Communication Patterns of Government Public Relation in the Digital Era: A Content Analysis on Twitter Account of the Directorate General of Taxes (original) (raw)
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In the digital era, public organizations are inevitably required to adapt interactions with the public and manage information through online communication. This activity became one of the tasks carried by government public relations (PR). The objective of this research describes how the use of micro-level social media in public organizations to achieve PR objectives. The research locus is the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI). The research method used is qualitative. Data were collected through interviews and document studies. The result indicates that micro social media has been used ANRI since 2014, namely: Twitter and Facebook. In managing of social media, it is found that the PR model is asymmetric, the PR strategy is dominated by the proactive strategy with transparent communication type. The reactive strategy used deliberate inaction strategy. Social engagement in social media is still considered minimal. There is some information content that has signifi...
Transstellar Journals, 2019
Communication is a core function in public relations. Most of the definitions of Public Relations highlight the importance of Communication in Public Relations. Managing communication activities is the major responsibility of public relations practitioners. The internet has the biggest impact on Communication, both channels, and process. It has increased the efficiency, interactivity, and reach of communication (Haig, 2000). This, in turn, has also significantly influenced Public relations. Use of internet and interment enabled communication platforms has made a significant impact on communication between organizations and their various stakeholders as well as within the organization. Websites and Social Media are two integral parts of Online Public Relations used by organizations across the world. The study aims at understanding the use of internet-enabled communication platforms by State-owned Public Sector Units in Odisha. Using Content Analysis method, the study analyses websites and social media accounts of all the 'working' PSUs of the Odisha Government. The Study finds that more than half of the State PSUs have a corporate website but their presence in social media platforms is very low. The PSUs are far behind in use of the website and social media for their communication and public relations activities. Most of the PSUs fail in including Kent and Taylor's (1998) principles of dialogic communication in their website and social media. The interactivity and two-way communication opportunity provided by websites and social media are hardly used by the PSUs.
Public Communication Strategy of Pangandaran Regency Government Public Relations in Digital Era
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences, ICSS 2019, 5-6 November 2019, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2020
Public communication is a communication activity related to the delivery of information to stakeholders in order to get public support. To obtain the image of institutions in the digital era, the Pangandaran Regency Government uses and utilizes social media Instagram as a medium of interactive communication and public information. The purpose of this research is to explore and explain the use of Instagram used by the Public Relations of the Pangandaran Regency Government to promote sustainable development programs. This research uses a qualitative method approach with descriptive study through data collection techniques of interviews, observations, and documentation of social media activities of the Public Relations of Pangandaran Regency in the period between January-August 2019. The results of the research show that Instagram as a communication and information media of the Pangandaran Regency Government public relations is considered to be effective in conveying development information and government policy in the form of text, photographs, and audio-visuals attracting the attention of the public to participate.
Kenyans have increasingly spent more time on social media and blog sites over the years. Many companies have also taken notice and are beginning to plug themselves into these outlets globally. The world’s leading on-line competitive service, social media have replaced pornography as the number one use of the Internet. Because of the escalating fame of these new technologies, it is important to examine the impact they have on the public relations practice. Social media is giving rise to a new style of communications that is characterized by conversation and society. It is significant to understand these new channels of communication in order to effectively utilize them as a means of communication with the public as well as to know what implications they bare on public relations practice.
