Moral Standards in the Psychological Structure of the Personality of Students of Higher Education Institutions (original) (raw)
Related papers
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2016
The values and value orientations are an important aspect of the behaviour of the young. The way they interpret reality: the social circumstances, other people, and also themselves, is significantly determined by what they consider as a value. This paper treats the question about the values of the young in relation with the fundamental dispositions of the personality (extroversionintroversion; neuroticism and psychoticism) and the educational climate in the family. The sample of this research includes 117 high school students aged 17 and 18. We used the following instruments: the scale for measuring value orientations and EPQ. Contrary to the expectations, regarding the education of the parents, we found statistically significant differences among the respondents regarding the two following orientations (out of a total of 10): the popular and egoistical lifestyle. Similarly, regarding the personality traits, we found a significant connection of the following characteristics: Psychoticism, with a religious style; Extroversion, again with a religious style, and neuroticism with a religious and an egotistical style; According to the results of the introversion characteristic, we did not find significant differences among the respondents. These results show the complex nature of the connection among the value orientations, the personality traits and the educational climate in the family.
The Value System of University Students
Values occupy a central position in the cognitive system and personality of a university student because they include both the affective and behavioural components of knowledge. In addition, they determine a student's attitudes and motivations. Reflecting on students' values is of particular importance to the education system due to the relationship between educational and human values, which restores or newly encapsulates the real role of the school in creating values. Through school, it is possible to build and develop human values in students, making it a place for building this while respecting the wider social context and recognizing the importance of the family. At the same time, it is important that the prevailing cognitive nature of learning is balanced by anthropological dimensions and by sufficient space for other aspects of students' personal development.
Value orientation and attitudes of the studentsRM.pdf
The aim of this paper is to determine the dominant value orientations of the students and their attitudes towards certain social circumstances, practices and life experiences in terms of the conditions, possibilities and challenges of the socio-cultural ambiance of the contemporary Macedonian society. The survey included 200 participants which are students at “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje and University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola. The data derived from a Questionnaire developed within the project “Research on European Values of the Citizens of the Republic of Macedonia”. The analyses rely on students’ responses to questions relating to: the role and significance of certain social institutions; trust in other people, social groups and institutions; the satisfaction of one’s own life; desired goals in life; preferences in the use of leisure time; attitudes towards work, family, religiosity and social engagement; assessment of the living conditions in the country and the possibilities for a change; acceptance of different models of behavior and lifestyles; and their preference of certain ideological orientations. The results show that students in general tend to incline towards more traditional value systems. However, we identified some contradictions which indicate the existence of a clash in their value systems.
Determination of the Personal Values of the University Students in Different Departments
Journal of Religion & Health, 2018
This research aims to examine the personal values of the first-year university students studying in different departments. This is a descriptive cross-sectional survey study. Research population is composed of first-grade students approving to participate and studying in the Nursing Department in the School of Health, Biology Department in the Faculty of Science and Letters and the Department of Early Childhood Education in the Faculty of Education of Uludag University. ''Student Information Form'' and ''Schwartz Values Inventory'' were used for data collection. When the values inventory is examined, it is seen that the point averages of the students are the highest in safety sub-dimension and the lowest in power sub-dimension. Power, achievement, and hedonism and tradition point averages of the students in the Nursing Department of Health Sciences are higher than those of the students in the departments of science and educational sciences, and the difference in between was found out to be statistically significant. Point average in the achievement sub-dimension was found out to be high among male students (p \ 0.01). It was found out that the point averages of female students for hedonism, universalism, benevolence and conformity are higher than those of male students, while the achievement point averages were higher among male students.
A Comparative Study on Value Tendency of University Students: an international perspective
Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 2012
Today, the academic curriculum of any educational institution cannot stand apart from the formation of human values. ''Value' is a subjective concept that forms the basis of the private reasons on which individuals make choices between the available alternatives in their lives. In many countries, there exists a serious debate about how students acquire their values. In this regard, values are the decisive elements affecting the behaviour of individuals, thus, studies on people's value tendencies are important. This study aimed to identify and rank the importance given by students, in two different countries, to the values stated in the classification scales created by Rokeach and Schwartz. The study was carried out in the education departments of three universities: Kaunas University of Applied Sciences in Lithuania, and Aksaray University and Kahramanmaras Sütçü Imam University, both of which are in Turkey. In order to determine the level of importance given to the values by the pre-service trainee teachers, a Likert-type scale, consisting of 78 items, was used. The value scales of Rokeach and Schwartz were used as a basis for constructing the instrument for the identification and ranking of values. In addition, some universal and national value items were added to these classifications.
Personality Pattern And Values
The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between personality pattern and values. It was hypothesised that differences in value orientation is due to differences in personality pattern. In order to examine this hypothesis a value test (Dwivedi 1978) was administered on a sample of 250 female college students of 18 to 22 years of age. After collection of data two levels of each value have been determined. The criterion of selecting high and low value groups was M+1 and M-1 . In this way 25 subjects from each value group have been selected and they have been administered 16 P.F. personality test (consisting 16 factors). The independent variable is personality pattern and the dependent variable is value (consisting of 7 types) Eco, Pol, Theo, Rel, Mor, Aes and Social. After studying the relationship between personality and value orientation factors are found to be more important as far as the value orientation is concerned than other factor. Some of the findings are confirmed through statistical treatments.
