Inclusive Educational Setting (Study of Elementary Schools in Bandung) (original) (raw)

The Implementation Inclusive Education: Implication for Children with Special Needs in Tamansari Elementary School in Yogyakarta

International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation

Many children with special needs do not have access to education. The number of children with special needs who have to attend primary school is still very minimal. Most schools only provide regular education, while students are ordinary children who do not need special needs in their education. This study aims to describe the model of implementing inclusive education in Tamansari Elementary Schools and find problems in implementing inclusive education. The research method is qualitative interactive. Data collection use interviews, observation, and documentation methods. Data analysis uses interactive analysis. The results showed that Tamansari Elementary School used a full class model. Identification and assessment are carried out before accepting students with special needs. This is done to gather information before preparing a learning program for students with special needs according to their learning needs. The curriculum is modified to suit the children’s needs. The special te...

Implementation of Inclusive Education of Elementary Schools: a Case Study in Karangmojo Sub-District, Gunungkidul Regency

Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 2018

This study examined: a) school member interactions that reflect an inclusive culture, b) school policies in promoting inclusion, c) evolving inclusive practies of elementary schools. This study employed the qualitative approach, with case study designs. The research was conducted at 7 Inclusive Inclusice schools in Karangmojo Sub-district. This study reveals that interaction of school members in creating inclusive culture can be seen from their efforts to cultivate mutual respect among the school members, big support and role of the principal in engaging all parties, and partnerships between school, parents, and community. Policies in promoting inclusive education can be seen from the procedures of student admissions that are flexible and non-discriminatory, and the efforts of the school to conduct accessibility of facilities and infrastructure for the children with special needs, regular teacher-special assistant teachers collaboration, as well as the flexibility of curriculum implementation for children with special needs. Evolving inclusive practies can be seen from identification and assessment for students suspected to have special needs, applying the curriculum development for teaching-learning processes, and the provision of school budget allocations for the development of inclusive education both from government funds and private funds.

Implementation of Inclusive Education in Learning Process at Senior High School Malang City, Indonesia


One of the Public Senior High Schools in Malang has been implementing an inclusive education system since 2009. This School has been trying to serve children with special needs hitherto. In one of the inclusive schools in Malang city, the number of students with special needs (the academic year 2017-2018) is recorded in the school document of 9 students with special needs and 37 students with special services (have health problems). However, it is indicated that the learning process in class is not suitable for the type of student needs in the class. This study aims to investigate the learning process in these inclusive schools. The current research is explained in a descriptive qualitative method. As a result, schools do not make curriculum modifications that are compatible with inclusive education. This school only has one special guidance teacher, and only he has attended a training program in inclusive education. In addition, there are indications that the teacher's attitude...

Implementation of Inclusive Education at Elementary School Level in Surakarta

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023

Inclusive education is a form of education which unites students with special needs with regular. Bringing together children who have different needs is not an easy thing. This study examines whether the implementation of inclusive education in SD Negeri Pajang 1 has met the standards. This study aims to describe the implementation of inclusive education at SD Negeri Pajang 1. Study a type of qualitative with phenomenological study approach. Data collection techniques techniques used data reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions. Data collection used interviews with class teachers and school operators. The results of indicate the implementation of inclusive education at SD Negeri Pajang 1 is quite good, but there are still several aspects that need to be improved is the absence of special accompanying teachers who master learning methods inclusive education so that material delivered to students is not optimal. The implications obtained from this study SD Negeri Pajang 1 should have special accompanying teachers who master learning methods regarding inclusive, education so that learning materials can be conveyed properly to students. Special accompanying teachers better understand and know the basics in guiding students with special needs.

Inclusive Education for Student with Special Needs at Indonesian Public Schools

International Journal of Instruction

The objective of the current study is to evaluate inclusive education services in public schools following the issuance of central and local government policies in Indonesia regarding the implementation of inclusive education. This study collected data from 47 teachers' public schools in four cities (Malang, Batu, Solo, Boyolali) in Indonesia through questionnaires and interviews about their perception, identification, curriculum, academic staff, and management in inclusive education. Based on the results and discussions of the current study, it is concluded that the implementation of inclusive education showed a tendency towards a positive direction, especially agreement on the school administration, the provision of student education development records, the use of assessment results for modification of curriculum and learning. However, gradually improvements need to be made to create an inclusive environment, including increasing teachers understanding of the meaning of inclusive, completing student's documentation of developmental records, gathering and evaluating pre-learning according to student characteristics, providing personnel and infrastructure according to the needs of developing the interests and talents of children with needs special needs.

Inclusive Education in Indonesia from the Perspective of Widyaiswara in Centre for Development and Empowerment of Teachers and Education Personnel of Kindergartens and Special Education

IJDS : Indonesian Journal of Disability Studies

Since 2009, Indonesia has an excellent commitment and effort in the field of inclusive education. The government provides equal opportunities in education. Through Centre for Development and Empowerment of Teachers and Education Personnel of Kindergartens and Special Education (PPPPTK TK & PLB), the government provides training and services to teachers in the field of inclusive education and special education. The teacher trainers in PPPPTK TK & PLB are called WidyaIswara. The purpose of this study is to know the implementation of inclusive education in Indonesia from the perspective of WidyaIswara of PPPPTK TK & PLB. The research used qualitative method. This research was conducted on March 2nd, 2017 in PPPPTK TK & PLB located in Bandung, Indonesia. Data were collected using a questionnaire in the interview related to perceptions about special and inclusive education. The interview process used the instrument in interview form to experts that called WidyaIswara with closed-ended questions. A total of 3 Expert in Inclusive Education in PPPPTK participated in this activity. From the findings and discussion of the research, explained about WidyaIswara's perception about: 1) Awareness of students to go to school, 2) Grouping of students with special needs in special and general schools, 3) Distribution of Special Schools in Indonesia, 4) Supporting educational facilities and infrastructure in special and inclusive schools, 5) Teacher in special and inclusive Schools, 6) Learning Activities, 7) Children with special needs after graduation at a level of education, and 8) Government efforts.

