The ASEAN Way: A Barrier to the 2015 ASEAN Integration? (original) (raw)
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The ASEAN Way: Regional Integration Processes and Limits to Integration in Southeast Asia
This paper retraces the organizational origins of ASEAN and examines how regional integration processes have given birth to ASEAN’s contemporary organizational design. To assess ASEAN’s origins, the paper firstly examines the legacy of European colonialism, the Japanese campaigns in Southeast Asia during WWII, regional decolonization processes following the end of WWII and the outbreak of the Cold War. The paper posits that Southeast Asia’s historical experiences of outside interference played a key role in shaping the ASEAN Way and its politico-normative emphasis on non-interference. The paper subsequently examines how the ASEAN Way has shaped regional integration processes, specifically in the case of economic integration. The analysis finds that ASEAN’s organizational expansion in the 1990s was accompanied by a growing internal heterogeneity, resulting in internal tensions that the ASEAN Way prevents from comprehensively addressing. In this light, the ASEAN Way continues to serve its original functions but constrains further regional integration in the process.
The 'ASEAN' Way: Bedrock of Regional Integration or Mere Impediment?
This paper explores the questions whether and in how far ASEAN is a success for Southeast Asia, which challenges the regional organization faces and whether it should move to deeper integration in the future. Following a brief overview of the historic development of ASEAN (part II), the achievements and difficulties of the regional organization are summarized (part III). Against this background, the paper analyzes whether and how accomplishments might be realized in the future and in which way ASEAN might overcome impediments on its way to deeper regional integration. The analysis ends with a summary of the main findings and a conclusion (part IV).
The ASEAN Way to Asia-Pacific Security Community
Jurnal Sentris, 2020
ASEAN oleh banyak pihak telah dianggap sebagai salah satu dari organisasi regional di dunia yang dapat mempertahankan stabilitas dan keamanan wilayahnya dengan menggunakan nilai – nilai Asia mereka, yang dikenal oleh banyak orang sebagai ‘The ASEAN Way’. Dengan menggunakan konsep pembentukan komunitas keamanan oleh Adler dan Barnett, tulisan ini menjelaskan bagaimanakah peran the ASEAN Way dapat membentuk komunitas kemanan Asia – Pasifik, ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF). Proses pembentukan komunitas keamanan dibagi menjadi tiga: adanya faktor internal dan eksternal; kekuatan dan kesamaan persepsi serta hubungan yang terus berlanjut; dan rasa percaya serta identitas bersama. Dalam pembentukannya, ARF didasari oleh keinginan ASEAN untuk menjaga stabilitas di Asia – Pasifik setelah Perang Dingin dan juga mempromosikan nilai – nilai ASEAN ke cakupan yang lebih luas. Kemudian, the ASEAN Way juga sangat berperan sebagai soft power dan persepsi yang menjadi dasar hubungan antarpartisipan ARF. S...
This article proposes a theory that the strategic preferences of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) members should be a key variable in explaining the ASEAN integration process over the last four decades. ASEAN integration will not progress as rapidly and substantially as many of its leaders claim unless there are re markable developments in factors that affect the underlying pref erences of ASEAN states, such as a significant increase in intra ASEAN trade and investment. a much stronger pressure from do mestic businesses for deeper integration or external shocks that threaten the region's economic growth. While the progressive path of European integration illustrates that an independent and strong supranational institution is necessary to handle the complex processes of regional integration the strategic-preference theory of ASEAN integration presented here predicts that this will not be the top policy priority of its leaders in the near future.