Related papers
Journal of clinical and experimental dentistry, 2016
Complete removal of old filling material during root canal retreatment is fundamental for predictable cleaning and shaping of canal anatomy. Most of the retreatment methods tested in earlier studies have shown inability to achieve complete removal of root canal filling. Therefore the aim of this investigation was to assess the efficacy of three different rotary nickel titanium retreatment systems and Hedstrom files in removing filling material from root canals. Sixty extracted mandibular premolars were decoronated to leave 15 mm root. Specimen were hand instrumented and obturated using gutta percha and AH plus root canal sealer. After storage period of two weeks, roots were retreated with three (Protaper retreatment files, Mtwo retreatment files, NRT GPR) rotary retreatment instrument systems and Hedstroem files. Subsequently, samples were sectioned longitudinally and examined under stereomicroscope. Digital images were recorded and evaluated using Digital Image Analysing Software. ...
Aim: To compare the effectiveness of conventional and rotary NiTi files for Gutta-Percha (GP) removal in straight roots during retreatment root canal treatment (RCT), using manual Hedstrom files and ProTaper Universal System, respectively. Methods: It was an in-vitro experimental study using non-probability consecutive sampling. Sixty extracted single rooted maxillary and mandibular permanent teeth with straight canals were selected for this study. Following preparation, the root canals were filled with GP along with a sealer and kept for two weeks in a moist environment at room temperature. Thirty teeth were randomly allocated to the study and control groups each. GP removal was accomplished with Hedstrom files and Pro Taper retreatment files in group 1 and group 2, respectively. Digital radiographs were obtained using Kodak RVG digital radiography system software version VER. and analyzed for the difference of opacities indicating residual GP. AutoCAD 2006 software was u...
Efficacy of different rotary instruments for gutta-percha removal in root canal retreatment
Journal of …, 2006
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of FlexMaster, ProTaper, and RaCe rotary instruments compared with Hedström files for removal of guttapercha during retreatment. Sixty mandibular premolars with one single straight canal were instrumented with K-type files and filled using cold lateral compaction and sealer. The teeth were randomly divided into four groups of 15 specimens each. After repreparation with Gates Glidden burs and the test instruments the specimens were cleared. The area of remaining gutta-percha/sealer on the root canal wall was measured from two directions. The RaCe group showed significantly less residual obturation material than FlexMaster and Hedström group (p Ͻ 0.05; closed test procedure). There was no difference between ProTaper and all other instruments (p Ͼ 0.05). ProTaper and RaCe instruments required significantly less time for retreatment than FlexMaster and Hedström files (p Ͻ 0.05). One RaCe file, two ProTaper, and two FlexMaster instruments separated. RaCe cleaned obturated canals more effectively than hand files and FlexMaster files. (J Endod 2006;32:469 -472)
Aim: This study Compares the efficacy of three Ni-Ti retreatment file systems and determines which retreatment file requires less time in removal of previous root filling material. Methodology: Sixty single rooted anterior teeth were instrumented with K-files and filled using lateral compaction of gutta percha (GP) and AH plus sealer. The obturated specimens were randomly divide into 4 experimental groups of 15 specimens each. Removal of gutta-percha was performed with following devices and techniques: Pro Taper Universal Retreatment system (PTUR) files , R endo and EdgeEndo XR retreatment files and H-file respectively. Operating time to reach working length and to eliminate filling material was also recorded. Post-operatively Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) was used to assess the percentage of residual filling material in coronal, middle and apical third of root canal. The results were evaluated statistically using One Way Anova and Post Hoc Tukey tests. Results: No system completely removed the root filling material from root canal walls. EdgeEndo XR took significantly less time for gutta-percha removal than R-Endo files and PTUR. EdgeEndo XR retreatment files removed the maximum amount of filling material gutta percha from apical, middle & coronal third. Conclusion: Within the limitation of present study, it was found that EdgeEndo XR file (EdgeEndo, USA) system is the most efficient system followed by R-Endo, ProTaper & H-file.
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2017
Aim:This study compares the efficacy of three different retreatment file systems and determines which retreatment file requires less time in removal of previous root filling material. Methodology-Thirty anterior teeth with single root canal were used in this study.The teeth were randomly divided into three experimental groups of ten specimens each.They were instrumented and obturated using mono-cone technique with gutta-percha (GP) and sealer. Removal of gutta-percha was performed with the following devices and techniques: EDGEFILE XR, MTWO, and R-ENDO. For all cases, the following data were recorded: procedural errors, duration of retreatment and canal wall cleanliness which was evaluated usingstereomicroscope at 6X magnification. Photographs were taken for further analysis using computer image analysis program.ANOVA test and Bonferroni multiple comparison tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: No system completely removed the root filling material from root canal walls.EdgeFile XR retreatment files removed the maximum amount of filling material from the canal walls. The mean operating time was minimum with Mtwo group files. It was concluded that EDGEFILE XR, rotary retreatment system proved to be the most efficient method of removing gutta-percha and sealer in comparison to the other two retreatment files and M-TWO retreatment files required less time to remove root filling material than the other instruments.