Implementation of Inclusive Education Policy for Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Junior High Schools in Magetan Regency

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP)

This study aimed at describing the overall analysis of inclusive education policy in Magetan Regency which included 1) describing the implementation of the Magetan Regent Regulations number 35 of 2014 in inclusive Junior High Schools in Magetan Regency; 2) describing the obstacles in the implementation of Magetan Regent Regulations number 35 of 2014 in inclusive junior high schools in Magetan Regency and 3) describing the solutions carried out in supporting the implementation of Magetan Regent Regulations number 35 of 2014 in inclusive junior high schools in Magetan Regency. The design of this research was descriptive qualitative research with a policy research design. The objects in this study were SMPN 1 Sidorejo Magetan and SMPN 4 Magetan. Research methods or techniques were interview, observation, and documentation. This study used Content Analysis which was carried out through 3 stages, namely (1) data reduction, (2) data display or data presentation, (3) drawing conclusions or data verification. The results of this study indicated that the implementation of Magetan Regent Regulations inclusive education was carried out with the aim of providing opportunities for children with special needs to obtain education in the regular class, there were several obstacles that arose in implementation activities related to students, educators, curriculum, infrastructure and funding. Nevertheless the local government as the spearhead of implementing inclusive education is making various efforts to minimize the obstacles that occur by carrying out several activities that support the competence of teachers in serving children with special needs.

Mainstream versus Special Needs Educators: Comparisons of Knowledge Levels towards Their Roles and Responsibilities in Supporting Inclusive Education (Guru Arus Perdana berbanding Guru Pendidikan Khas: Perbandingan Tahap Pengetahuan terhadap Peranan dan Tanggungjawab dalam Menyokong Pendidikan In...

Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia, 2020

With inclusive systems requiring major transformation and metamorphosis to educators' traditional responsibilities, extensive shifts to these "inclusive roles" are becoming a problem for both mainstream and special needs educators who find themselves in dexterous, multifaceted, overlapping and clashing responsibilities. This study examined and compared the knowledge levels of 608 mainstream and special needs educators across Malaysia towards their roles and responsibilities in supporting inclusive education in Malaysian primary schools in three stages, namely the pre-transition during transition, and post-transition stage. Questionnaire was constructed to collect data, and the data obtained was analysed descriptively. Findings indicated a general lack of knowledge among mainstream educators and special needs educators in all stages of the transition process, which is symptomatic that both groups of educators are beyond their capabilities, competencies and incontrovertibly their skills and knowledge in inclusive education. Furthermore, findings revealed that the special needs educators are marginally more knowledgeable in supporting inclusion as compared to the mainstream educators at all stages of inclusive transitions. The findings implicate that the transformation from traditional roles to modern inclusive job roles interfere with the comparison in knowledge levels between both mainstream and special needs educators and the lack of role clarity may be related to self-depreciating feelings and selfreports of lower confidence in their knowledge ability.

Descriptive Study of the Competence of Special Guidance Teachers for Inclusive Schools in Surakarta


Inclusive education is education that allows learners with mental or physical disabilities the equal opportunity to learn alongside peers their age in regular schools. Inclusive education tries to minimize negative perceptions toward children with disabilities. A special guidance teacher's role is significant in maximizing children's academic and non-academic development. The purpose of this study is to determine how to optimize the role and responsibilities of special guidance teachers in inclusion schools, to ascertain the impact that the absence of special guidance teachers has on inclusion schools, and to ascertain the school's efforts to overcome the effects of the unavailability of special guidance teachers in inclusion schools. The descriptive qualitative method was used in this study. The study gathered data from principals, special guidance teachers, and classroom teachers. Interviews, observations, documentation, and questionnaires are used to collect data. The...

Evaluation of Policy Inclusive in Junior High School in SMPN 2 Sewon and SMP Taman Dewasa Kumendan

Proceedings of the International Conference on Special and Inclusive Education (ICSIE 2018), 2019

This research aims to evaluate the implementation policy of inclusive schools in two junior high schools, State Junior High School 2 of Sewon Bantul and Junior High School of Taman Dewasa Kumendan to handle children with special needs in public schools. This research used qualitative descriptive research by evaluating used discrepancy model. Discrepancy evaluation model by looking at how implementation in the field is there a gap with the desired goal. The subjects of this study were 5 regular teachers and 2 special counselor teachers at Sewon 2 Junior High School and 2 special teachers 1 special companion. The focus of this evaluation object was to look at policies and implementation of inclusion. The object of this research was the policy of inclusive program. Data collection technique used were in the form of observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis with data reduction, data display and conclusion. The research implementation was conducted by observing the inclusive education activity at school, then in the next phase did interview with teacher to see how the policy implementation of inclusive school toward children learning with special needs by using discrepancy evaluation model. The findings of this research show that the policy of PERMENDIKNAS No 70 Year of 2009, inclusive education as an education managing system that gives opportunities for all learners who have abnormalities and potential to indicate that the program has been implemented, and with the policy of inclusive education programs in schools. By learning which is given by teachers can improve learning for children with special needs in schools with teachers given training and workshops regularly to explore the potential of children with special needs to be more independent both in environment of school and community.