Title One-Dimensional Many Boson System . III : UnitaryTransformation and Exactly Dressed Bose Particle (original) (raw)
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One-Dimensional Many Boson System. III: Unitary Transformation and Exactly Dressed Bose Particle
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 1981
A unitary operator, which transforms free states into the exact eigenstates for a onedimensional many boson system with repulsive delta-function potential, is explicitly constructed. By the unitary operator, original bare creation and annihilation operators are transformed into new operators which are shown to create or annihilate the exactly dressed bosons with the interaction cloud. The total Hamiltonian, total number and total momentum in the system are expressed in the diagonalized form in terms of the dressed operators. It is shown that the exact ground state is the condensed state of all exactly dressed bosons with zero momentum.
One-Dimensional Many Boson System. IV: Condensation and Excitation Energy
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 1981
The analysis for a one-dimensional many boson system with a repulsive delta-function potential is continued. It is shown that the expectation value of the number ao * ao of bare bosons with zero momentum for the exact ground state 11f!0.0 ..... 0> is negligibly small compared with the total number n in the limit of an infinitely large coupling constant g; i.e., < 1f!o ..... olao*aol1f!o ..... o>/n->O(for n->CXJ, g->CXJ). This result shows a striking contrast to the result < 1f!o ..... oIAo * Aol1f!o ..... o> /n = 1 for an arbitrary g, where Ao * Aoindicates the number operator of exactly dressed bosons with zero momentum. It is clarified that the energy of a dressed boson strongly depends upon the number distribution {nq} of the other dressed bosons in the system. The excitation energy of a dressed boson has phonon character when no/n "r 0, where no denotes the number of dressed bosons with zero momentum. When no/n tends to zero, the phonon character disappears in a drastic way. Some characteristic phenomena in liquid helium II are discussed on the basis of the results of our previous papers and the present paper. N ow, in the same way as the derivation of the unitary operator U (see (3'1) ~(3'12) in III), the operator C(v) satisfies C(v)IO)=IO), C(V)lql, "', qn)= Cn(V)lql, "', qn), (n:;:;l) From (C•4) and (C'3), we can see that C*(v)G(v)lo)=lo), G(v)G*(v)IO)=IO),
Energy Spectrum of One-Dimensional Many Boson System
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 1989
An energy spectrum is exactly examined for a one•dimensional many boson system where bosons are interacting to each other through a delta• functional repulsive potential. ,After a unitary transfor• mation, the Hamiltonian is diagonalized to be the following compact form "2,p(p2/2m)np+(7rn!2mL) x "2,p,qip-qinpnq + (1/6m)(7rn!L)2[("2,pnp)3-"2,~np] at the infinitely large limit of the coupling constant. This form is non-linear with respect to the numbers np of quasi-particles. The non-linear terms are Galilean-invariant and produce a phonon-like spectrum. In a case of a finite coupling constant g, the total energy is expanded to power series of (l/g).
Boson description of collective states
Nuclear Physics A, 1971
Pauli principle. The problem of the separation of the "physical" and "unphysical" components has been solved by the introduction of a non-linear boson transformation. 145 146 D. JANSSEN et al.
Continuous unitary transformations in two-level boson systems
Physical Review C, 2005
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Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2013
We introduce unitary quantum phase operators for material particles. We carry out a model study on quantum phases of interacting bosons in a symmetric double-well potential in terms of unitary and commonly-used non-unitary phase operators and compare the results for different number of bosons. We find that the results for unitary quantum phase operators are significantly different from those for non-unitary ones especially in the case of low number of bosons. We introduce unitary operators corresponding to the quantum phase-difference between two single-particle states of fermions. As an application of fermionic phase operators, we study a simple model of a pair of interacting two-component fermions in a symmetric double-well potential. We also investigate quantum phase and number fluctuations to ascertain number-phase uncertainty in terms of unitary phase operators.
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Europhysics Letters (EPL), 2000
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Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1967
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