Preservation of digital literature (original) (raw)


Este artigo realiza uma reflexão abrangente sobre as políticas de preservação digital para documentos arquivísticos, com ênfase na manutenção da fidedignidade e na garantia de acesso em longo prazo. Desta forma, são perpassados os seguintes aspectos: a evolução das tecnologias da informação; o advento do documento digital; o uso de padrões abertos; o uso de metadados; os custos relacionados; a segurança; e o planejamento da preservação em longo prazo. A metodologia consiste no levantamento bibliográfico-documental, composto por materiais previamente publicados, dentre eles: livros, teses, dissertações, textos em sites da Internet e artigos em periódicos científicos indexados no Google Scholar. Constitui uma revisão de literatura, que aborda principalmente trabalhos contemporâneos, publicados nos últimos quinze anos, período em que as discussões sobre a preservação digital se acentuaram. Desta forma, os dados coletados são processados através da análise qualitativa, e posteriormente, estruturados em seções temáticas, que apontam os principais entraves teóricos. Digital preservation policies for archival documents Abstract This article presents a comprehensive reflection on digital preservation policies for archival documents, with emphasis on maintaining the reliability and guaranteed access in long-term. Thus, the following aspects are covered: the development of information technologies; the advent of digital document; the use of open standards; the use of metadata; related costs; the security; and planning of preservation in long-term. The methodology consists of search bibliographic and documentary, composed of previously published material, including: books, theses, dissertations, texts on Internet sites and articles in scientific journals indexed in Google Scholar. It is a literature review, which mainly addresses contemporary works published in the last fifteen years, period when discussions on digital preservation have widened. Thus, the collected data is processed by qualitative analysis and subsequently structured in thematic sections that link the main theoretical barriers.

O documento arquivístico digital enquanto fonte de pesquisa

Este estudo realiza uma reflexão sobre as transformações do documento arquivístico, contextualizando-o como fonte de pesquisa. Discorre-se sobre questões como a evolução das tecnologias da informação, suas consequentes vulnerabilidades e a perspectiva de acessar registros fidedignos. A metodologia consiste no levantamento bibliográfico de materiais previamente publicados, contando com livros, teses, dissertações e artigos científicos. Os dados coletados são analisados de forma qualitativa, e apresentados na forma descritiva. Tais aspectos configuram este estudo como um artigo revisão com caráter assistemático. A discussão está centrada em três pontos: confiabilidade, preservação e acesso. Estes pontos são debatidos com a finalidade de preservar documentos digitais fidedignos no longo prazo garantindo o acesso e a sua correta interpretação por parte dos usuários potenciais. Por fim, este estudo contribui para a sedimentação do documento arquivístico digital como uma fonte de pesquisa, e salienta a importância de uma revisão constante das práticas de preservação digital até que ela atinja a mesma expertise que a preservação tradicional. The digital archival document as research source This study makes a reflection on the transformations of archival document, contextualizing it as a source of research. Are discussed issues such as the evolution of information technologies, their consequent vulnerabilities and the prospect of accessing reliable records. The methodology consists on lifting of bibliographic material previously published, with books, theses, dissertations and scientific articles. The collected data is analyzed qualitatively and presented in a descriptive way. These aspects make up this study as an article review with unsystematic. The discussion focuses on three points: reliability, preservation and access. These points are discussed in order to preserve reliable digital documents in long-term ensuring access and its correct interpretation by potential users. Finally, this study contributes to the consolidation of digital archival document as a source of research, and stresses the importance of a constant review of digital preservation practices until it reaches the same expertise that traditional preservation.

The Atlas of Brazilian Digital Literature (by Rejane Rocha)

Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures, 2022

The Atlas of Brazilian Digital Literature is the first and the only digital archive of digital literature in Brazil to date. It reunites the documentation (taxonomic description, images, videos, interviews with the authors, and critical fortune) of 150 works and counting. This article reports the challenges related to the construction and maintenance of the Atlas, which led to the formation of the Brazilian Digital Literature Observatory, a research group dedicated to follow and critically analyze the production of Brazilian digital literature, to propose alternatives for its preservation, and to discuss the changes in the literary system at a time when print culture and digital culture coexist.

Preservation of digital literary works : another model of memory ?

Digital technology has raised great hopes in the field of heritage preservation. It has appeared as a solution to the problems of media decomposition and content accessibility. Theoretically, digital technology permits perfect reproduction, ubiquity (non competitive access to content), universality (any content can be digitalized) and homogeneity (the life cycle is integrated in an interoperable technical system). But in reality, one has to face issues such as the emergence of new formats and the logical obsolescence of content, the proliferation of transformed copies and complex and heterogeneous reading environments.

Preservation of digital literature: from stored to reinvented memory


Regarding preservation, the digital age is the most fragile and complex context in the history of humanity. The added-value of digital technology is thus not where one expects. The digital medium is not a natural preservation medium, but digital technology makes us enter another universe which is a universe of reinvented and not stored memory. From this point of view, digital literature can be regarded as a good laboratory to address digital preservation: it makes it possible to raise the good questions and presents the digital age as a move from a model of stored memory to a model of reinvented memory.

