Effective Analysis of Human Exposure Conditions with Body-worn Dosimeters in the 2.4 GHz Band (original) (raw)

The association between exposure determined by radiofrequency personal exposimeters and human exposure: A simulation study

Bioelectromagnetics, 2010

The selection of an adequate exposure assessment approach is imperative for the quality of epidemiological studies. The use of personal exposimeters turned out to be a reasonable approach to determine exposure profiles, however, certain limitations regarding the absolute values delivered by the devices have to be considered. Apart from the limited dynamic range, it has to be taken into account that these devices give only an approximation of the exposure due to the influence of the body of the person carrying the exposimeter, the receiver characteristics of the exposimeter, as well as the dependence of the measured value on frequency band, channel, slot configuration, and communication traffic. In this study, the relationship between the field strength measured close to the human body at the location of the exposimeter and the exposure, that is, the field strength at the location of the human body without the human body present, is investigated by numerical means using the Visible Human model as an anatomical phantom. Two different scenarios were chosen: (1) For FM, GSM, and UMTS an urban outdoor scenario was examined that included a transmitting antenna mounted on the roof of one of four buildings at a street crossing, (2) For WLAN an indoor scenario was investigated. For GSM the average degree of underestimation by the exposimeter (relation of the average field levels at the location of the exposimeter to the field level averaged over the volume of the human body without the body present) was 0.76, and for UMTS 0.87; for FM no underestimation was found, the ratio was 1. In the case of WLAN the degree of underestimation was more pronounced, the ratio was 0.64. This study clearly suggests that a careful evaluation of correction factors for different scenarios is needed prior to the definition of the study protocol. It has to be noted that the reference scenario used in this study does not allow for final conclusions on general correction factors. Bioelectromagnetics 31: 535-545, 2010. ß

A Multi-Band Body-Worn Distributed Exposure Meter for Personal Radio-Frequency Dosimetry in Diffuse Indoor Environments

IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019

A multi-band body-worn distributed exposure meter (BWDM) is designed and calibrated for diffuse fields in a reverberation chamber (RC) for personal exposure assessment in indoor environments. The BWDM uses 22 nodes distributed over the torso and measures the incident power density (Sinc) on body for 11 telecommunication bands in the frequency range 790-5513 MHz. In order to calibrate the measurement device in diffuse fields, a protocol is proposed for on-body calibration of the BWDM. This protocol is applicable to wearable personal exposure meters in general. The BWDM and the proposed calibration protocol are validated in five indoor locations and five frequency bands (the downlink bands at 800, 900, 1800 and 2100 MHz and WiFi 2 GHz) using a tri-axial broadband antenna and a spectrum analyzer (SA). The calibration shows that the BWDM has a relatively low measurement uncertainty with a 68% confidence interval on its antenna apertures, in the range 3.4-5.5 dB. A maximum difference of 0.9 dB is obtained for the total exposure in the test areas between the measurements of the BWDM and SA, which is an excellent agreement.

Evaluation of Electromagnetic Dosimetry of Wireless Systems in Complex Indoor Scenarios with Human Body Interaction


In this work, the influence of human body within the estimation of dosimetric values is analyzed. A simplified human body model, including the dispersive nature of material parameters of internal organs, skin, muscle, bones and other elements has been implemented. Such a model has been included within an indoor scenario in which an in-house 3D ray launching code has been applied to estimate received power levels within the complete scenario. The results enhance previous dosimetric estimations, while giving insight on influence of human body model in power level distribution and enabling to analyze the impact in the complete volume of the scenario.

Calibration and uncertainties in personal exposure measurements of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields

Bioelectromagnetics, 2011

In the past 5 years radiofrequency personal exposure meters have been used to characterize the exposure during daily activities. We found from calibration tests for the 12 frequency bands of the EME Spy 121 exposimeter in a Gigahertz Transverse Electromagnetic cell and an Open Area Test Site, that these measurements tend to underestimate the actual exposure. Therefore, a maximum frequency-dependent correction factor of 1.1-1.6 should be applied to the electric field. This correction factor consists of three multipliers correcting for calibration, elevation arrival angle, and influence of the body. The calibration correction factor should be determined per exposimeter, as the maximum range of response between exposimeters in a frequency band is 2.4 dB. Since the range of response for different elevation angles could reach 10.2 dB, a strict protocol for wearing the exposimeter during fieldwork should be followed to be able to compare and combine measurements made by different persons in the same microenvironments. Because the influence of the body depends on the azimuth angle of arrival, it may lead to an over-or underestimation. Thus, the body correction factor is an average over the angles and should only be applied in activities involving movement through the full 3608 range of random angles of arrival.

