Modern approaches to educating the creative personality of the new generation of specialists (original) (raw)

Effective Pedagogical Aspects of the Development of Creative Qualities in Students

International Journal of Education and Management Engineering

The current state of society requires students at educational institutions of any level and direction not only to master knowledge and skills that will be useful in their future professions but also have the ability to conduct an active dialogue with colleagues and management, the ability to clearly and persuasively express their point of view, and the ability to be mobile, active, and creative. This study aims to discuss the effective pedagogical approach on creativity of the students. The taken results of this observation contribute to the manifestation of the future specialist's selfdevelopment, self-realization, and the embodiment of his or her own ideas, which are aimed at originality. The student's creative abilities develop in all types of activities that are important for every student. The activation of student creativity is designed not only to awaken and maintain interest in various disciplines and modules, but also, most importantly, to help students realize the need to actualize their own creative abilities in educational and professional activities, ultimately leading to the formation of a graduate specialist competitive on the global education system.


Trakia Journal of …, 2003

The logical essence and structure of the theme cover one of the main mechanisms of student's personal development -the learning. The specific aim of the research is to reveal the true dimensions, determination and the dynamics of the creativity in the students' activity. The participants in this research are students of the schools of professional training and the teachers, teaching the subjects of general education and special subjects according to the specialization of the relevant school. On the strength of the analysis of the research results we could make a conclusion that the hypotheses formulated at the beginning of the research have been confirmed: the characteristics and the level of development of the creativity with the considerable part of students are insufficient for the successful commencing of their professional realization and for the considerable shortening of the stage of their adaptation to it; the actual structure, dynamics and the displaying of the students' creativity depend on the individual specificity of the personality.

About the Personal Creativity of the Students to Become Teachers

EDUWEB, 2021

The purpose of this research is to analyze the development of the creative potential of future educators as a mandatory prerequisite for the realization of their future professional activity. For the determination of the level of development of the creative potential of students from this profile, studying in the Master's program "Preschool and Primary School Pedagogy" a Methodology is used to assess the level of creative potential of A. Sharov's personality. This methodology makes it necessary to determine by selfassessment the personal qualities and the frequency of their manifestations, characterizing the level of development of the creative and potential. Analysis of the data obtained shows that creative qualities such as "innovation", "heuristics" and "reformism" have relatively low values, related to qualities such as "purposefulness", "authoritarianism", "intelligence", "practicality". The highest value is the quality "purposefulness", which is a sign of high motivation for professional activity and is a good basis for subsequent development of creative potential. The results obtained in the course of the experimental study give reason to argue that the need for development and inclusion in the educational process with future educators of models for the development of their creative potential is up to date.

Creativity: Can It Be Trained? A Scientific Educology of Creativity

Online Submission, 2005

The author, from the editorial's perspective, does not directly inquire with the axiologic and praxiologic educological questions, respectively, as: "Ought students be taught creativity in educative experiences that organically inhere in the teacher education program at Vilnius


The problem for developing creativity in the science, education and business, especially on the working place is derived from the specific modern social and cultural situation. Nowadays in the business, more than ever is important to look for the social creativity of the personality at all levels. In the last decade, the need of creative people is wanted more than ever. In this regard, the goal of our study is forming the structure of: standard of scientific creativity, model for the development of the educational creativity; model for development of creativity at the working place as total professional creativity, as well as approbation of its products in at least one professional area, as education. Creativity and scientific creativity have been discussed as well as skills needed for the creative scientist. The difference between creativity and scientific creativity has been addressed too in the first part of the paper. The literature review and analysis of several definitions of the scientific creativity support the development of a standard for its development through knowledge and skills. The most important skills for the creative scientific activity are presented in the paper. The standard, on one side, helps the scientist, who lectures students, pupils and adults in the development of creative scientific competence. On the other side, the standard is an instrument in appraising the level of self-development of the scientist, who might be a young one, beginner or mature scientist. The model of the functioning teacher (according to the standard of the profession) and the creative teacher has been presented in the paper. We have added characteristics of the creative type of education. In this regard, experimental study was conducted. During the experimental study, the following goal has been defined: to probe the model for development of professional creativity on the working place with teachers in two seminars on the topic „Developing creativity in the effective school. The practical seminars took place in April, May 2016 with 26 teachers from Dobrich city and 29 teachers from Varna city (total number 55 of the respondents). The following working hypothesis has been defined: if creative technology has been used during the practical seminars for teachers, then their results are expected to have characteristics of a creative educational product. To prove the hypothesis, six creative tasks have been given to participants. The need of creativity has been shown in the recent study on one side. On the other side, it shows that is possible to create parameters of standards for creativity at least in three different areas- science, education and business. The development of total professional creativity has been addressed too. It will be adapted based on the selected professional area. Results of applying models to the development of educative creativity on the working place of teacher are very encouraging. The preparation of creative human resources depends on the creativity of teachers and the way they manage the creativity on the working place. The relationship between creative educational product and creative productivity has been also proved.The study will benefit if results from transition of teachers to scientist are shared. In this regard, from 55 teachers, participants in the practical seminars in the two seminars, 17 publish their experience in the manual „Lessons in creativity―. The perspectives from the study are connected with standartizing of scientific creativity, proving that the creative education model is working, as well as developing model for the total professional creativity partly tested with teachers can be tested, added with characteristics and elements from every professional activity.

