Pengaruh Media Vis Ual DI Ruang Kelas Terhadap Minat Dan Hasil Belajar Kimia Siswa (original) (raw)
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Konfigurasi : Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia dan Terapan
This research was instigated by the low of student learning achievement, student learning interest, and the use of internet based instructional media at the school. It was based on the results of preliminary observation that was conducted in the Chemistry learning process. The use of Quipper School instructional media aimed at increasing student learning interest in order to increase student learning achievement. This research aimed at knowing whether there was an effect of learning using Quipper School media toward student learning achievement and interest on Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte Solution lesson. It was an experimental research. All the tenth-grade students of Senior High School of Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru, there were 6 classes and 166 students. Purposive sampling technique was used in this research. In this case, the tenth-grade students of Natural Science 3 were selected as the samples based on the observation in the field and Chemistry subject teacher considera...
Jurnal Kajian Pembelajaran dan Keilmuan, 2021
This study aims to determine where there is as significant difference achievement between those who are tought using Sikakimi Media and without between those who are tought using Sikakimi Media who are the topic structure material and to determine the effect size of Sikakimi an students achievement. To achievement the aims, a quasy experimental design was conducted to classes from populations which consists of four classes where choosen as samples though ramdom sampling technique. The sample were X IPA 1 class as experimental group and X IPA 3 as control group. Acoording to research design, with classes were given a set of test before and after treatment. To achieve the first aim, data tested using U-Man Whitney test and to achieve the second data tested using glass test. Acoording to U-Man Whitney data analysis, probality velue was 0,001 which meant there was a significant difference in achievement between both classes. Acoording to glasses test, the effect size score was 0,76 whic...
Pengaruh Media Prisma Leker Waiz Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa
Dimasa pandemi seperti sekarang ini, dunia pendidikan mulai beralih menggunakan pembelajaran berbasis online. Berdasarkan fakta banyak siswa yang mengalami kesulitan belajar dalam memecahkan masalah, media monoton, dan hasil belajar matematika siswa tergolong rendah. Berpandangan pada kondisi tersebut memunculkan ide bagaimana mengajar yang mudah dimengerti tanpa mengganggu kondisi psikologis siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh media PRISMA LEKER WAIZ terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian asosiatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Desain penelitian yang digunakan one group pretest posttest design. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa tes dan dokumentasi. Adapun metode analisis data meliputi beberapa tahapan diantaranya yaitu: uji kualitas instrumen (uji validitas, uji reabilitas, daya pembeda, tingkat kesukaran), uji pra penelitian (uji normalitas), uji hipotesis penelitian dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan metode analisis data yang telah dilakukan dapat dipaparkan bahwa ada pengaruh media PRISMA LEKER WAIZ terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa. Kemudian juga dapat dikatakan bahwa media PRISMA LEKER WAIZ yang telah digunakan dalam penelitian ini layak digunakan dimasa pandemi. Media tersebut juga memiliki isi yang jelas, mudah diakses, dan mudah dipahami siswa karena dilengkapi beragam bentuk latihan soal yang disertai kunci jawaban. Selain itu, media PRISMA LEKER WAIZ dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran berbasis online maupun offline.
A bstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar antara siswa yang diajar menggunakan media video-animasi dengan siswa yang diajar tanpa menggunakan media video-animasi pada materi kesetimbangan kimia dan besarnya pengaruh penggunaan media video-animasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 5 pontianak. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen semu ( Quasi Exsperimental Design) dengan rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah “ Non equivalent Control Group Pretest Postest Design. Analisis data dengan menggunakan uji U Mann Whitney . Hasil data menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar antara siswa yang diajar menggunakan media video-animasi dengan siswa yang diajar tanpa menggunakan media video-animasi. Pembelajaran menggunakan video-animasi memberikan pengaruh sebesar 27,34% terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 5 Pontianak. K ata kunci: video-animasi, hasil belajar, kesetimbangan kimia Abstract : Aims of ...
