A Summary of Effective Gender Equitable Teaching Practices in Informal STEM Education Spaces (original) (raw)
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2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings
The underrepresentation and attrition of women students in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields is a widely acknowledged, complex problem for which solutions will be multi-faceted. However, while a large body of research examines factors that influence girls' and women's experiences in these fields, many STEM educators at the K-12 level may be unfamiliar with the most recent research on gender's relation to STEM classes. This paper aims to bridge research to practice by identifying strategies for educators as they work to capture students' interest in STEM and retain students who are already interested. Seven "key practices" for creating gender-inclusive STEM classrooms were identified through a comprehensive literature review of social science research in gender and education. This research indicates, moreover, that the benefits of most practices can be broadened to all STEM students. The paper begins with an overview of the conceptual and methodological approach to the literature review process, and then presents and discusses the seven practices and supporting research. We then turn to recommending implementation strategies for educators to make courses more inclusive. The strategies are followed by a brief outline of suggested directions for future research. Introduction and Background According to the United States Department of Commerce, "Although women fill close to half of all jobs in the U.S. economy, they hold less than 25 percent of STEM jobs. This has been the case throughout the past decade, even as college-educated women have increased their share of the overall workforce" 1. The gender gap in STEM employment is not an anomaly; it reflects the disparity in the relative numbers of men and women pursuing STEM education, of which the K-12 years, particularly high school, are this paper's focus. Female high-school students are more likely to aspire to attend college than are their male counterparts, and young women enroll in college, persist, and graduate from it at higher rates as well 2. So why does this STEM-specific gap exist? This paper employs the tools of "gender analysis" to address this question. Gender analysis provides a framework for thorough analysis of the differences between women's and men's "gender roles, activities, needs, and opportunities in a given context" 3 to eliminate the role of false assumptions and stereotypes. Gender analysis seeks to achieve equity rather than equality in that gender equity accounts for the differences in women's and men's "life experiences, needs, issues, and priorities" 4. Gender analysis in STEM education allows us to more deeply understand the effects of existing STEM programs and new STEM initiatives: whom they are most affecting and in precisely what
Bridging the Gap Progressive Teaching Strategies for Gender Equity in STEM Education
This study explores the impact of progressive teaching methods on gender equity in STEM education in Malakand Division, Pakistan. Using a cross-sectional exploratory design, it engages educators, students, parents, community leaders, and policymakers through purposive sampling. Through in-depth interviews and focus groups, the research uncovers region-specific challenges and opportunities. Thematic analysis highlights the community's call for progressive teaching to combat barriers, stereotypes, and promote inclusivity. It stresses the need for inclusive learning spaces, challenging societal norms, and enhancing female representation in STEM leadership. The study advocates for innovative pedagogies, policy changes, and community involvement as catalysts for change. While acknowledging local obstacles like sociocultural norms and resource constraints, it underscores the potential of community engagement and robust policies to overcome these challenges. Cultural influences on STEM participation, such as familial expectations, are recognized, underscoring the importance of addressing these factors. The study concludes with a plea for interdisciplinary action to dismantle systemic barriers and cultivate a culture of inclusivity and mentorship. Policy recommendations focus on inclusive curricula, targeted recruitment, mentorship initiatives, and community outreach to foster an equitable STEM environment in Malakand Division, Pakistan.
An Equal Education: Reducing Gender Bias in STEM Education
Author(s): Pusey, Tea Skye | Abstract: The STEM field has become one of the most high-paying and impactful fields in our society. However, data shows that women only makeup 25% of STEM employees and 30% of STEM graduates. To understand how these inequalities emerged, it is important to look at the beginning of the STEM education pipeline.The purpose of this research is to discover how schools can reduce gender bias in their classrooms. My research discusses two main causes of the lack of female participation in STEM: microaggressions and implicit biases. Microaggressions are implicit or explicit actions or comments that are aimed at someone’s abilities based on a certain characteristic, in this case, gender. Implicit bias is the unconscious bias some may hold against women in STEM. These issues are commonly seen within the STEM education, both among peers and educators.My proposed solution to reduce gender bias in classrooms is to create an outreach program or organization that prov...