Preservation of digital literature: from stored memory to reinvented memory

Cibertextualidades, 2013

Bouchardon, S., Bachimont, B. (2013). « Preservation of digital literature: from stored memory to reinvented memory », Cibertextualidades N°5, 184-202. ---------- Regarding preservation, the digital age is the most fragile and complex context in the history of humanity. The added-value of digital technology is thus not where one expects. The digital medium is not a natural preservation medium, but digital technology makes us enter another universe which is a universe of reinvented and not stored memory. From this point of view, digital literature can be regarded as a good laboratory to address digital preservation: it makes it possible to raise the good questions and presents the digital age as a move from a model of stored memory to a model of reinvented memory.

The Atlas of Brazilian Digital Literature

Journal of Foreign Languages and Culture, 2022

The Atlas of Brazilian Digital Literature is the first and the only digital archive of digital literature in Brazil to date. It reunites the documentation (taxonomic description, images, videos, interviews with the authors, and critical fortune) of 150 works and counting. This article reports the challenges related to the construction and maintenance of the Atlas, which led to the formation of the Brazilian Digital Literature Observatory, a research group dedicated to follow and critically analyze the production of Brazilian digital literature, to propose alternatives for its preservation, and to discuss the changes in the literary system at a time when print culture and digital culture coexist.



La cuarta revolución industrial nos ha alcanzado, trayendo consigo innovaciones, retos y hasta nuevos paradigmas; donde los avances tecnológicos desempeñan un papel preponderante, en cuanto al acceso a la información, acortar distancias y tiempos. Para ello, las organizaciones están apostando al uso de la tecnología y con ella, de los documentos electrónicos para maximizar su eficacia y al mismo tiempo ser más eficientes. En este panorama, lo inmaterial se está convirtiendo en la única evidencia de nuestro conocimiento y de nuestra huella como sociedad, lo que vuelve urgente la implementación de técnicas y métodos para asegurar la preservación de la memoria organizacional y colectiva, pero también para garantizar la evidencia de la legalidad y de la transparencia en la gestión de las organizaciones. La norma ISO 13008:2012 define preservación como: “Los procesos y operaciones realizados para garantizar la permanencia intelectual y técnica de los documentos auténticos a lo largo del tiempo” (pág. 8); por lo que, la preservación digital debe asegurar el acceso a la información digital a largo plazo, manteniendo el valor de sus propiedades significativas, en un ambiente en constante evolución; razón por la cual los desafíos deben considerar la obsolescencia tecnológica. Sumado a lo anterior, el conjunto de documentos en soporte digital crece en ausencia de regulaciones, dificultando la preservación de los documentos esenciales para la administración y la toma de decisiones, es impostergable contar con una estrategia nacional que permita garantizar la autenticidad, perdurabilidad y acceso a los documentos digitales; uno de los desafíos más apremiantes de la época. La preservación de la evidencia y la historia contenida en los documentos digitales fortalece la transparencia, la gestión administrativa en general, asegura a la ciudadanía gozar y mantener sus derechos. Desarrollar una política nacional y estrategias de preservación digital que aseguren el acceso a los documentos, garantizando a la vez su autenticidad e integridad a lo largo del tiempo, es un deber para con la patria, la ciudadanía y las nuevas generaciones.

Digital collections: practices of preservation and treatment of works


Given the current context, an age of technological innovations, thinking about old books in the printed format and not correlating them to the new moment is perhaps not the best of the alternatives, especially if we consider paper’s fragility. However, a question is necessary: What, after all, are the advantages of using digital support in the process of preserving a literary collection? Regarding the possible answers, we can say that there are many benefits gained from this process. Among them, we have the ease and speed of access to data and information, in addition to the democratization of knowledge. Thus, thinking of such advantages, the present study aims to present the possibilities of research in digital collections, as well as the preservation practices executed with literary collections in the city of Caxias-MA. In this article, we detail quantitative and qualitative researches that consist of data organization and systematization processes, available on the website Digita...

Necessidade de capacitação de gestores para preservação digital na Biblioteconomia, Museologia e Arquivologia

Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciência da Informação, 2016

O termo preservação digital vem sendo cada vez mais tido como importante em dias de conteúdo disponível na internet, e maciçamente neste formato. Uma figura importante nesse contexto que, porém, não tem recebido muita atenção nos estudos é o profissional da informação, e mais especificamente o gestor das unidades de informação com conteúdo digital. O objetivo desse trabalho é introduzir o tema de modo a contribuir com a discussão que ainda conta com esta lacuna, tanto na literatura nacional como na internacional, sob a ótica da Biblioteconomia, Arquivologia e Museologia. A partir de ampla revisão exploratória da restrita literatura sobre o tema, pode-se comprovar a escassez de material sobre o assunto, embora de suma importância, já que passa pelos gestores as decisões que levarão ao acesso e disponibilização de tal material a curto, médio e longo prazo. As áreas de Biblioteconomia, Museologia e Arquivologia contam cada vez mais com conteúdos disponíveis em meio digital. Cada uma de...