Pendipa, 2023
The purpose of this research was to increase interest in learning chemistry using learning video media from reviewing articles. The research method used was a literature review. The results show a literature review conducted on 17 scientific journal articles with the use of instructional video media used in each article to increase motivation and learning outcomes. The summary of this review article on the use of instructional video media as a method in learning from the results of the article review is that there is an effect of students in student learning and also has no effect on students in student learning. Based on these results, we conclude that the developed learning media is suitable for use as learning media.
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2016
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh bahan ajar multimedia terhadap hasil belajar dan persepsi mahasiswa pada matakuliah kimia organik I. Sebanyak 31 mahasiswa sebagai sampel diberikan pretes dan postes, serta angket untuk mengetahui reaksi mereka terhadap bahan ajar multimedia. Hasil yang diperoleh sangat positif dengan menghasilkan peningkatan terhadap hasil belajar. Mahasiswa merasa senang, termotivasi, dan tertarik untuk belajar kimia organik I dengan bahan ajar multimedia. Mahasiswa berharap pembelajaran lainnya bisa menggunakan multimedia. This study aimed to investigate the effect of multimedia teaching materials to students’ learning outcomes and perceptions in organic chemistry I courses. There were 31 university students as a sample that given pre-and posttest, and a survey to ascertain their reactions toward the multimedia teching material. The results obtained were very positive with an increase to the learning outcomes. Students felt happy, motivated, int...
Pengaruh Metode Discovery Learning Berbantuan Video Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kimia Siswa Sma
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah metode discovery learning berbantuan video berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar kimia siswa SMA. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah desain pre-experimental, dengan bentuk static group comparison. Sampel sejumlah empat puluh siswa diambil dari populasi siswa kelas XI SMA di Semarang menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah tes, observasi, dan angket. Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi biserial (r b ). Jumlah persen besarnya pengaruh ditentukan melalui harga koefisien determinasi r b 2 x 100%. Hasil dari penelitian diperoleh rata-rata nilai posttest kelas eksperimen 85,60 dan kelas kontrol 78,80. Hasil uji hipotesis terhadap nilai posttest diperoleh harga r b sebesar 0,42 yang berarti memiliki tingkat hubungan sedang. Harga koefisien determinasi r b 2 x 100%, sehingga besarnya pengaruh metode discovery learning berbantuan video terhadap hasil belajar sebesar 17,64%. Hasil belajar...
AbstrackThe research was aimed to find out the effect of powtoon toward motivation and learning outcomes on the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 12 Pontianak about Elements, compounds and mixtures subject material. Purposive sampling used to selecting the sample. The essay test and questionnaire about students’ motivation were used as instruments. The posttest results of both class were analyzed using the U-Mann Whitney test with a= 5%. The result showed that the value of Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) 0.000. It indicated that there was a difference between learning outcomes in control and experiment class. The questionnaire about students’ motivation results of both class were analyzed using the U-Mann Whitney test with a= 5%. It also revealed the value of Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) at 0.000. It indicated that there was the difference students’ motivation in control and experiment class. Powtoon as the media in learning procces effected toward the students’learning outcomes as much as 40...
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran TPS Dengan Media Icm Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kimia Siswa
Konfigurasi : Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia dan Terapan, 2018
This research aimed at knowing the effect of using TPS learning model with ICM media toward student chemistry learning achievement on Hydrocarbon lesson at the tenth grade of State Senior High School 2 Rumbiojaya. It was instigated by the low of student chemistry learning achievement on Hydrocarbon lesson at the tenth grade of State Senior High School 2 Rumbiojaya. It was a Quasi-experiment with pretest and posttest design. Two classes of the tenth-grade students owning the same homogeneity level were the samples, the tenth grade of classes 2 was as the experimental group and class 3 was as the control group, and Purposive sampling technique was used. Observation, homogeneity test as the preliminary data test, pretest and posttest as the final data test, and documentation were the techniques of collecting the data. t test used to analyze the final data showed that t observed was 2.038 and t table was 2.00 at 5% significant level. It meant that t observed was higher than t table , H 0 was rejected, and H a was accepted. It revealed that there was an effect of using TPS learning model with ICM media toward student learning achievement on Hydrocarbon lesson and the coefficient of effect was 8.6%.