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Empowering girls in STEM: Impact of the girls meet science project
School Science and Mathematics, 2022
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Gender equity is a critical agenda for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education to increase women involvement in the STEM pathway. Our study is about the impact of a project in which all-girl teams participated to an educational robotics program. We used quantitative and qualitative data to determine the impact and understand the girls' program experiences. After the participation of the program, the mean scores have increased in interest in STEM, interest in STEM careers, STEM identity, and understanding of STEM scales. The groups underlined their problem solving and group work experiences, as well as their excitement and motivation related with the STEM activities.
Girls and Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2014
Scientific advances fuel American economic competitiveness, quality of life, and national security. Much of the future job growth is projected in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). However, the supply of domestic students who pursue STEM careers remains small relative to the demand. On the supply side, girls and women represent untapped human capital that, if leveraged, could enhance the STEM workforce, given that they comprise 50% of the American population and more than 50% of the college-bound population. Yet the scarcity of women in STEM careers remains stark. What drives these gender disparities in STEM? And what are the solutions? Research points to different answers depending on the stage of human development. Distinct obstacles occur during three developmental periods: (a) childhood and adolescence, (b) emerging adulthood, and (c) young-to-middle adulthood. This article describes how specific learning environments, peer relations, and family characteri...
NSTA Position Statement on Gender Equity in Science Education
The National Science Teaching Association (NSTA) strongly asserts that gender equity is critical to the advancement of science and to the achievement of global scientific literacy. Gender equity means ensuring all students of any sex, gender identity and/or expression, or sexual orientation-regardless of racial or ethnic background or ability-are empowered, challenged, supported, and provided full access to become successful science learners. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS; NGSS Lead States 2013) and the Framework for K-12 Science Education (NRC 2012) upon which the NGSS are based, envision equitable and excellent science education experiences for all students. The NGSS Appendix D entitled, "All Standards, All Students," cites girls as a marginalized group in science education due to women's persistent underrepresentation in science careers, particularly in the areas of engineering and technology (NSF 2015; NGSS Lead States 2013). While strides have been made in encouraging more girls to take classes in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), girls continue to take fewer advanced-level science courses in high school and graduate from college with fewer STEM degrees (NCES 2012; Sadler et al. 2012), even though they demonstrate equal STEM talent (Wang and Degol 2013). Recent studies suggest that although students associate women with science much more frequently than they did in earlier decades, the stereotype of scientists as males persists and becomes stronger as students progress through school (Miller et al. 2018). A variety of research-based best practices for supporting girls in STEM includes (1) instructional strategies that increase girls' achievement in science; (2) promotion of successful female role models in science; and (3) classroom, school, and district structures, such as afterschool and mentoring programs, that encourage girls in science (Baker 2013; NGSS
Three Approaches to Gender Equity in Science Education
In this article I use feminist critique of science as a point of departure to discuss different understandings of how sex/gender impacts on pupils' approaches to science education. I construct a theoretical framework that shows three different approaches to increase gender equity in science education. Each approach is grounded in a distinct understanding of how sex/gender impacts pupils' engagement in science education. The analytical frame that is developed thereby represents descriptions of three alternative ways to address gender inequity in science education. The framework shows how different understandings of how sex/gender impact on pupils' engagement in science education require distinct initiatives to increase gender equity. The framework can be used in the planning and analysis of how gender initiatives work to address gender inequity in science education. Using feminist critique of science to analyze and plan education initiatives All initiatives that address gender inequity in science education reflect a certain understanding of how the pupils' sex/gender impact on how they learn and engage in science education. I use the term sex to represent biological sex and gender to represent social sex (for further description of this distinction, see Sinnes, 2005). Initiatives may for instance assume that girls and boys have exactly the same abilities to succeed on equal terms in science subjects, and that gender inequities in these subjects are caused by discriminating attitudes towards one of the two sexes. Other initiatives might assume that girls and boys are different and that these differences need to be addressed and catered for in order to reduce the gender differences in science education. Although all initiatives reflect certain understandings of how girls and boys may differ and how these differences might impact on how they engage in science education, these understandings are seldom formulated explicitly by gender initiatives. By not being explicit, and perhaps even not conscious about what understanding the initiative is actually situated within, such initiatives will often develop recommendations that might be inconsistent in terms of their suggestions to what needs to be done to secure gender equity. Few have attempted to apply feminist theories and critiques of science to analyze and plan gender and science education initiatives. There is therefore limited amount of literature available that discusses the implications and relevance of this theory for gender and science education reform programs. The people who have utilized feminist theory as a resource in science education (see for