International Journal of Recent Surgical and Medical Sciences, 2016
To evaluate the efficacy and cleaning ability of two different rotary nickel-titanium (NiTi) instruments and hand instruments with and without solvent (Endosolv R) in the removal of gutta-percha (GP) root fillings. Sixty extracted single-rooted anterior teeth were enlarged to size F3 and obturated with warm vertical compaction using AH Plus as the sealer. Removal of GP was performed with the following devices and techniques: Hedstrom files, ProTaper, and R-Endo files. The technique that removed GP most effectively was found using R-Endo instruments and Endosolv R, followed by R-Endo without solvent, followed by ProTaper with solvent, ProTaper without solvent, followed by Hedstrom files with solvent, and Hedstrom files without solvent. There was no visible filling material extruded apically. They concluded that under the experimental conditions, R-Endo and ProTaper NiTi instruments proved to be efficient and time-saving devices for the removal of GP. The use of Endosolv R as a solven...
Journal of conservative dentistry : JCD
Endodontic retreatment is performed in teeth with endodontic failures. The main goal of retreatment is cleaning and shaping of the root canal with removal of old root filling material. Hand instruments and rotary instruments are mainly used for removing this filling material. To compare the relative efficacy of three rotary instrumentation systems for removal of gutta-percha from root canal during endodontic retreatment. To find out which NiTi system is more efficacious in retreatment and to check out the efficacy of retreatment with and without use of solvent. Sixty freshly extracted, single-rooted human mandibular premolars were instrumented with K-files, and each root canal was filled with gutta-percha and AH Plus (Dentsply Detrey, Konstanz, Germany) sealer using lateral compaction. Specimens were then divided into three experimental groups with twenty specimens each. Groups were then subdivided into ten specimens each. Groups were then retreated either with or without solvent. T...
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice
Aim: One of the common dental procedures employed these days in patients with irreversible pulpitis is root canal therapy. In retreatment cases, it is necessary for complete removal of obturate gutta-percha (GP) from obturate root canal system. Various methods and techniques are available these days for this purpose. This study was aimed to assess the efficacy of D-RaCe files, ProTaper retreatment files, Mtwo retreatment files, and manual Hedstrom files (H-files) in removing filling materials from the root canals of the endodontically treated teeth. Materials and methods: The present study included comparative evaluation of efficacy of nickel-titanium (NiTi) retreatment instruments and H-files in removing GP and sealer from root canals. All the samples were randomly and broadly divided into four study groups based on the instrumentation technique for removing the root canal fillings. Evaluation of the results was done based on operating time and remaining root canal filling material. Stereomicroscopic evaluation of the samples was done at 8× magnification. Results: All the results were assessed and analyzed by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. Least quantity of filling material was left by ProTaper retreatment files. When put together in decreasing order, the efficacy of different study groups, in terms of mean time taken for retreatment, was found to be as follows: D-RaCe > ProTaper Retreatment > Mtwo Retreatment > H-file. Conclusion: No single technique can completely remove obturating fillings from the root canals of endodontically treated
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontic Journal
Aim: To compare and evaluate the efficacy of ProTaper ® Universal retreatment system (URS) files in retrieval of gutta-percha (GP) from the canals obturated with two different obturation techniques, using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and methods: Fifty-two extracted maxillary central incisors fulfilling inclusion criteria were decoronated and prepared with ProTaper ® rotary files till F3 file size. Specimens were randomly divided into two groups and were obturated with GP. The first group was obturated with cold lateral condensation technique and second group was obturated with thermoplasticized GP technique. The root fillings were retrieved from the canals using ProTaper ® URS files. Preoperative and postoperative CBCT imaging was employed to assess the residual filling material in the canals. ITK-Snap software was used to calculate volume of filling material in the canals. Data were entered into Microsoft excel worksheet and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 18.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Descriptive statistics with percentage mean and standard deviation was computed. Independent sample t test was used to test the difference between study groups. Results: Residual root canal fillings were detected in all specimens. The mean volume percentage of remaining filling material was 10.69% ± 3.50 and 13.70% ± 3.63 in canals obturated with cold lateral condensation and thermoplasticized GP techniques, respectively. Conclusion: This study concluded that though ProTaper ® URS failed to remove GP completely, it was more efficient in the group of root canals obturated with cold lateral condensation than the canals obturated with thermoplasticized GP technique.