Assessment of personal exposure from radiofrequency-electromagnetic fields in Australia and Belgium using on-body calibrated exposimeters

Environmental research, 2016

The purposes of this study were: i) to demonstrate the assessment of personal exposure from various RF-EMF sources across different microenvironments in Australia and Belgium, with two on-body calibrated exposimeters, in contrast to earlier studies which employed single, non-on-body calibrated exposimeters; ii) to systematically evaluate the performance of the exposimeters using (on-body) calibration and cross-talk measurements; and iii) to compare the exposure levels measured for one site in each of several selected microenvironments in the two countries. A human subject took part in an on-body calibration of the exposimeter in an anechoic chamber. The same subject collected data on personal exposures across 38 microenvironments (19 in each country) situated in urban, suburban and rural regions. Median personal RF-EMF exposures were estimated: i) of all microenvironments, and ii) across each microenvironment, in two countries. The exposures were then compared across similar microen...

Method and instrumentation for the study of individual human sensitivity to microwave irradiation in the frequency range of modern mobile communications

Procedia Computer Science, 2018

The safety levels with respect to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) are defined by National safety standards. However, today serious contradictions have arisen between the existing standards and new experimental data. Firstly, the significant influence of weak EMF on psychophysiology and human health is shown. Secondly, the EMF effects are substantially dependent on the individual sensitivity of a specific person, multiple exposure and dose accumulation. In this article, the methods and instrumental techniques for the experimental research of an individual human's sensitivity to EMF doses are presented. The aggregate of results as a new challenge for today standards of EMF safety is discussed.

Assessment of Human Body Influence on Exposure Measurements of Electric Field in Indoor Enclosures

Personal exposure meters (PEMs) used for measuring exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) are typically used in epidemiological studies. As is well known, these measurement devices cause a perturbation of real EMF exposure levels due to the presence of the human body in the immediate proximity. This paper aims to model the alteration caused by the body shadow effect (BSE) in motion conditions and in indoor enclosures at the Wi-Fi frequency of 2.4 GHz. For this purpose, simulation techniques based on ray-tracing have been carried out, and their results have been verified experimentally. A good agreement exists between simulation and experimental results in terms of electric field (E-field) levels, and taking into account the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the spatial distribution of amplitude. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test provides a P-value greater than 0.05, in fact close to 1. It has been found that the influence of the presence of the human body can be characterized as an angle of shadow that depends on the dimensions of the indoor enclosure. The CDFs show that the E-field levels in indoor conditions follow a lognormal distribution in the absence of the human body and under the influence of BSE. In conclusion, the perturbation caused by BSE in PEMs readings cannot be compensated for by correction factors. Although the mean value is well adjusted, BSE causes changes in CDF that would require improvements in measurement protocols and in the design of measuring devices to subsequently avoid systematic errors. Bioelectromagnetics. 36:118–132, 2015.

Instruments to measure environmental and personal radiofrequency-electromagnetic field exposures: an update

Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine

Modern human populations are exposed to anthropogenic sources of radiofrequency-electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs), primarily to telecommunication and broadcasting technologies. As a result, ongoing concerns from some members of the public have arisen regarding potential health effects following RF-EMF exposures. In order to monitor human RF-EMF exposures and investigate potential health effects, an objective assessment of RF-EMF exposures is necessary. Accurate dosimetry is essential for any investigation of potential associations between RF-EMF exposure and health effects in human populations. This review updates state-of-the-art knowledge of currently available RF-EMF exposure assessment tools applicable in human epidemiological studies. These tools cater for assessing RF-EMF exposures in human environments; through mobile phone-based tools or other standalone tools. RF-EMF exposure assessment has been significantly improved through the application of some of these tools in recent ...

Electromagnetic Field Exposure Assessment in Workers and the General Public: Measurement Techniques and Experimental Dosimetry


RF-EMF exposure assessment carried out in an observatory open for general public visits, where there are multiple RF sources in the surrounding area. Fields at some points of interest have exceeded the ICNIRP exposure limits for the general public and, to comply with normative limits, relevant stations reduced their radiated power. Nevertheless, the total electric field strength in the vicinity of the observatory's metallic parapet still exceeds exposure limits due to re-radiation. Thus, the main broadcast stations reduced even more their transmitted power to comply with the regulatory limits throughout the observatory area. A detailed evaluation is carried out close to metallic objects to assess the re-radiation phenomenon. Additionally, laboratory experiments were carried out to confirm the influence of re-radiation from the metallic parapet.