Exploring Communication through Qualitative Research, 2017
Today, sweeping information and communication technologies lead to fundamental changes in daily life, as well as in the business world and in communication systems. By the diffusion of digital media, a new order has emerged in the communication world. This order not only creates a sort of liberty area in a physically untouchable environment, but also builds a widespread mass impact. Individuals find the lowest common denominator of time and space independently and create digital communities. Hence the socialization process from all corners of the earth is settled effectively and widely through new communication technologies. Unlike the traditional media, the speed of information flow, interactivity (and thus the emergence of new public cyber spaces), the apparent lack of censorship and control mechanisms and the potential power of developing participatory democracy make the internet the most effective and favorite communication tool in our era. Therefore, all of the technological developments and digital communication channels including the internet, which " is probably the most important technological and ideological apparatus " (Kazancı 2007, 368), have also gone into the public relations field with widespread discussions and studies. The opportunity of reaching the large masses in a faster and more efficient way makes the internet an inevitable tool for public relations (PR) practices as well. In addition to this, the adoption and implementation of new media into public relations can be seen as a consequence of correlative yet unparallel developments (Yıldırım Becerikli 2002). Until the recent past, public relations was understood as planned communication work, which is practiced for reaching the organisation's targets, and additionally both public relations and communication studies were interpreted as one-way, one-sided, positivist and mechanic, and based on monologue. However PR needs to be interpreted within its
Use of new media in the government run PR machinery: an Indian perspective
The Public Relations machineries of the government or the public sector establishments of all countries, irrespective of whether they are democracies or not, play a very important role in disseminating information about the various activities and welfare schemes of the government they represent. In case of democracies, their role is extremely crucial since their success or failure in spreading the good word about the activities of the government often decide whether the party in power emerges victorious in the elections or not. In case of the Government of India, the public relations and advertising activities are handled by primarily two agenciesthe Press Information Bureau (PIB)for media relations and the Directorate of Audio Visual Publicity (DAVP) for advertisements. The other crucial arms of the government such as the police, defence forces, railways, public sector undertakings etc have their own public relations departments. Generally, the information regarding the activities of the government are spread through press statements, conferences and print as well as audiovisual advertisements. However, the use of new media, that is, digital platforms available through internet have also become potent alternatives for the government to spread information. Effective use of this new option has tremendous potential since, using new media is cost effective and the dissemination of information is instant with the added advantage of instant feedback. The public relations machineries of the private sector have been very prompt in adopting these technologies and now a days, new media forms a very important part of their public relations strategies. However, the same cannot be said about the government sector. Barring a few exceptions, new media usage is still at its nascent stages in the government sector in the country. The Prime Minister of the nation, Mr. Narendra Modi is very active on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and also runs a website called where he invites citizens to submit their suggestions and grievances. The Ministries of Railways, Petroleum etc also have substantial presence on social media. Among the important central government organisations, the Delhi Traffic Police has presence on both Facebook and Twitter. They also have a mobile application and a dedicated WhasApp number for registration of complaints. The University of Delhi, a prestigious centre for higher education also, has a Facebook page to address the queries of the people. However, most of the government establishments lag behind in using new media. While, the usage of new media tools by the central government bodies is gradually improving, the scenario among the provincial governments of the states is rather bleak. The states execute their public relations activities through the directorates of information and broadcasting. Most of these arms do not have any social media presence and their websites are also poorly designed lacking any relevant information. Important arms of the government such as provision of certain services, complaint redressal can be done very effectively online, but the efforts in the Indian scenario are still not adequate. One of the primary reasons behind the inadequate usage of new media by the government arms is the apparent lack of penetration of the internet. However, as regards the penetration of the internet as well as the use of social media, India is today among the fastest growing markets in the world. Through programmes such as 'Digital India', the government of India is also trying its best to take internet to the villages and improve the overall infrastructure. Therefore, the public relations machineries working under the government must incorporate new media into their functioning as this will ensure much faster dissemination of information among the people of the nation. The use of new media has tremendous potential in forming positive public opinion regarding the activities of the government. The social media can help the government send messages instantly and the feedback also would be immediate and genuine, which would help them frame their future schemes and policies better. With the use of social media and an effective interactive website, the organisations would also be able to offset negative criticism of the government by the traditional media by directly connecting with the people through Facebook posts, tweets, clarifications on the website and so on. They would emerge as the gatekeepers of the information themselves and would not depend on the traditional media to carry their news. I. Objectives of the study 1. To analyse the current scenario of new media usage by the public relations establishments of the government run departments and undertakings in India.
