotic cell is a basic unit of plants, fungi and animals and it is also a likely source of electromagnetic field whose function we would like to examine in the future. Eukaryotic cells contain various organelles and structures. It is expected that the electromagnetic activity originates mainly in cytoskeleton that is a structure that protects and organizes the cell, enables a motion of the cell and is necessary for cell division. This structure is composed of three types of filaments. Microtubules, which are one of them, fulfil all conditions for generation of cellular electromagnetic field. We approximate electrical properties of basic structure of a microtubule (tubulin heterodimer) as elementary electric dipole and then we calculate electromagnetic field around them. In this paper, we present results from calculations of power and electric intensity around two models of microtubule network.

Electromagnetic cellular interactions

Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 2011

Chemical and electrical interaction within and between cells is well established. Just the opposite is true about cellular interactions via other physical fields. The most probable candidate for an other form of cellular interaction is the electromagnetic field. We review theories and experiments on how cells can generate and detect electromagnetic fields generally, and if the cell-generated electromagnetic field can mediate cellular interactions. We do not limit here ourselves to specialized electro-excitable cells. Rather we describe physical processes that are of a more general nature and probably present in almost every type of living cell. The spectral range included is broad; from kHz to the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. We show that there is a rather large number of theories on how cells can generate and detect electromagnetic fields and discuss experimental evidence on electromagnetic cellular interactions in the modern scientific literature. Although small, it is continuously accumulating.

Microfabricated sensors for the measurement of electromagnetic fields in biological tissues

Micromachined Devices and Components, 1995

Public awareness of the risks of exposure to electromagnetic radiation has grown over the past ten years. The effects of power lines on human and animal health have drawn particular attention. Some longitudinal studies of cancer rates near power lines show a significant correlation, while others show a null result. The studies have suffered from inadequate sensors for the measurement of electromagnetic radiation in vivo. In this work, we describe the design, construction, and testing of electrically passive, microfabricated singlepole antennas and coils. These sensors will be used in vivo to study the effects of electromagnetic radiation on animals. Our testing to date has been limited to in vitro studies of the magnetic field probes. Magnetic field pickup coils were fabricated with up to 100 turns, over a length of up to 1000 µm. Measurements were carried out with the sensors in air, and in water of various saline concentrations. Magnetic fields were applied using a Helmholtz coil. Both dc and ac fields were applied. The results indicate that small-area measurements of electromagnetic fields in vitro can be made successfully, provided adequate shielding and amplification are used.


Published 19 This paper reports an in vivo characterization technique to characterize dielectric proper-20 ties of living tissues and bio-molecules at microwave frequency using cavity perturbation 21 technique, where a slot ring resonant sensor has been used, that works at 8 GHz and 22 has been designed to enumerate the effective dielectric constant of Spirulina platensis 23 and chlorophyll molecule. Observed value of the dielectric constant of Spirulina platen-24 sis was 8 ± 0.04 in the absence of light and 14.575 ± 0.145 in the presence of light. 25 Molecular polarizability of chl a molecule was 5.07 ± 0.05 × 10 4Å3 . Experimentally cal-26 culated local electric field actually experienced by chl a molecule was 14.197±0.003 V/m 27 for applied field of 9.79 V/m across the slot ring, dipole moment of chl a molecule was 28

Use of Electric Fields to Monitor the Dynamical Aspect of Cell Behavior in Tissue Culture

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2000

Abstrat-Mammalian cells can be cultured and therefore studied in vitro. Normally, the cells' morphology and other static properties are observed with the aid of a light microscope. A method is described here that allows observation of the dynamical aspects of cultured cells. Mammalian fibroblasts are cultured in polystyrene dishes that contain evaporated gold electrodes. As the cells attach to the electrodes, their presence and their motion is directly reflected in the -measured impedance.

Mechanisms of electromagnetic interaction with cellular systems

Naturwissenschaften, 1992

The question of how electromagnetic fields-static or low to high frequency-interact with biological systems is of great interest. The current discussion among biologists, chemists, and physicists emphasizes aspects of experimental verification and of defining microscopic and macroscopic mechanisms. Both aspects are reviewed here. We emphasize that in certain situations nonthermal interactions of electromagnetic fields occur with cellular systems. * From a workshop "Wechselwirkungsmechanismen elektromagnetischer Felder mit zellul~ren Systemen" sponsored by the Deutsche Fo~schungsgemeinschaft (DFG) at the Max-Planck-Institut fur Festk6rperforschung in Stuttgart, Sept.

Electromagnetic fields and cells

Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 1993

There is strong public interest in the possibility of health effects associated with exposure to extremely low frequency (elf) electromagnetic (EM) fields. Epidemiological studies suggest a probable, but controversial, link between exposure to elf EM fields and increased incidence of some cancers in both children and adults. There are hundreds of scientific studies that have tested the effects of elf EM fields on cells and whole animals. A growing number of reports show that exposure to elf EM fields can produce a large array of effects on cells. Of interest is an increase in specific transcripts in cultured cells exposed to EM fields. The interaction mechanism with cells, however, remains elusive. Evidence is presented for a model based on cell surface interactions with EM fields.