SVG Rendering of Digital Images: an Overview (original) (raw)


The SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) standard allows representing complex graphical scenes by a collection of graphic vectorial-based primitives, offering several advantages with respect to classical raster images such as: scalability, resolution independence, etc. In this paper we present a full comparison between some advanced raster to SVG algorithms: SWaterG, SVGenie, SVGWave and Vector Eye. SWaterG works by a watershed decomposition coupled with some ad-hoc heuristics, SVGenie and SVGWave use a polygonalization based respectively on Data Dependent and Wavelet triangulation, while Vector Eye is a commercial tool. Final quality has been assessed over a large dataset of images both in terms of PSNR and compression ratio.

The 13th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics , Visualization and Computer Vision 2005 in co-operation with EUROGRAPHICS W S C G ' 2005


The SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) standard allows representing complex graphical scenes by a collection of graphic vectorial-based primitives, offering several advantages with respect to classical raster images such as: scalability, resolution independence, etc. In this paper we present a full comparison between some advanced raster to SVG algorithms: SWaterG, SVGenie, SVGWave and Vector Eye. SWaterG works by a watershed decomposition coupled with some ad-hoc heuristics, SVGenie and SVGWave use a polygonalization based respectively on Data Dependent and Wavelet triangulation, while Vector Eye is a commercial tool. Final quality has been assessed over a large dataset of images both in terms of PSNR and compression ratio.

Vector graphics: from PostScript and Flash to SVG

Proceedings of the 2001 …, 2001

The XML-based specification for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), sponsored by the World Wide Web consortium, allows for compact and descriptive vector graphics for the Web. This paper describes a set of three tools for creating SVG, either from first principles ...

Vector graphics

Proceedings of the 2001 ACM Symposium on Document engineering - DocEng '01, 2001

Compressed SVG representation of raster images vectorized by DDT triangulation


Abstract This paper presents a portable compression algorithm applied to raster data images properly triangulated by using DDT (Data Dependent Triangulation). In particular the input source data are encoded to be rendered by standard SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) engine. The proposed compression strategy works reducing the overall entropy implementing some heuristic strategies to properly re-code the redundancy inside the mesh representation.


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