Social Media, Traditional Media and Marketing Communication of Public Relations
Public relations are undertaking more important role in the marketing communication and advertising. The present paper reports a survey conducted in three Iranian banks’ public relations departments to understand how they use different media in their marketing communications and other related functions. A classification of public relations functions including fourteen functions in three categories has taken as research framework and by using a questionnaire, eight media have been asked to rank for each function, includes Television, Radio, Newspaper, Magazine, Classified Ads, Internet Websites, Social media and finally Mobile and SMS ads. Findings show that traditional media still play a dominant role in media consumption of public relations, while new Web2.0 media consist of Mobile communications and Social networks, have never ranked better than fifth from eight. Some reasons have been argues in conclusion.
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2013
Current changes in technology and the role of the Internet open up new opportunities for companies both to communicate with the public and organisational functionality of its own structure. The fact that Social Media entered the business landscape, can be globally experience in the novel ways of communication, particularly between all stakeholders in organisation's environment, but also in growing tendency in search for the new knowledge and expertise in digital environment. Organisations existing in brick-and-mortar landscape, observing ongoing and continues development of the digital technologies that ubiquitously transforming the way we perceive a role of marketing and making Public Relations more fascinating discipline in the XXI century. Becoming more exposed to the public, marketers needs to understand importance of their role in the new age of digital era but more importantly to be able to adapt to a new environment by building their digital presence with accordance to tomorrow's reality and prevailing expectations. Every geographical region has its own unique approach in practicing public relations and building their own understanding of that concept. What is more, one also has to take into consideration the relations between corporate culture and organizational environment and it's influence on certain managerial practices. Broadening the traditional perspective and communication by the new and growing acceptance of the era, internet is defining new rules, that continuously supported by the visionary and innovatory approach of modern organisations, not only modelling PR and marketing but companies as a whole. The aim of this article is to identify the changing trends of the new PR model that continuously evolve in the digital era and changing our way of building robust two-direction communication channel. Unauthenticated Download Date | 10/17/16 2:01 PM
A Study on The Impact of Government Using Social Media as Medium in Sharing Information to Public
Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 2021
The role of a mother alone is very challenging. With an additional role as a student or a worker add Several Studies shows that the used of social media as flatform of communication. The wide use of social media has changed the value of the information and individual role. Social media has been a great platform for knowledge sharing and even getting better as medium of communication and collaboration. The study aimed to examine the Impact of Government Using Social Media as Medium in Sharing Information to Public. The independent variables (Value, Role, Membership, Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration & Intention) of this study were used as primary goals of this research, while the dependent variable is Used of Social Media. The impacts that the users received from the new method, which is the social media that open the opportunity for people to gain tremendous knowledge not only on the past stories where it has become history, but also the current news which is latest and in a real-time basis story and news. The data collected from the quantitative study were distributed to the public in Kuala Lumpur via questionnaires to 150 respondents, since the researchers assume that Kuala Lumpur has a high population density from various population groups. Statically Package for Social Science (SPSS) were used to analyze the correlation and determining the validity of the hypotheses. This study found that people are not really being impacted from the information shared from government agencies. It is recommended for future researcher to study the link between social media as a medium in sharing information with the aspect that impacted in people daily life and the role of government in controlling the news and information.
Twitter as a public service medium? A content analysis of the Twitter use made by Radio RAI and RNE
Communication & Society, 2014
Twitter seems to be, among the other social media, one of the best new media for drawing back the audience from internet to radio and to improve the engagement with listeners. This paper analyses the practices of public radio in Social Media focusing on the use of Twitter by two European public broadcasters: RAI (Italy) 126 and RNE (Spain). PSM role in society is being questioned and asked to extend its service to include a new media strategy. The study aims to understand how public service operators adapt themselves to the new multi platform scenario which should drive them to change the relationship with their listeners.