Seven Notes on the Reign of Caligula (original) (raw)

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J. Pollini - “The Image of Caligula: Myth and Reality” Cover Page

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Tiberius on Caligula the Snake and Other Contextual Problems Cover Page

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Ancient historians on Caligula's "triumph" at the bridge of Baiae and its meaning. (an abstract) Cover Page

Caligula, Incitatus, and the Consulship

Classical Quarterly 64 (2014), 772-777

The famous allegation that Caligula had wished to appoint his horse Incitatus ('Rapid') as consul represents a misunderstanding of a joke that he had made at the expense of Asinius Celer, suffect consul in AD38, based on the fact that his nomen gentilicium derives from the noun asinus (‘ass’) and the his cognomen from the adjective celer (‘swift’).

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Caligula, Incitatus, and the Consulship Cover Page

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The Life and Times of Calpurnius Siculus Cover Page

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The Campanian Case of Gaius Lucilius: Downtrodden Satire from Suessa Aurunca Cover Page

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CR n.s. 74.1 (2024): 116–118 (A. Augoustakis and M. Fucecchi, eds., Silius Italicus and the tradition of the Roman historical epos) Cover Page

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Domiziano e Caligola, Seneca e Marziale: imperatori a confronto in Mart. 4,3, «Museum Helveticum» 79/1 (2022), pp. 82-88 Cover Page

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‘The other Campanian volcano: Inarime in Flavian epic’ Cover Page

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Selections from Caesar's De Bello Civili: A Student Commentary Cover Page