The Application of Model Thematic Learning to Building Basic Capability for Children with Special Needs (original) (raw)

Thematic Learning Model on Lower Class Student in SDIT Ukhuwah Banjarmasin


Thematic learning is one of the integrated learning model that uses themes to link some subjects so as to provide meaningful experiences to students. The purpose of this research is to describe the basic concept of thematic learning model which applied to SDIT Ukhuwah Banjarmasin, its implementation and implication. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive phenomenological method. Furthermore the authors use content analysis to analyze information on curriculum documents SDIT Ukhuwah Banjarmasin. The results of this study are the basic concept of thematic teaching model applied to SDIT Ukhuwah Banjarmasin, implementation of thematic learning model including planning, implementation and evaluation. The thematic learning model has implications for teachers, students, textbooks and has implications for facilities, infrastructure, learning resources and instructional media.

Comparative Study of Education for Children with Special Needs in Malaysia and Indonesian Primary School

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

The article aims to compare the implementation of education for children with special needs in primary schools in Malaysia and Indonesia. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach. Data was used using literature studies, observations, and interviews. The subjects used were elementary schools in Surakarta City, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The data is analyzed by means of comparative analysis. The results showed that Indonesia and Malaysia apply the concept of inclusion in the education of children with special needs. In terms of Technology, Malaysia is more advanced by introducing educational Technology such as applications and assistive Technology. This study shows a comparison of education for children with special needs in the two countries, and it is hoped that this study can recommend good practices for the effectiveness and improvement of the quality of education for children with special needs in elementary schools.

Difficulty of Teacher in Implemeting Thematic Learning in Basic Schools in Merauke Papua

International Journal of Research, 2020

The purpose of this study was to describe the difficulties that were attended by elementary school teachers in Merauke district in implementing thematic learning based on the 2013 curriculum. This research was motivated by elementary school teachers in helping thematic learning in the learning process, as well as to learn things that were the result of difficulties teachers and solutions to overcome existing problems. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects in this study were 22 elementary school teachers in Merauke and 5 school principals. The data collection technique used in this research is by transferring questionnaires to each school, interviewing together with the teacher, and documenting the application of thematic and learning tools. The analysis in this study contains data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results of this study obtained data on elementary school teachers in Merauke district as a theoretical understanding of th...

The Implementation Inclusive Education: Implication for Children with Special Needs in Tamansari Elementary School in Yogyakarta

International Journal of Educational Management and Innovation

Many children with special needs do not have access to education. The number of children with special needs who have to attend primary school is still very minimal. Most schools only provide regular education, while students are ordinary children who do not need special needs in their education. This study aims to describe the model of implementing inclusive education in Tamansari Elementary Schools and find problems in implementing inclusive education. The research method is qualitative interactive. Data collection use interviews, observation, and documentation methods. Data analysis uses interactive analysis. The results showed that Tamansari Elementary School used a full class model. Identification and assessment are carried out before accepting students with special needs. This is done to gather information before preparing a learning program for students with special needs according to their learning needs. The curriculum is modified to suit the children’s needs. The special te...


The Government of Kenya in its effort to provide education for all, regardless of ethnicity, gender, family background or physical abilities, initiated Special Units to cater for the educational needs of Children with Special Needs in a less restrictive environment through integration program. The program was to provide appropriate curriculum modification, teaching methods, education resource and learning environment so as to enhance access, retention, completion, transition and creation of awareness for the children with special needs. This paper examines the nature of training and orientation given to teachers in relation to the Special Needs Education, and the types of educational resources available for Special Needs Education based on a study of schools in Kakamega District. The study adopted descriptive survey research design and Psacharopoulos' Production Function Model. The population consisted of 753 Children with Special Needs, 1000 ordinary pupils in class seven, 82 teachers of children with Special Needs and 56 heads of schools. A systematic random sampling technique was used to pick 26 Special Needs Education teachers; 13 head-teachers of schools with Special Units and 300 ordinary pupils. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 13 schools with Special Units while Cluster sampling technique was used to draw 230 Children with Special Needs for the study. For the purpose of data collection, questionnaires were used for teachers and ordinary pupils. Interview schedules were also used to collect data from head-teachers and children with special needs while observation schedule was used to supplement the information received from questionnaires and interview schedules. Qualitative data was received in verbatim, transcribed and put into various categories and then presented in themes. Quantitative data was

Education Service Management Model in Special Needs Children at Inclusive Elementary School inSamarinda, East Kalimantan

The development of an education management model for children with special needs (ABK) is needed as a guide for the implementation of inclusive education to make it more optimal. The purpose of this study was to develop an assessment model and learning preparation for children with special needs in Samarinda City. The models developed are a placement assessment manual, a service model, and an individual preparation model for mentally retarded and mentally disabled children.This research also develops a collaboration model between the parents of these children with special needs and the school. The model that has been developed was tested and implemented in five elementary schools in Samarinda City. The results of the validation of the inclusive education expert were stated to be very good, with a difference of 3%. The results of the implementation in schools that provide special needs education show that this model is effective for placing children based on student track record data so that the teacher can make learning preparation more effective. The management model for education services for children with special needs has the efficacy of improving services and assessments for children with special needs in Samarinda City reaching 95%.