An Inquiry Concerning the Characterıstics of the Creative Person


This study was conducted with the participation of 20 pre-service science teachers. The study aims to examine pre-service science teachers’ views on the characteristics of the creative person. The data collected was analyzed by coding the answers. It was found that pre-service teachers mostly identified the following characteristics as the characteristics of a creative person: ‘thinks/interprets differently/originally’, ‘curious’, ‘enjoys research’, ‘has imagination’, ‘observant’, ‘self-confident’, ‘questions/enjoys questioning’, ‘sociable, not shy’, ‘open to new ideas’, ‘knowledgeable’, ‘farsighted’, ‘enjoys exploration’, ‘patient’, ‘enjoys learning’, ‘open to criticism’, and ‘talented’. These descriptions indicate that the creative person is considered to have a very wide and varied range of characteristics. This does not mean, however, that a creative person needs to have all of these characteristics at once. Keywords: creative personality characteristics, creativity, science edu...

Improving the creative abilities of teachers in the education system at the present stage

Инженерлік графика мен кәсіби білім проблемалары, 2010

In the modern world, one of the main tasks of the education system is the development of creativity. Creativity-(English, createto create, creative-creative, creative)-creative abilities characterized by a willingness to create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking, and are included in the structure of giftedness as an independent factor, as well as the ability to solve problems that arise within static systems. Creativity has many advantages. Creativity allows you to solve tasks, a good idea can help you find a way out of a difficult situation. Creative thinking helps a person to find the most unusual ways of development. Creativity makes life infinitely diverse. Creativity allows you to realize a creative idea. Creativity helps to find ways for self-realization. The article reveals the relevance of the development of creative thinking of students. The most significant characteristics of a person's creative thinking are determined. It is emphasized that the level of development of students' creative abilities can be increased if special methods and exercises are purposefully applied, and creative methods are actively used. The pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of the experience of creative thinking of students and the methods of pedagogical interaction are highlighted.

The main features of the development of creative abilities of a modern teacher in an innovative environment

Общество и инновации, 2021

The article is devoted to the consideration of the theoretical aspects of studying the psychologically creative readiness of teachers for innovative activities. Psychological and pedagogical studies devoted to the study of this phenomenon are analyzed. An attempt has been made to identify the structure of the teacher's psychological readiness for innovative activity, which will make it possible to determine and develop psychological and pedagogical technologies for its formation among teachers. The concept of the level of the pedagogical activity, which requires a restructuring of the motivational sphere of the teacher's personality, his value orientations, goals, attitudes, the hierarchy of external and internal stimuli, orientation, aspirations, interests, is also touched upon. Modern educational policy makes new demands not only on the content and technologies of teaching but also, first of all, on the personality of the teacher.

Verbal and non-verbal creativity of the students of the Conservatory

E3S Web of Conferences

The article deals with the features of verbal and non-verbal creativity of Conservatory students. The study used: methods for diagnosing verbal creativity (adapted version of The S. Mednik RAT test), methods for diagnosing nonverbal creativity (short version of the Torrens test), and the "picture of the world" method. The purpose of the study was to study the features of verbal and non-verbal creativity and the image of the world of students, as well as to study their relationships. Three groups of students: low, moderate, and high level of creativity, which describes the inherent types of the world picture, the features of the development of the creativity indices. It was shown that there are significant differences in the development of verbal creativity in the originality index for students with medium and low, medium and high, low and high levels of nonverbal creativity, and in the uniqueness index for students with high and low levels of nonverbal creativity. It was f...