The role of the affected state: A case study on the Peruvian earthquake response (original) (raw)

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Original Paper The process of institutional resilience in the Republic of Perú El proceso de resiliencia institucional en la República de Perú Cover Page

Social Policy Responses of the Chilean State to the Earthquake and Tsunami of 2010

Decades of neoliberal policy have left Chile with a skeletal state that administers social policy through targeting and outsourcing in public-private partnerships that lack coordination. The reconstruction after the 2010 earthquake and tsunami responded to the emergency largely according to these same principles. While official reports on the reconstruction effort show a state that is complying with its goals, evidence from fieldwork in the city of Constitución illustrates that this method is highly inadequate in the context of a natural disaster. Chile should establish a social policy structure for natural disasters that allows for a rapid response to a social emergency based on universal or near-universal allocation criteria.

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Social Policy Responses of the Chilean State to the Earthquake and Tsunami of 2010 Cover Page

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The Process of Institutional Resilience in the Republic of Perú Cover Page

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Case Study Peru's Environmental and Social Management in the Gold Mining Sector in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic 1 Cover Page

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Building Research Capacity in Social Sciences for Development in Bolivia: A Case of Institutional Innovation Cover Page

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Series: Significant Local Development Initiatives in the Face of Disaster Risk Cover Page

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A post disaster capacity building model in Peru Cover Page

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United Nations Development Programme Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean Cover Page

Social and Economic Consequences of the 1987 Earthquakes in Ecuador


El 5 de marzo de 1987, dos terremotos de 6,1 y 6,9 grados en la escala Richter sacudieron en noreste del Ecuador. Si bien el pais habia vivido terremotos mas fuertes, el de 1987 representa uno de los que mas golpearon su economia. Para entender la gravedad de las consecuencias economicas y sociales que este fenomeno natural tuvo, es necesario revisar la realidad ecuatoriana previa al desastre. En particular tres factores habrian hecho mas vulnerable al pais frente a los terremotos de ese ano: condiciones climaticas desfavorables, infraestructura vulnerable y malas politicas economicas. El resultado de esta vulnerabilidad fue que un terremoto causo una crisis economica que duro alrededor de cinco anos. Abstract On March 5, 1987, northeastern Ecuador was shaken by two earthquakes, which registered 6.1 and 6.9 degrees, respectively, on the Richter scale. Even though the country had experienced stronger earthquakes, the ones that occurred in 1987 hit the economy harder than most. In ord...

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Social and Economic Consequences of the 1987 Earthquakes in Ecuador Cover Page

The Production of Social Research in Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru: a Comparative Study

The paper presents the results of a comparative study of the social research production environments of three Latin-American, low- and middle-income countries: Bolivia, Paraguay and Perú. It draws from three case studies – one of each country – based on in-depth interviews with key informants (policymakers, researchers, leaders of higher education and research institutions) conducted under a common thematic protocol. The comparative examination of the three case studies shows important commonalities such as the weak or null presence of the state in social research policy and funding. All three countries are also marked by a common instrumentalist approach to social research production, albeit of a technocratic kind in Peru and Paraguay, while in Bolivia it is of a political/populist nature. Together, these factors have a strong impact on the low research outputs of these countries as compared to other countries in the region, as well as on the types and quality of the research produced and on the circulation of research in academic journals. While there are important di erences too, for instance in the degree of institutional development and the profesionalization of research work – where Perú stands out as the more developed of the three countries – the bottom line is that research is still experienced as a solitary pursuit which su ers from the lack of research communities and critical mass.

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The Production of Social Research in Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru: a Comparative Study Cover Page