Penerapan Higiene Dan Sanitasi DI Laboratorium Tata Boga (original) (raw)
The purpose of this study is to describe the application of hygiene and sanitation in the laboratory of Boga, including understanding, implementation, and supporting factors and its inhibitors. The research used descriptive qualitative with object hygiene and sanitation catering laboratory at State Vocational High School (SMKN) 1 Kalasan Yogyakarta. Methods of data collection: observation, interview, documentation. Data validity using triangulation technique. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, conclusions, and verification. The results show students' understanding of hygiene-sanitation is still low, teachers should always be reminded. The application of hygiene and sanitation in the laboratory is quite good, it is shown that students always keep clean clothes, nails, hair, clean enough room, good ventilation, well-groomed sinks, fluid ducts, well-groomed practice equipment, and neatly arranged. Factors supporting the implementation of hygiene and...