Education, values and development of personality
Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje
This paper discusses a question constantly in the spotlight of the pedagogical theory, namely-how does the education act in the process of accepting of certain values and value orientations in the development of the personality. For the modern pedagogy it has always been important the issue how can a subject accept the educational requirements posed by the society, and also to create a conscious attitude towards them and build his/her own individuality. In this sense, very often in both psychology and pedagogy the processes and the terms of interiorization and internalization become a topic of interest. The values are most often seen as general and hierarchically organized characteristics of the individual (dispositions) or the group (elements of the social awareness) formed under the influence of the historic and current social and individual factors. The values are formed by social learning and in the individual they develop abilities of evaluating the actions and the relations as good or bad, and connected with this are the feelings of repulsion towards the bad and affection towards the good as well as the strive that what has been perceived as good to be realized with the one's own action. This seemingly clear definition of the values and value orientateons abounds in many dilemmas and unexplained issues, such as: are the values a traditional or modern category, an absolute or a relative one, objective or subjective. The problem becomes more complicated when it comes to the development of abilities and will for accepting, or assimilation, when the act of education ought to be confirmed with the act of mutual adaptation of the objective and the subjective, i.e. the objective and the personal.
The students' values acquired at school
Junior Scientific Researcher, 2019
The trends of introducing and securing quality in education have imposed the need for emphasizing the values that the students acquire at school. We have decided to look this subject closely because students have always been the most obvious indicator for the teacher's success, the parents' success and the school's achievement as a whole. That is why we have started the research about the values which direct the students towards proper functioning and development of their personality. The future of our society depends on the student's values, acquired during their schooling. The lessons values in the educational process should be adequately adopted and nurtured. The children have a tremendous power of observing and their feelings are deeply rooted. They always observe their parents and teachers, who are a source of inspiration. Moreover, young people represent a great value to our society, and it is needed a lot of attention and encouragement for further met cognition. Therefore, the most important thing for students is to begin the process of acquiring values from an early age, which would be a solid foundation for their further development and living. Introduction The concept of value can be defined as knowledges and beliefs accepted for a community or its common good. Values are expressed in the form of attitudes considered desirable and right in the everyday life. Studying and acquiring values originally begins in the family, and then continues in the educational institutions. The core values of the students, which are acquired in the first place, are appropriate values taken over from their parents, and later on the ones that the educational system offers in schools. If there is a lack of consistency between the values students learned in school and the family, then conflicts occur, and these situations cause personality disorders (Yaşaroğlu, 2016).
Personality Traits and Personal Values in Polish Students
Human Studies: a collection of scientific articles of the Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Series of “Pedagogy”
У статті здійснено теоретичний аналіз особистісних цінностей як одного з ключових трендів сучасних наукових досліджень у сфері психології і педагогіки. Представлено також результати емпіричного дослідження, метою якого було виявлення взаємозвʼязків між особистісними рисами і цінностями серед польських студентів (N = 326). Отримані нами показники вказують на наявність значущих кореляцій між особистісними рисами та цінностями. Таким чином, результати дослідження можуть бути використані у психолого-педагогічній практиці з метою розробки та реалізації заходів, спрямованих на формування системи цінностей, з урахуванням індивідуальних відмінностей між людьми. Ключові слова: людські цінності, особистісні цінності, ціннісні переваги, особистість, особистісні риси. Анна ТИХМАНОВИЧ ЛИЧНОСТНЫЕ ЧЕРТЫ И ЦЕННОСТИ ПОЛЬСКИХ СТУДЕНТОВ В статье раскрыто ценности как предмет научных исследований в области гуманитарных и социальных наук, в том числе психологии и педагогики. Представлены результаты проведенного исследования, целью которого было определение взаимоотношений между личностными чертами и ценностями среди польских студентов (N = 326), женщин и мужчин. Полученные результаты указывают на наличие существенных взаимосвязей между личностными чертами и ценностями. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы в психолого-педагогической практике с целью разработки и реализации мероприятий, направленных на формирование системы ценностей, с учетом индивидуальных различий между людьми.
Perception of Values by Students: A Case at Study Hena E Plote Beder University
European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research, 2015
One of the major issues discussed in recent years, is the rapid change in the community. Especially the ending of communism, transition to the new millennium era, technology and modernity quickly entering into our lives changed living standards not only in Albania but also from the big cities to villages all over the world, access to technology issues and other differences gradually began to decline. In particular, the widespread use of the internet has led to the acceleration of this condition. Of course, every new addition is being a benefit to human life, radically altering, positive or negative, depending on your view point. We are newly living our social change that began with the industrial revolution in the West. Nowadays we are living the changing of the west fortunes that happened two hundred years ago. It should not be forgotten the current status of democratic values of the Western Society in the context of some level if we look with envy at all, in the context of moral v...